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Open letter to whatever the fuck you are called.

Deep down under earth
You draged me down and I don’t know what is worst
That I unconsciously followed or that it made me go hollow
Dirty and black my dreams keep bringing me back
Your nagging eyes pierced me and convinced me ”until sunlight”
I did not know how to react because I didn’t feel so bright
Your acid made me trust you I’m glad I made them bust you
In a way that obviously was far from alright
your horrible penetration forced me to insight
Your cock looked like a fucking tree
With a look of devastation on my face I mumbled no no no this can’t be
From that deep disgusting K-hole that you digged me, you wouldn’t hear me
You dirtend my clothes as you forced yourself near me
Your fucking disgusting you fucking whore bag evil looser
You’re a fucking bruiser, accuser but most of all you are a user
You use your drugs to use women you are weak
Think you oh so smart but you’re just a japanease fucking geek

What you seek is what you get and this ain’t over yet
I’ll have to fucking heel but mark my words
I’ll never forget
Your lack of fear for me will stop you from seeing this as a threat
But I don’t need you to
You know it deep down
Never mind, not even deep down you have it on your mind all the time
That your soul is the definition of a crime
And your sad little soul is nothing but a hole
And you’re raping girls tryna make yourself whole
Apparently that is your way of fulfilling your life goal
There will be a day of realization
You will never fix that with penetration, well in a way you will
Believe me, there will be some kind of slap in your face that will put you in to place
You don’t have what it takes to live up to the human race, whatever that is
I know you see this coming and it doesn't sadden me at all
I am gonna rise up and you, you’re gonna fall
In pain you will squeeze in to a pathetic ball
You will realize once and for all
That you are fucking small
Your world will be even blacker than what it is now
And you’ll want to escape so bad but you wont know how
Once again, you will not be in control of your life
So you’ll try to fix it like before
You decide to penetrate your disgusting guts with a knife

Now you’re standing there in devastation with your blade
You are shaking, lonely, empty and afraid
But just like before, you are not brave
Your hands are shaking and your mind is screaming do it
The voices are getting more and more eager
Still you are a weak piece of shit so you can’t go through with it
Shut up you scream in despair
In desperation you start pulling your hair
This is more than your tragic existence ever could bare
You’re screaming from the top of your lungs
In your pathetic delirium you start singing songs
you’re walking in circles and your sick of yourself
You will go to an emotional jail if you fail
And oh Lord you are failing, just like every other day in your life
You disgust everyone you meet like a nasty fucking spice
In your head it is all lies and you can feel your heart soften as it dies
You cut a slice of your arm but your foolish ass can’t stand the sight of your own blood
without bursting in to panic
You are a pathetic fucking coward, oh my god this is tragic
Just fucking do it the voices now demand
Haha, but you just stand there starring at the knife in your hand
your blood is coloring the floor
come on the voices scream, you don't want to live anymore
You jump up and down and wish you where never born
I bet you didn’t see this coming as with my self and my soul you fucking torn
You regret that you ever outerred a word you regret walking around in this world
When you lie in that state I will be there to support you with my deepest hate
Scumbag I’ll be your mirror and things you will face
and you will regret every fucking girl that you raped
you will cry and I will smile as I explain, what you already know, that it’s too late
With your bare hands you are claiming for you fait
But believe me, that will do you no good
Let me make myself clear, I don’t want to be misunderstood
You made it for me impossible to feel good
I admit I handled it well
Probably better than I could ever tell
You pierced my soul deeply
And I despice you completely
Yet somehow I am greatful to you
I am honestly greatful for what you putted me through
And your delirium as I described it before
That’s none of my interest, I don’t wish it to be like this
It’s just a big fucking quinsident, it is.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Linnea Roslund Erlandsson
Läst 375 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2018-09-09 05:13

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Linnea Roslund Erlandsson
Linnea Roslund Erlandsson