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Love everlasting



There will be days of wonder

when we have endured and conquered

There will be nights of awe

as we see mercy, experience glory

There will be days of walking

that are tough in every way

There will be moments of peace

when our world is unshakable

There will be times of worry

when nothing can be of comfort



and still we are always surrounded

by love everlasting





Fri vers (Fri form) av Anna*
Läst 236 gånger och applåderad av 10 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-06 01:01

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  Michaela Dutius
Otroligt vackert!

    ej medlem längre
A lovely poem. Well written!!!

"There will be times of worry

when nothing can be of comfort

and still we are always surrounded

by love everlasting"


  the apache kid VIP
Cool poem. I experience some bible and science fiction syntax.

  Max Poisé VIP
I´m quite impressed over your fantastic choice of word in a poem who is one of the brightest I ever read in English.

  Johan Bergstjärna
Yeah... everywhere love is all around!
Fint skrivet Anna

  Sonja Sidorow Lapington
Let it be! Det är stort och beskrivet i ordval som jag önskar jag själv kunnat uttrycka.
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