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Ett litet utkast som jag eventuellt inte är färdig med, vi får se.

something else

It's so hard to feel when you've never felt
It's to hard to stand there and feel your heart melt
From the smallest look, the littlest smile
The first hug you give me in a while
It's so hard to understand that darkness fade
As soon as your hand touches my cheek and you say
You are as beautiful as bright stars
In a night as dark as the blackest hole
When you say my humble smile heals your scars

It's so hard to feel when you've never felt
It's so hard to see when you've never seen
What true beauty has been all about
When your shoulder is the thing I lean against
and my whole world
For once in my life
Feel complete

Fri vers av Autonomous
Läst 366 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-26 01:54

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  Mattias Alveteg (Lavtege)
Fint. Jag tycker mig höra ett Brené Brown-eko mellan raderna ("lean in to the discomfort", "practice gratitude") om hur man hanterar det sköra, fina, ofattbara, sårbara, …
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