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Once signed, individual countries will surrender the powers of their sovereign nations to the WHO and the WEF.

The move will ultimately position the United Nations as the unelected single global government.

- newsaddicts

The conscious and intelligent manipulation
of the organized habits and opinions
of the masses is an important
element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism
of society constitute an invisible government
which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded,
our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of…

It is they who pull the wires
that control the public mind.

Globalism and New World Order are nothing but fancy new names for Marxism, where the wealthy powerful few control everything while the "peasants" are expected to be happy to get their allotted meager rations. No opposition is tolerated to their ideology.


godmorgon bitchute

sweden almost takes more immigrants (at least before) than the entire USA. so i have met people from all over the world. i like middle eastern people a lot, not just muslims, its lots of different folks from there. and asians are amazing, incredibly wise and talented. and latinas have that sad look which just makes me melt. and i love yugoslavians the most :)

and the "north" in sweden isnt that much. in stockholm we get 3 months each of every season, its stopping now the snow, its almost +1c all week forecasted. so yes, people are more talkative and open during the summer. sometimes during the summer its even hotter in stockholm than it is in athens!

but autotomatons. especially see this on the commute. people just stare blankly ahead. its a shame people have to work a job they hate to just turn into zombies, for themselves and for their family.

i dont think anyone is an automaton though. no matter how mean someone has been to me, there have also been sweet moments, when they open up.

something strange though, that others have reported on. i was with a hippie friend at a café. we were having fun and laughing and talking about lots of things. then i hear 2 people next to us talking really mechanically. turns out they "went" to a café to only talk on their phones... its a strange world.

i cant, fortunately enough, handle smartphones. its just too much radiation. same for tv, i think its that which brainwashes people. not the content per se, just the strong light, like staring into a void, or staring into the sun, would be more healthy for people, sungazing, ancient hindu art. smartphones even turn warm, its dangerous shit people are playing with...

i think i like stockholm though. i dont know if its because im attractive, but almost every woman i talk with flirt with me in a jiffy. im 40 and people say i look 25. its like... people live off of sexual energy. id call that the real stockholm syndrome, eventhough i know its supposed to mean something else...

oh, by the way, my first girlfriend was a german jew, aka ashkenazi. she was incredibly wise, and i made her laugh all the time, with just my wise thoughts id thought for myself. my second was italian, she was a healer. third was a mix of everything (african, several european countries), she was openhearted like me and real talkative, and also a healer. my fourth was a "dumb blonde" but i saw her greatness and her beauty without makeup.

"and friendly"

actually, swedes are known (i thought you knew? :) as being among the friendliest populace on earth. only sri lanka is better. at least its so in stockholm, in the smaller cities its like you go back 25 or 50 years... i remember having torn jeans in kristianstad (northeast southern sweden) and people couldnt handle it. HELLO. have you heard of the ramones, or nirvana? haha.

as for friendly, of the newest people at my job. id say the gay guy, he always jokes around, and hes, well, real gay :) then a syrian woman, she gives me hugs and kisses, and she looks so sad, in a beautiful way. then another syrian woman born in turkey, shes just for real, and does her job real good, and real attractive at her age (shes vegan).


well said. the radiation from 5g phones is crazy. normal computers have fans, but these phones run real hot, and thats just one sort of radiation. i use a slim 24-hour battery laptop. get no ill effects. smartphones ruin both the mind and the body. i remember borrowing my girlfriends phone some years back. first my hand got cold, i got a little high from it and wrote a lot, then my arm got cold, then my legs, then my whole body. all the while, im surfing on youtube unable to make up my mind and just viewing things randomly. these turn you into a zombie, and its worse than tv! you have it with you and in your face and in your hands all the time!


yes there would be. they follow their god. but also, they follow their choice of poison. most people have their first "spiritual awakening" when theyre drunk or high. the "spirit" of the poison talks to them, and if theyre in a christian country, they think they are talking to god / jesus, but its really a demon.


