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Would you please, be my dream come true?





sitting here
not doing anything in particular
just breathing
deep in thoughts
dreaming about you

and I wonder what you'd do
if you knew
about all these thoughts in my head
about how you make me feel

I know
you'd probably laugh
and call me silly
because we barely know each other
but I know enough
to be lost
in the wonder that is you

you're out partying with friends
and I'm here alone in my flat
longing for your touch

and I'm afraid
that if you were here
I'd never let you go
and I know
that I'd never let you down
I'd hold you when you frown
and I promise to protect you
from anything that's bad

because your happiness
and seeing you smile
would be the source
of my own happiness

you are my dream

so please

my dear

be my dream come true





Fri vers av Nicklas VIP
Läst 451 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2013-06-09 00:17

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