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After a while......you learn

After a while you learn

the subtile difference between holding a hand

and changing a soul and you learn

that love doesn't mean leaning

and company doesn't always mean security.

And you learn

that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises

and you begin to accept your defeats

with your head up and your eyes ahead

with the grace of a man, not the grief of a child

and you learn to build all your roads on today

because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans

and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn

that even sunshine burns if you get too much

so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul

instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure

you really are strong

you really have worth

and you learn

and you learn

with every goodbye , you learn...

Fri vers av Glensan
Läst 470 gånger och applåderad av 12 personer
Publicerad 2010-07-27 18:39

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av att leva, att verkligen göra det

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Yes you do.....beautiful poem my friend!

  Suzy med punkterna
Strålande Glensan, verkligen!

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