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Doktor Sandy är en gammal pensionerad läkare i Athen. Översättning kommer att följa.

en dikt av doktor Sandy i Athen

Is idealism then dead and buried
just because materialism drives it over?
Is humanism then to capitulate
to ruthless unhumanity?
Must love then constantly give way to hatred
since hatred otherwise destroys her?
Must gentleness then succumb to hardness
just because hardness doesn\'t care?
Must then beauty be replaced by ugliness
just because ugliness expands?
Must then life give up to death
only because death exists?
– Yes, alas, as long as justice is controlled by injustice,
since thereby suicide is justified,
the ultimate protest against evil,
injustice, inhumanity and godlessness
in a highest possible appeal of life
in the final resort to despair crying out
in the highest and loudest outcry of existence
which outcries all eternity.

- doctor Sandy

Fri vers av Aurelio
Läst 280 gånger
Publicerad 2006-04-28 09:38

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