ghetto babes

jag levde i ghettot förut
låg med 2 kvinnor
(jag vet, jag har ingen skam)
de var otroliga
på massa olika sätt
en var spåtant
och otrolig i sängen
den andra var stark som få
och en healer, som bella
men båda ville ha grejer
för att jag skulle
visa min kärlek...
en ville ha en smartphone
happ, 10000 borta
en annan ville ha en peruk
ahapp 5000 borta
går inte att leva så...
de hade tuggat mig
och spottat
ut mig till slut
om jag inte gav de grejer
bella älskade mig
för den jag var
och jag fortsätter
älska henne
skriva om henne <3


inkvisitionen dödade 50000 av våra shamaner

kom ihåg, du är inte kristen, om du är europeisk, du är druid

it was 500-1000 years ago. aka the witch burnings (killing our shamans).

Yes, it is estimated that early Christians burned about 50,000 holistic healers to death, that they called witches. I just ordered a book called The Darkening Age - The Christian Destruction of The Classical World. The Abrahamic religious tradition is truly a death cult.

the only "real" witch they burned was elisabeth bathory. you werent allowed to even say her name (punishable by law) for 20 years. but i didnt know it was that bad. 50k? wow...

ive actually made some rune-staves. one was an old root i found in the woods while walking randomly. i removed the outer layer and polished it with coconut oil. then a decade later i had it on me while at work, while we did some yoga. i "summoned" my wife this way, no matter how weird it sounds. runes are real powerful, thats why they are even "hidden" on computers (charmap.exe) in fonts starting with "R". we should take our religion back! we arent christian, we are druids! so many people talk like judaism would be different than christianity, or that "islam" is taking over the world. but theyre all the same. we used to live in harmony with nature, now, just look at us. some people have said that im like an old happy witch, with how i talk. im more normal now though, but i was quite chaotic some years ago, before i started with dip. hey! i worked out 2 hours today. its better with muscle strength than having a gun, then you take care of yourself too, body and mind. whatever happens with the early 2030 agenda, i am ready. ive lived my life, if i and almost everyone dies, then so be it...


Securitised Tokenized Asset

(från bitchute)

The World is now a
'Securitised Tokenized Asset'
as are all people on it.

The Financial
Meltdown Matrix
on the near Horizon
(To buy the earth, and all, body and soul)

this is what
is really about
coming soon to
your hometown

not even satan will
receive them low lives,
carbon transition is
code word for
since human activity is
said to cause the most
CO2 emissions,
9 tonnes each year
for an adult.

Carbon based bipeds
or humans are the
carbon that
WEF, UN and
want to reduce

"A.I. Hivemind" you forgot that everything in the entire world, will be connected to a CBDC $bitcoin asset. they will take everything you own, hierloom paintings, gold watches, toilet paper - all of it. youll get things handed to you if you are an obedient citizen, which there arent many left of anymore. they tried with monkeypox - if you had a zit you were lethally ill - but no one fell for it. from my country of sweden was supposed to spread a new swine flu - no one fell for it. how will they figure out how to do it now? it will probably turn into an anarchy, they have the options figured out already...

"everyone who is against CBDC will be expelled from society" - klaus schwab a few days ago at davos.

Tomas Sofia Johansson-Jonsson
jo, jag tror att vi alla är djur, glömde nämna det. som kinesiska stjärntecken. tycker inte människan är destruktiv, det är bara det man ser i nyheterna på tv och i blaskorna...

Människan är skuld till allt
om klimatet blir varmt eller kallt
hon måste bort
annars är allt förgjort


a fantastical dream

hey tracey :) <3
i feel wonderful!
why? well
i had a dream
and immortal
was in it
lots that
and i dont
remember much
it was a circus
with horses
both he and i
then i was in
a computer game
and tech played
it later
and killed
stephen hawking
then it was some
horror movie
i dunno
we talked some
dunno about what
he said he had no
rights anymore
he was a
shadow citizen
moving around
all the time
this is the best
thing thats
happened for a
year or even more
normal living
is boring...
i live for dreams



