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My lovers

Right now Im in a kitchen
filled with lovers
And we share together some superficial laugh and tears
Tonight everyone is a winner
And we share together some coke and some bears
And stupifity appears to be another fact

Tonight is the night to kill the boredom
My lovers they discuss their lives and people who ones tore them
Tonight everyone is a saint
The fundamental goodness keeps me down on my chair
But I would rather be alone forgive me I must be sensere
I’d be anywhere but here

Tonight is the night to celebrate
But my lovers lost their minds and they lost their faith
Tonight everyone is a sinner
I watch my lovers as their visions growing thinner
And they talk of life as it would be some kind of hell
I guess they don’t know life that well

Tonight is the night to lose yourself
So I dress upp just like my lovers and I play the roll well
Tonight I am a fool again
My lovers do suggest that they love me the best
But I know that I must leave them to fulfill my quest
And right now, Im failing the test

Right now I’m in a kitchen with no one around
My lovers is looking for peace they turn everything upside down
Tonight everyone is a seeker
And I think of my lovers as myself just slightly weaker
Their emotions are chained up in jail
And they put their hearts out every night for sale
But who am I to point out failure

Humans and addictions got a hold on me, it’s got a hold on me
And I don't know, I don't know how to break free
Tonight I long for the guillotine
Heart of mine, make up your mind, are you tortured or are you fine?
Sweet heart of mine, excuse me while I twist my spine
This is me as the curtains unwind

My lovers, you may think that I am turning cold
The truth is I can’t live in black while chasing gold
And your ignorance, your hatred is fucking toxic to the bone
But my lovers I will keep you in my pocket
I’ll keep you in this lil heart shaped box of mine
Forgive me, but I’ll lock it
Cause empathy wont be the death of me
I’m sorry

Fri vers (Fri form) av Linnea Roslund Erlandsson
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2019-01-02 22:30

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Linnea Roslund Erlandsson
Linnea Roslund Erlandsson