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It's my normal, she said.. what's yours? She continued: Mine is called bipolarity.

It's my normal

Flashing lights incessantly are splayed upon the ground,

in reds and blues and yellow hues they hit but make no sound.

These warning signs are loud and clear yet nothing you can see.

I try to shut them off and out, but still they're seen by me.


Everything is hot or cold, it's black or white - not gray.

Time travels at the speed of light or stops, and ends, and stays.

My choices are all crystal clear there is no fuzzy zone;

I make it happen now today, or fold and hide at home.


You look at me and think you see another pretty face,

but underneath the skin I'm in, is such another place..

I'm racing, hiding, pacing, trying - just to stay awake -

I hold my breath, and walk the line, and pray that I don’t break.

Bunden vers av Stephie
Läst 238 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2016-07-13 12:05

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THAT is good poetry, Stephie! Very perceptive. Thank you. I think that good poetry bring forth something, or some things, that can only be expressed in such a language. Poetry then become, not as Plato camplained (if i'm reading him right); just an elaborate way to say something ordinary, but art. And just like art it can express some spiritual quality that could not be percieved through any other medium. Your poem definitly does that. Not seldom do such a (true) poetic ability, such high sensitivity, come with some troubles of the soul. They are (i dare say, though not claiming to have any insight in this specific case) generally not brought on by the poet herself but by the meeting between a highly tuned spirit with a world that is not (nowadays, anyway) founded on the gracious principles of truth and beauty. Forgive my crude rambleings, just my way of saying Thanks!

Du skriver vackert och djupt.:-)
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