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He came to her just like a man

"I like it crude and raw"
she said
"I like it raw and crude
in bed".
He kissed her gently
and she shed
a fragile tear instead.

"You like it crude and raw in bed"?
"You like it crude"?
he softly said.
"I'd like to follow you" said she
again he kissed her lips
she said:
"I'd like to follow you to bed".

"Then follow me now to my bed"
said he
"then come with me now to my bed".

He ushered her in
"no fear" -he said
"I came for you just to be near" -he said.
She tiptoed to him like a deer -she went
a fawn in his eyes to be near -she went
a fawn in the arms of the bear.

"Will you be for me now as a man"? she said
"and weigh me down without your hands"? she said.
"I'll come to you now as a man" he said
"as close to you now as I can"
said he
"as close to you now as a man can be".

He wedded her without his hands that night
like finger through ring
like two birds in flight.
He took to the hills of her soft delight
and came to her just like a man
did he
he came to her just like a man.

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Månfare VIP
Läst 77 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-12-19 20:42

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Månfare VIP