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She almost know...

She is not at stupid as she looks
and she know what you are saing about her
even when you don\'t know it
she is lisening to you

She thinks that you are everything that a friend can be
and she don\'t ceare that you are talkning crap about her
She know that she is diffrent...
she knows that she is stupid....
And she knows that you never like her
fore who she really is

But she also know that she never can change
beacuse she is what she is
She WANT to change
just to make you happy
But now she know that she can\'t give you that joy

She knows that you have found someone new
Some one who can give you what you wan\'t
something she never could...
So she is leaving you alone now
and she know that you never want to have her back

What she dosn\'t know is that you never STOP love her
And you talk mean just to make her react
you thought that she have stop loving you long time ago...
and you just see other girls to make her jealous

What she dosn\'t know is that you would take her back
if you just know that she want to
But the silence between you
have now grow to a ravin
with nothing in it but black shadows and green jealousy

What you don\'t know...
is that you will always be together
no matter what you are doing
You will always love each other...
And live happy ever after...

Övriga genrer av Sikska
Läst 300 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-24 12:47

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  Josef Ahl
Snyggt ! :)
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