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om rädslan för sanningar; mellan saknad finns sånger (choka)

yes darling, miss you
too -in the same way as you,
silently we fear;

I know when you lie
before I've heard your words, - I
get sad or upset;
I see it on your face, in
your eyes, hear it in your voice -
and still you want to
tell me something, fear the truth, -
near it perhaps in
beginning of your story...

you are like me -
we think the truth can hurt us,
we avoid it to be sure,
to keep our head up
with smallest amount of noise;
like proud and humble,
at the same time our own heroes -
happy to survive
one more time by grace and mercy;

yes darling, miss you too...

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Tarantaran
Läst 341 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-15 19:42

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  Lars Hedlin
Känslan i sanning berör!

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