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It\'s not about me!! Just wan\'t to make it clear! I can cry... but not often. And I smile pretty mutch to :D

Don\'t make me cry...

The life just comes in my way
and destany just wan\'t to annoy me
My fate isen\'t ready
but somehow I dont cear

In the night
I can hear someone is crying
but I don\'t know where ore who
I just hear the sound
of someone that having
a worser time than me

When I\'m outside
I hear the wind
calling my name
The wind just want me to wake up
but a just wont listen

If the wind
call my name for a reasun
Do someone cry for me to?
Do someone cry for me
beacus I can\'t?
Ore to they just want a hobby

You maby don\'t know it
but I can cry!
Just give me a reasun
and then I can cry like the rain
just if I wan\'t

If you want me to smile
I must diseppont you
beacuse the pain inside of me
is so deep
that I just can\'t smile

You can\'t make me
there is no force that can
my brain is sometimes empty
beacuse I don\'t wan\'t to think
my potition and strenght
is by my side
You can\'t win...

Övriga genrer av Sikska
Läst 257 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-05 11:48

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