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To be understood or not ... still it\'s about things that I wish I had forgotten ... Publicerad här tidigare i februari 2006

I still do remember you

Do you remember
when I was young
you used to say
you liked my tongue

to feel it on different places
in your utmost intimate spaces
deep behind in under
silky laces

Do you remember
me close to your breasts
my fingertips
my tender lips
on your hips
and where ever
you asked me to
be touching you

That is what I remember best
cause it used to make you tender
enough to receive
what you tought
me to believe
to be
all you ever wanted from me
- your supplying only honest sender

Utmost innocent, young and tender

I still remember
your sweet inviting smile
always bursting out of your
beautiful sweet blue eyes

every single piece
of your lies
before all and everyone
of the never ending goodbyes
each time I made you coming
over and over
just enough to recover
that I still was your ultimate lover

Still pretending
you could not ever stand
being without what you said
was my brand
- my addiction to
and my devotion for you
in your bed
with silky laces
and empty spaces
in utmost uncertain places

Now you are awaiting
an unfair conviction
due to your own addiction
to what you made me
feel for you

Your eyes are meeting mine
trying to search for
if there is a possible solution
A different conclusion
that might overturn
my present revolution

But time has passed goodbye
and I have been
in many different places
with and without
all kinds of empty spaces
behind and in under other silky laces
belonging to really beautiful faces

And now I know where I belong
what is right and what is wrong

You might beg me to forgive you
to give you hope for another reunion
in a different place in an other space
But I have moved on in my own pace
to a different place where for you
there are no vacant space

Now I do not ask why
I just look the other way
not even thinking goodbye

And I want you to understand and see
that you are nothing but a big disgrace to me
Something from my far back past
I only wish there were a legal punishment
that could for ever last
But there is not any of such luck to be found

So therefore I cast a spell on you
for ever lasting throughout the presence and the past
to be bound within a never ending future
to be your only remaining nature

I am not still left behind in the past
although the memories seems to be
a never lasting part of me …
Even though I do believe myself to be free
and that I do chose to be the man I want to be

I still am searching for silky laces
and uncertain empty spaces
although in different places …

I know you see
that the future is expecting me to be
and not to remain the same
innocent, young and tender
sender I once used to be
to you or others of your kind

You have no place left in my mind!

Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av Peter Stjerngrim VIP
Läst 349 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2017-05-05 02:34

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Peter Stjerngrim
Peter Stjerngrim VIP