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This world, known as Midgard, holds no secrets regarding the Gods and humanity: All people hold the Gods under different names as their Fathers and Mothers; simply because they are.

In the War of all Wars against the pitiful and at the same time “evil and alien monotheistic lies and other perversions in thought and deed” that are attacking our world with their “saving” called defilement and their “love” called murdering. To our hated foes nothing is of course “holy” apart from dragging on with their sickening and filthy existence on our expense. Lying is their strongest weapon and what they are to blame for will astonish the mindless in this world as they have continuously brainwashed, raped and slaughtered the innocent in every moment of their unwanted time in our world. Their “great” past is long gone when they were allowed to follow the Gods here, and their deceit and imbecilic thoughts that wish them to be superior in our world and rule it alone, will be like them: Nothing. While being obviously inferior in everything “godlike” or “human” in any of the higher values like truth, beauty, progression, morality, higher emotions and honour; making the only thing that still keep them alive here is to drag humanity down into their deranged filth by making many people equal to them.

Those, that scum controlling "monotheism" and many other widespread perversions, have dared to call their recently killed and parasitic leaders by the name of a "god". Their defect and deranged offspring are all born out of rape, and within this garbage there are “angels”, hiding away their evil and low-life identities. (Their leader, known for a fable about being hanged on a cross; in order to overtake the symbol of Yggdrasil, was decapitated by Allfather Odin himself, just before it could be “reborn” to parasite more on this world. This was witnessed by me and others. In reality this will mean that their fake “religions” are not valid anymore. This is one of the happiest things to have happened in many years. Odin did also, some forty years ago, place a binding curse that cannot break on their “highest” leader, a sub-human animal that pretends that he is God and Allah himself, which will make them both die at the same time. There are some other things that have happened over these last fifteen years that will be mentioned in the future. Time has been changed by Odin. Time is not incidentally the meaning of his name.)

1. We will see the end of these dirty and fake “religions” that have been forced upon this world; they all come from another world that tries to overtake our world.

2. We will see the end of all putrid ideologies that are to no good use at all. Doing anything inside the Illusion has nothing to do with reality and will soon be forgotten.

3. We will see that the weapon of junk-culture has been nothing other than to humiliate and slay humanity for the main reason that people would not have enough power and mind left in them to stand up and fight for what is good and right.

Without the most basic Knowledge about the Gods, you really have nothing. The War of all Wars rages on inside the fooled minds with sickness and grief; and then death as the reward. To even mention the obvious fact that the Gods are the only answer to Life itself for humanity and all valuable history in time, as well as our own survival, can simply never be seen upon as something to question.
Nearly everything in this world, be it any belief in blood, the given technology, be it in force-fed propaganda, or even down to dumb entertainment, is largely used as a weapon to change natural behavior, cloaked in fake and foul beliefs; be it in "the available choice for the foolish" or as "the free will of the ignorant", it is all to be trashed. To pretend that this present junk-society we are forced to live under in this world will go away by itself when you understand the War of all Wars will not be enough. But, it has to start there.

The Gods have been seen, and are still seen by many, as too high and mighty to follow and many feel, or know, that they are made into becoming unworthy; meanwhile the attackers of the Gods and humanity are seen posing around with stolen philosophical questions wrapped around meaningless words bringing their victims existence down to shared filth and nothingness. And, it is still currently seen as profitable down in the daily and common sheep-life to follow what uses you best with the sweetest and empty lies from the Illusion.
There is no wonder why these revolting parasites on the Gods never will, or can be able to, shape anything of value to life. They are hiding everything of real Knowledge right in front of our eyes beneath tons of ridiculous propaganda to keep their grand Illusion alive with them. Having control to the point that they force the Gods own children to blame the Gods for their deeds and at the same time bragging openly about their power to defile and make morons out of large parts of humanity; when it suits their needs or pleases their insane vanity, which it always does... It pleases them to show their “power” by making people into what is naturally furthest from them. Meanwhile; their captive’s slander the most basic Truth about the Gods, again and again...

The Answer:
Allfather Odin and the other Gods will restore Truth here forever.
The Gods exist as every being on this; their planet, once knew by having seen and understood. Partly human, and in their reincarnated times alongside us all here. This undeniable Truth will appear for everyone to know and live by again. Know and remember that those that know that the Gods exist are many and we will not stand to be silent, or stand to be spoken against, for we have all the rights and with it comes all the real might in our world. You have hereby been informed that the Gods are here in this world again. There is no turning back! Be glad! Life is here!

Leave the forced upon Illusion and its lies behind.  
The War of all wars will end with Ragnarok.
The New Age will rise itself again and Truth will reign.

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Läst 134 gånger
Publicerad 2023-12-05 03:20

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