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Wherever you are

I can not stand without you, no more

On that I am totally sure

So please can I go home to you tonight

Because it is you who are my hearts light

Baby I have been without you for too long

But maybe that makes me strong

I remember when you in my arms lay

Anyway I guess I just want to say

I miss you

Yes, and you can be sure I do

Save me now

Not because I know how

But one last time I want to sleep in your arms

Until I get waken by the alarms

That tells me that you have already got away

And you missed the moment when I wanted to say

I think I am in love with you

Do you love me too?

Please come back to me

Because I want you to be

Mine from now and forever


You Are…

Bunden vers (Rim) av FeP
Läst 174 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-26 20:46

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