jag föredrar
dina kramar
mot allt
mot ditt
dina kläder
ditt sex

som bellas

eller när jag
hoppade med
henne i famnen
i en bråkdels
sekund i

som grevinnans
enda kram
när jag
hade stånd

som ankis kram
och jag
kunde känna
hennes mysiga
mysk parfym och
12 BPM hjärtslag

som när en gammal
finska kramade och
kysste mig
från ingenstans

som när idamo
kramade mig
när jag sa att hon
var den bästa electro
artisten i världen

kramar är det bästa
det som jag eninrar bäst
och som läker bäst
tack för
att du



i prefer
your hugs
its better
than your
your clothes
your sex

as bellas

or when i
jumped with
her in my arms
in a fraction
of a second in

like the
only hug
when i
had a

like ankis hug
and i
could feel
her cozy
musk perfume and
12 BPM heartbeat

like when
an elder finnish
woman from
came up to
and hugged
and kissed me

like when idamo
hugged me thankfully
when i said she was
the best electro
artist on earth

hugs are the best
what i think of most
and which
the most

hugs, thank
you for


sverige får agenda2030 i maj 2024

Sveriges politiker inför
i maj 2024.
Då ansluter politikerna
svenska folket till WHO.

(från facebook)

lev medans du kan...


luftburet vaccin - hur pandemi 2.0 kommer gå till

Scientists Develop
"Airborne mRNA"
To Vaccinate
Populations Without
The Need For Consent



håll ögonen öppna
nu i sommar eller höst
så är alla döda
eller förslavade
de hoppas på
90% dödsfall
över hela jorden
och har ett äss
i rockärmen
mot alla vaccin
luftburet gift

ryska militären har varnat väst att starta en ny pandemi (finns klipp på telegram som skulle censureras här) dom vet exakt vad som pågår, samt har folk vaknat upp globalt på en massiv skala, protesterna i Europa ökar, Texas är på gång rejält nu 700000 där, mänskligheten vaknar mer o mer varje dag, kommer bli bra.. Sök info finns så mkt positivt nu som händer


"reptilians are taking over!!!"

theres a lot of
alien lifeforms
in the universe

some are good
some are bad

its not just reptilians
there are many
different ones
fighting for
or against
our survival

if you shift to a
higher dimension
youll see them
and youll see them
in normal people

we arent from monkeys
we are divine
aka annunaki with
gene downgrades
which can be removed

"we are free
to be free"


mass invandring vill förstöra USA

Jag tror att centrala och sydamerikanska regeringar släpper fångar för att migrera till USA för att tjäna två syften, först för att lätta på trycket på lokala fängelser och för det andra för att destabilisera USA. Det finns dussintals mellanstationer på väg som stöds av FN, EU:s immigrationsavdelning, WHO (Gates) etc. Kuba gjorde samma sak för decennier sedan. Och du kan inte stoppa dem att korsa eftersom du inte får skjuta. Det är ett stort skämt att skicka dit trupper som inte kan stoppa dem. Och dina bårder är porösa som ett såll.

BREAKING: de flesta migranter som kommer över gränsen är män i stridsåldern. Det finns väldigt få familjer. Vad vi vet nu är att det förväntas att WHO kommer att skapa ytterligare en pandemi och använda dessa migranter som FN-soldater för att tvinga vaccinera att gå hus till hus. De har utbildats i Turkiet och Ukraina. Det har också en ung man som reser i en taxi i New York uppgett. Vi måste stoppa WHO-fördraget när vi ger upp vår suveränitet till det. Var är alla unga hanar? Blir insatt i bostäder av FN som betalat för sin väg hit. USA och världens regeringar med på det för NWO-agendan. Förräderi!

