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before you post your selfie, please consider you've got to make the right pose with the camera in the right angle with the right light before you take your picture. try to look soft, be pretty, make your eyes pop. hide that jawline, flex your shoulders to look "buff" enough. look mysterious. be irritated or agonised. look powerful. try the bird perspective for a lighter touch. please try to not smear lipstick all over your teeth.
make yourself more masculine or feminine to make up for your "wrong" body & face features, to make an attempt to fit into society's beauty standards in & between the two categories "male" & "female". be either strong & passionate or open-minded & listening. be kind to others or set yourself in the first place, always.

we colour code our children for this, they're either one or zero, pink or blue, soft & quiet or bold & loud, straight... or not straight.
we need these binaries, otherwise we would be confused. they would be confused. it's either ones or zeros.


i never stopped being confused. i can't get a grip between the two. i simply don't want to choose. so--

ask computer. what other man-made tool could sort me into binaries if not a computer? it's all built for binaries. information and space. ones & zeros.

typing in... name, favourite colour, first pet... i was allergic for a while... parents' name, location of birth... enter.


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Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av svavel
Läst 266 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-12-08 22:57

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