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"Lord, I'm not happy
I was the other day
since someone made that statement
"Don't laugh you fool, be sad!"
I'm no more happy, no."

Regardless all mountains
that overshadowed
the sunny mind,
my childhood heart
made summesaults,
the dewy grass was my

My days were filled
with gladness overall,
now the foundation have falled
just by listen to black
confessions, happiness
evaporates away.

"Lord, I'm not happy
I was the other day
since someone made that statement
"Don't laugh you fool, be sad!"
I'm no more happy, no."

If there was a way to turn back time
Lord tell me now,
cause I don't know how, one persons
statement can hurt me so.

I'm going round in circles
my direction are all messed up,
I can hear a still small voice
in the midst of the noice, telling
that it's you Lord, who can heal
my broken heart, cause...

"Lord, I'm not happy
I was the other day
since someone made that statement
"Don't laugh you fool, be sad!"
I'm no more happy, no."
But I don't care
Oh, I don't care.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 205 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-23 10:13

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    ej medlem längre
You´ve written many fine poems without a melody, but they´re
flowing and I can hear the music!

"Regardless all mountains
that overshadowed
the sunny mind,
my childhood heart
made summesaults,
the dewy grass was my

My days were filled
with gladness overall,
now the foundation have falled
just by listen to black
confessions, happiness
evaporates away."


  Sofhia Wirström
fint skrivet :)
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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar