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God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

Winter Solstice – Vintersolstånd


Winter Solstice – Vintersolstånd

Anders G.J. Rhodin, 1996

Winter solstice sun, set in the west
Pale silver moon, rose in the east
Swedish paper star, lit from the past
A beckoning beacon beamed at last.

Balsam fir, adorned with light
Angels, gold and straw, colors bright
Yuletide carols, skaters’ waltz, a dance
As melodious music matched romance.

Side by side, there by the fire
Together, we found our hearts’ desire
Lost in a wondrous interlude
As flickering flames fanned the mood.

Presents shared, with hearts and souls
Intertwined, joined, with common goals
Eyes met, melded, minds did share
Our longing love lingered there.

Darkness settled, cold and crisp
Fire softened, embers glowed, smoky wisp
We took our leave, hugged each other tight
And softly slipped into, the longest winter night.


Bunden vers av arhodin
Läst 452 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-25 02:56

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  Catherine Brandt VIP
Gott nytt år

  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
God Jul och lika stor julfanatiker som undertecknad verkar du vara

för ett par år sen gick jag igenom en Jenny Nyström/Ebbe Schön period med deras böcker

text dock från samma år 1996 som ovan


Be well,

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