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Februari 2012: http://ccchampagne.com/2012/02/14/proud-to-be-different/

Proud to be Different

There is nothing wrong with being different
I was told every day.
You are strong for being on your own,
unique in every way!
So I studied hard and ignored the pain
of being on the outside.
I got good grades, was a teacher’s pet
but on the inside I cried.

There is nothing wrong with being different
that is what we’re always taught.
Stand up for your own uniqueness
hold your head up, ignore the taunts.
But what about the little child
who only wants to belong?
What about the hurt she feels
when she tries to be so strong?

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 375 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-16 15:53

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  the apache kid VIP
you capture the yearning of wanting to belong, fit in, I can relate for sure.

  Elisabeth H
Starka känslor av övergivenhet ekar i orden. Det är i alla fall så jag tolkar den. En dikt som säkert många kan relatera till.
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CC Champagne
CC Champagne