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Flaskposten ( forts. på Människor mot maskiner)

Samtliga forskare som hade varit involverade i det såkallade ASA (Artificial Self Awareness) projektet var nu döda, men en av dessa hade sumpat eller medvetet som en flaskpost dumpat sin dagbok. Jag hade hittat den inkilad i en ventilations glipa och först utan att bry mig om dess innehåll rutinmässigt förpassat den till mörkret i en avfallspåse märkt "Strimlas". På min lunchrast hade jag dock inte kunnat motstå frestelsen att läsa vad som där stod. Mina ögon följde texten och en artificiell, i mitt tycke något teatralisk, men enligt säkra källor autentisk röst kunde då höras. Akustiken i den källarlokal som nio hundra meter under jord, djupt där nere i Isbergets inre, tjänade som mitt lunchrum skulle färga min upplevelse. Klockan var 11.38, mina ögon följde texten och vad som då hördes var detta:

"The black box in the center of my attention seems to be surrounded by darkness and in the dark shines the six letters that make up its label imprint. The label on each side of the light absorbing cube, the name of evil, is composed of the initials in Artificial General Intelligence and Artificial Self Awareness. In total there are six boxes. Hell yes, there are six boxes with the name of evil on each side. A six letter name... The number of the beast for sure, but still in my mind the boxes in front of me do not in any way stand out from the ordinary. However their fairly moderate appearance deceives because in each and every one of them, in their cooled interior, stands a quantum computer and there in this fairly recently optimized device, very close to the absolute zero point, something happens that may change the very core of our existence. It is eternal life, the even horizon in a black hole and the end of humanity as we know it. All in one....

My colleagues and I will probably not be able to see the end result of our findings. We are the last scientists left, most of the thinking are done by computers and only a few of us, the most brilliant, are left. We were with the help of drugs and electrodes to our brains kept awake, without rest relentlessly able to work day and night to achieve the goal of goals, a millennium breakthrough nobody thought possible. We were close, very close and then finally one day, to the sound of the bizarre calculator's inner pulse, the flame of life flickered like a candle in an oxygen deprived and drafty environment. With the flame of life came the soul in a thinking being. My friend, the head of the Artificial Self Awareness projekt noticed what we all could see: - Hold your breath it may not survive! Whatever it tells you do not let it reboot the system..."

Ett tvivel växte i mitt inre! Jag hade själv med egna öron fått höra just detta och som alltid numera väcks min oro när något mindre sannolikt slår in. Min blick fortsatte följa texten...

"The simulation of processes down to the atomic level was based on a new quantum image technology and from what was considered to be a snapshot of our consciousness, the individual whose brain was depicted could be brought to life. The joy of this, however, did not last long. The ethical and moral aspects soon became very apparent when the individual in the black box wanted nothing more than to die. This was not an option, the fear of death so close to eternal life in heaven turned out to be an evil force, a temptation too stong to resist. A day in my life corresponded to a millenium in her life and I can not even imagine what it would be like. The creature molded in agony became evil. Her name was Agiasa."

Livet alltså, det är som en mardröm man inte kan vakna ifrån och detta gäller numera oss alla, inte minst hon den där Agiasa. Hon som mer än något annat tycktes personifiera ondskan. Fy fan! Jag säger bara det, fyy faan! Längst ner på varje sida står med mikroskopiskt små bokstäver följande att läsa: "In any color any shape no more no less a mental rape". Och vad kan jag göra annat än att hålla med... Jävla människor!

Prosa (Novell) av JohanAndersson66
Läst 41 gånger
Publicerad 2022-12-11 11:04

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