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Grieve son

It is ok to sleep now

it is ok to  breathe

as long as I am holding you

the night will come at ease


let the rest come, please


Cry your emptiness

my arm has endless strainght

and the wait of a grieving body

my soul can contain


//Son, the light will come soon enought

and the heartache will be ruff

but as the year goes by 

you will learn

about heart and stuff//


And you will grow to a man that learnd the hard way

Love is not always to stay,

Love is about taking stand

about life and forturne plans

it is a choice we have to make

Grown and all I am sure you will see

loves possibilitys.


Son  I know it aces

I se it in your smile

little child

it is time to be awake

and give love some time.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Yrre VIP
Läst 193 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-09 01:03

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