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Vi föds så rena och lena och varje dag ger ny kunskap, medvetenhet. Vi hamnar i olika sällskap och måste göra våra val.... Detta är en nyskriven låt jag gjort, musiken skall jag lägga till längre fram

I know only you can tell

If time just roll it´s killing your moves

it´s just a matter of knowing when.

You got all your quality strength,

but also disturbing frequences.

Life filles you up with everything,

only you can sort out the best of it.


It´s not just that easy,

I know, I know only you can tell


You were born on a plane white towel,

Nothing more than pure cream you came.

With food you got energy and brightness

and curiosity with signals to the brain.

You start climbing, reaching and yelling,

while surroundings corrected wrong ways


You´re mind was no more,

A piece for you only


Kept growing, started speaking

and made decisions with affect to parents

Starting compromise, got response for doing wright

And soon you act in portions and responsibility

You become youth, got a lot of impressions,

needs good company to hold the line


It´s not just that easy,

I know, I know only you can tell


Time goes and you with it

friends pass and come

Some get close, some keeps on distance

you find a lifepartner, a truelove

Your bag fills with + and –

Now you must choose the road for life


It´s not just that easy,

I know, I know only you can tell


My advice to you is to reflect your soul,

what´s best for you – in future

Sometimes one has to break roads in life

or even make new ones toward dreams

Too many live in a glasbulb with no energy,

too many are to weak to break the line


It´s not just that easy,

I know, I know only you can tell

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ole Sunnerfjell
Läst 289 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-07 16:06

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  Magica VIP
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Ole Sunnerfjell
Ole Sunnerfjell