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Breathe in
You\'re too far away from me
Breathe out
It\'s just our destiny
Breathe in
Hundreds of kilometres from you
Breathe out
Do you have these thoughts too?

Breathe in
Hundreds of kilometres and a phone call away
Breathe out
I don\'t dare but I send you my letters anyway
Breathe in
Remember when you saw some girl and stalked her?
Breathe out
I smile at the thought of how cute you were

Breathe in
Everything leads to you, every moonlight, every scent
Breathe out
In my head this motion picture of the few days we spent

Breathe in
There for each other, through crises and wars
Breathe out
Our unspoken but promised forevermores
Breathe in
Somehow I\'m still yours
And you are still mine
Breathe out
I can live with that deal
The truth is, I\'m fine

Breathe in
breathe out
breathe in
breathe out
breathe in
breathe out

breathe... out

Fri vers av Precis så.
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-04-25 21:12

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