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All naked in front of you all....

Do i want to be happy again?

Long ago since happiness lived in me,
wanted to get away,
my dreams took me thrue my days,
i had visions about how my future would be...
Life was easy that time,
had just forgotten love of my life,
he who did not leave his wife...
Life just keept on going and so did i with it..
Floating like a liquid,satisfyed but alone.

Then happiness came to me,
in a shape of you.
I struggeld with my feelings,
i knew you would not have the qualitys i seek for in a man.
You are not even yet a man.
I gave up,i let you in.
In my heart,in my life in my world....
Happiness lived in us.
I let my dreams become our dreams.
I let my self become wournable,
knew about all the heartace that can infect me.
But still i let you in.

Now happiness left me,
just dropt me down in middle of nowhere.
Where to go now?
What direction should i go?
Should i still hold on to you?
Or just let you go...

Well,ill let you go.
And ill return to that time where i still had my dreams.
When they were just mine.
And start from there,i know i will be happy again.

But do i want happiness to come back in my life,
when happiness onle gave me sorrow?

Maybe ill just try to be satisfyed and float away on the ocean of my dreams!

Övriga genrer av made in sweden
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-04 22:19

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