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Tomiro's Diary : Tuesday 32:nd of Yanu 2050




We follow your tiniest gestures and your smallest thoughts... Tonight you watched next among thousand thrillers you've found in that deserted flat. Once again you wonder how a human can trace another human - without being noticed... To shadow someone for more than a minute - how realistic is that?! Especially when two cars drive alone through many streets.... Why do they lack eyes-in-the-back??? Tomiro, you would've noticed any follower within thirty seconds. Only while you're busy talking to someone else, you could be unaware. Nonetheless you've never really discovered us! Not since 1975, just suspected signs... We call this phenomenon home-blindness.











Prosa (100-ordare) av TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Läst 439 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2020-01-14 11:56

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  Nanna X
"We" blir kusligt synliga här. Fast Tomiro ser så bra i olika riktningar blir han ändå sedd....
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TrollTörnTrappan VIP