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Utan väg

Min hjärna är ett eget universum 

med sina stjärnor och svarta hål 


Jag går på trekvart utan väg 

Läkarna skakar på huvudet 


Mina fötter är okompatibla 

den ena vill dra iväg med strida steg

den andra vill inte gå någonstans

Ändå pussar stortårna varandra varje morgon 


Min hjärna och mina fötter 

lever som pol till pol

Fötterna kan inte leda hjärnan

och hjärnan kan inte styra fötterna

Fri vers av Ohemulen VIP
Läst 164 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-15 19:23

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  Live2Dream VIP
so. thought for a moment. you got that via telepathy. cant remember anything now. you made me shift to my female form. which is nice. that i realize it. and now im in självömkan mode. which nobody appreciates. since guys arent allowed to be sad. and a happy guy just looks weird. the definition of "gay". so women dont like that either. its nice you didnt degrade me when you got here. well. took a whole 5 minutes. then jättebra bra hailed. dont think you said toppen. no. i think you did that too. so thats great. i dont like junkfood. since now if i eat the normal amount ill increase a lot each month. 4kgs sometimes. which is unfeasable. after 10 years that would be a 480kg increase. but nobody cares about that. they didnt care when i puked for 3 days. but then i just thought "i dont want to eat all that". and. tada. everyone nags that i should eat more all the time. but i dont want to. i need like 500 calories per day. and maybe 1dl water. and they bring fika often now out of the blue. theres nothing romantic about relationships at all. and you obviously dont appreciate me writing on this which has nothing to do with your texts.

anyway. its pretty. i dont get it all. like i said its normal language but with undertones.

as for feet not working. saw a vid about that recently. its when the centre part of your brain doesnt work. they discovered this 100 years ago when they were gonna remove some deficient part in the brain that was to the centre lower, and had to cut off the communication between the left and right.

people felt better. especially in treating epilepsy. except strange things happened. one hand would all of a sudden start drawing. and they couldnt stop it. or when buttoning shirts, the other hand would unbutton the lower ones at the same time.

anyway getting deju vu constantly. but some things couldnt have happened. like i saw this new movie. i know i hadnt seen it. but i remembered every detail. i laughed during the whole thing. nobody else did. but i was so desensitized that the experience was completely useless.

i am actually lefthanded. but i remember trying to copy someone else at the dinner table. and since i cant tell between left and right i copied the wrong way. but i still seem to have the utensils the opposite of everyone else. so i messed that up twice.

anyway been recording myself on my webcam. changed some settings and especially when its dark. i can clearly see my aura. now in 5 different colours. depending on my mood and what im doing and thinking and listening to. i also got rainbow aura mode. the guardian angels emanence on my left shines up too. and on the right it shines up in orange. so thats some other spirit. anyway. gonna rest some again.

  Live2Dream VIP
you could try writing poems like when youre pissed off at me. uhm. that probably came out wrong. im gonna have despair now. and ill probably forget about this. uhm. cya later.

  christian hüls VIP
mina tankar får ohämmat spreta iväg
behöver inte ens svamla ord
bara njuter av dina rader
finfin poesi

  Ulf Carlsson VIP
En humoristisk pastisch på ett modernistiskt tema i svensk poesi, t.ex. Lindegrens "Mannen utan väg", Gullbergs "För vilsna fötter sjunger gräset" och Lagerkvists "Det är vackrast när det skymmer".

  Emanuel Sigridsson VIP
Tjusigt!Rakt in i verkligheten. Väl fångat!
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Ohemulen VIP