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En engelsk dikt jag skrev för någon dag sedan. / An English poem I wrote a few days ago (läs "what happened that day.." först / read "what happened that day.." first)

What could possibly..?

What could possibly make it worse
It's like you have, on me, put a curse
I put on my new Converse
Why did I have to fall for a nurse

Well he's not a nurse yet
He is just this guy I met
The rain is pouring and making me wet
Still I'm waiting for the sun to set

Finally the sun rises to the sky
Beside me you sit and say "my oh my"
In your arms I want to lie
Everything is perfect, here I could die

But in his arms I'll never be
I don't want anyone other than he
Oh, why can you not see
What your smile do to me

Can't you see it makes me so sad
Oh why, oh way does it feel so bad
Your indifference makes me so mad
Why do you have to be so alike my dad

The sky is so very starred
Why does it have to be so hard
Please let me see you hidden card
Or are you protecting your heart like a guard

Fri vers av Juicehansson
Läst 153 gånger
Publicerad 2012-03-16 17:07

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