- bitchute>



the world is ending
and theres no way
in hell we
can stop it
but i believe in
multiple lives
especially the ones
i have seen in dreams and
also in reincarnation of course
we can just work on
living our dream
reading a lot
talking a lot
learning a lot
expanding our minds
and our empathy
thats what einstein
said anyway


hi tracey :) <3

im sorry you dont
comment or blogg
a lot anymore...

but i feel amazing
right now

had god awful
anxiety yesterday
it was unbearable
maybe said so
but i dont think
of the bad days
i dont get bitter <3
and neither seem you

happy to have
seen a new
pic of you

miss mom was here
it was great.
i worked out and
got some energy
so i cried some
while playing
good songs
she liked


transcendance etc

well satanism only means you pray to saturn. "the all seeing eye" with its rings. satanists are real wise, the ones ive met. they were cannibals too and it was close that one or two of them drank my blood. i find them interesting :) im an artist so i find the world to be beautiful, not dark grey and gloomy and raw and violent. maybe im one of the few. hindu gods are both good and evil side, its monotheism which ruined religion. hindu gods can do both bad and good things, it should be logical, they were once manly and transcended to angelness and godlidome...

The Celestial Hierarchy. Not only the Hindu "gods," but beings from many worlds began their eons-long journeys as lesser beings ages ago before reaching their current exalted status. The Catholic concept of "Sainthood" encompasses this progression, as humans "ascend" to the next higher state of consciousness and existence on their way higher and higher in the eons-long progression from mineral to godhead.

i wish i could transcend... but i dont drink nor smoke. people that say "life is hard" is because theyre junkies, even if they can maintain a normal life. not many people talk about it (but they "pretend" to be normal while living in a nearly separate reality). but the heavy junkies, they have fought satan and fucked god, and met all the angels, been on many planets. this i know, even if i dont know it. once i was in the fifth dimension for a few months, many amazing things happened. it was like in another world, even if it was the same. now i live in a real boring reality. i wish i will transcend when i die, or when i get cremated. even buddism has a hell. i dont want to go there, because i dont do substances, i dont know much about the higher dimensions. i wont be able to handle it. i hope it will be different, because i have seeked truth ever since i was 7 years (i am 40 now), and drug abuse just makes you dumb. dumb when you take it, and dumb afterwards, and it ruins your body.


blev det bättre

blev det bättre
blev det bättre
blev det bättre

ska jag byta snus sort
blir det bättre då

ska jag byta älskning
blir det bättre då

ska jag byta mamma
blir det bättre då

ska jag byta
youtube kanal
blir det bättre då

ska jag byta namn
blir det bättre då

ska jag bryta benen
blir det bättre då

ska jag bryta
blir det bättre då

ska jag bryta
bellas hjärta
blir det bättre då

blev det bättre
blev det bättre
blev det bättre


strange weather

i just wanted to
mention something
which i havent heard
from anyone else

i have great psychic
but its only
through what i do
i dont do magic
white nor black

some year ago during corona
it was +8c degrees
for almost 8 months

we had 1 week summer
in the middle of the year

as in chemtrails
didnt work there

then we had 3 weeks autumn
and an icecold month
between november and
december with -14c to -24c

i dont know how this
all ties together
but i "saved" the
weather through my
"conspiracy theoring"

i also complained about
apples tasting
disgusting recently
with all sorts of

and you know what?
now they taste natural!

we can all
our reality
and i hope
you do too

now its coming
spring in stockholm
but it was -15 on
and off for 3 months
lesse what weather
we get this year
more natural
i suppose


i am infinite

i am infinite
i am source
i am creativity
i am art
i am music
i am superstrings
i am vortex theory
i am superpowers
i am wisdom
i am insight
i am light
i am god
i am master


misc bitchute political comments for the day

replies on TheCrowhouse's video TRUTH ALWAYS BECOMES SELF EVIDENT

there are a lot of black jews in nigeria. judaism was first black people. they go back a long time... and every religion and people used blood sacrifices before. the latinos before they were latinos, sacrificed 26000 virgins per year. same for indic people, they did the same, so the ganges would be pure. the pyramids are about blood sacrifice as well, huge chambers available for blood. it gives superpowers if you drink it, the adrenochrome too. how they built the pyramids... black jews eat the clitoris, they used to chop off the foreskin and then let the elder of the village eat it. now its a multibillion industry. one foreskin is worth 150 000 $. i have personally met cannibals and satanists, and find them to be good people. you just cant piss them off alive, or they curse you or drink your blood. i have just been lucky, i guess... its not just the elite, and its not just jews. rome goes back 7000 years, have met a cannibal italian actually. its a lot of people. if you stay at church long enough, theyll present you with blood sacrifice rituals, eating shit, drinking piss. its in all religions, but hushed down.

