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The Aisle

Imagine my love for you as a walk down a long aisle.

To the left you have a beautiful tree that will always feed you, with the most delicious apples so you'll never go hungry.

To your right you have a river, flowing with the freshest of water, so you will never be thirsty.

Walk down the aisle and you have a mirror with a beautiful frame, reminding you that I think your eyes are the most wonderful I have ever downed in.

At the end of the aisle there's a man standing, dressed to be wed, holding a flower, telling you "I will always be there when you need me".

Fri vers av Eric Hellberg
Läst 126 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-08 00:46

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Eric Hellberg
Eric Hellberg