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diffrent thoughs

Inside every mind dwells a past or future that only one self understands.
In rare occasions you look up in the night-sky or fall down to your knees and touch the grass
What ever you feel or do is intended for you.
Try to reach the moon as you dance to your favorite song.
Find another question of life without seeking the answer to the first.
Thoughts of what could and would have happened.
To go one more step and say, what now ?
Let you`r mind go while you`r a sleep.
let us join and go past the twilight zone
spend an eternity with my and find a answer to one of the million questions we have.

Still watch that dark tunnel with only one light to follow
Living my life with the time that i borrowed
I know when its time to pay
Its when i go numb and have nothing to say
I will show you a new feeling that we shared
I`l reach that light in the tunnel i feared
Then i write i new story for two
yes... i think that is what i will do.

suddenly i cant hear a sound
I don`t remember the dream i found
no chance of getting by with out death on my mind
feel like my death note is already signed
even thou i cant touch you with my feeling like i did before
Cant help to feel as if this is just a part of something more
I cant begin my story alone
Because i don`t want to end it on my own

Fri vers av The Shadow
Läst 202 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-17 20:18

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The Shadow
The Shadow