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byggd på gammalt stoft, och skriven som stoft, höll på att till stoft återgå också.. lite vädring kan bli bra. första gången ute och jag är stor rookie med eng. isch



did You even burn

among wings watching
or did you touche

The Stone

waiting for the tusk growing
while the fire's raging

The Well seems far beyond
in heated aging fast and

crumbling bones by sorrow girdling
your heart
for reasons noone will hear

did You even burn at last

did You hear the greetings
of Morning Star

in Song of Seasons

did You burn
or did You yarn 'bout nasty nonsense
and eternal treatings

while The Star was born


did You ever burn among wings wathing
or did You

touche The Stone




Fri vers av Pot Pourri
Läst 134 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-06 09:09

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Pot Pourri
Pot Pourri