corona is fibromyalgia. it means you are oversensitive to metal and electricity and magnet fields. if you dont abuse your smartphone, you never test positive for corona, and no one will say you need to get the shot. they dont want this to come out for some reason, but they poison you (with smart tv and smart appliances and smartphones) and give you the cure, a nanocomputer... most people would line up if they could get a free smartphone in their bloodstream. its where we are at, and its where we are headed. the matrix is already here.

when i got into the psychiatric system 2006, there was a nun who visited us once a week. then there were the pedophilia claims on the vatican church, and the nun stopped coming. a shame really, religion has a lot of good parts in it too.

hitler was a khazar jew, he sacrificed his own people so they could get isreal. its on wikipedia even, the treatise after WW1.

yep, got lots of deja vus in the beginning of the corona vaccine. i was living in my own simulation of myself. i dont know if im free from it now... it all merges together. news online showed news id seen 1-2 years ago. bitchute videos as well. was pretty scary...

i take dip, like a cig you have under your lip. it freed me from OCD. no demons harassing me anymore. tobacco is a healing plant, why i sometimes smoke cigarillos too - they have 1 ingredient - tobacco, instead of cigarettes that have 77 foreign substances in them, one of them is even rocket fuel ffs.

you forgot foreskin removal. anyone who doesnt have their foreskin left are bowers to satan. and its a lot in the usa. however much you yell, they took a huge portion of your life away when you were born, and youll never get it back.

"As for the common consciousness I was thinking maybe not everybody is part of the same one... Same as some common consciousness drives many of us to value the "light" (freedom, beauty, love...) there are many avatars driven by some different consciousness, towards the "darkness". People were aware of opposing duality from ancient times (yin and yang).
But lately I see more and more of a third kind of people: passive, NPCs, probably disconnected from both, just biological robots, floating avatars."

"common consciousness" - thats weed and alcohol. all alcoholics and dopeheads instantly "connect" with eachother. and everyone takes either of the two in huge quantities. i thought i never fit into society, until i turned into one of them...

do you take coffee? its an alcaloid. same for tea, it makes you desensitized so you need to work harder (or fuck more) to feel anything at all.

yes, our minds can interpret anything. i guess you havent meditated enough, or thought enough. everything is a conciousness, even a rock. what the easterns call "kokoro" - the heart of things. the spirit doesnt store it, its in the "junk" dna, we have the whole universe inside of us, waiting to the activate for superpowers to hopefully save the world from the organized satanic elite. the problem though is that the satanists (like davos) stick together, whistleblowers arent dime a doze, and have to fight for themselves, while they have 10000:1 against them or even more.

YHVH is pronounced Yeshua, aka jesus. yes, he was a elohim, and they wrote the bible, aka aliens / demons / fallen angels / "the illuminati" (unseen, they are on a high frequency that not many can see (i can)). or one guy said psaul wrote the bible, only that psaul was a dragon...

i actually watched tv for awhile. the "news" of the "ukraine war" was laughable. it was all fake. i cant understand how people cant see through it. bring on agenda2025! theres so many useless eaters anyway, humanity is doomed, its all zombies without us being (fully) controlled.

there is "shedding", if you are vaccinated you "shed" the graphene self-building nanocomputer to others in the room where you are. if you don't actively take drugs against it, you are part of the system. you can check on the mobile if you send out an internet MAC bluetooth address. if you do, you are part of the sheep. zinc and b12 work to get it out of your system, avermectin is also on a google search, to get rid of immortal hydra. then there is also C60, the strongest antioxidant in the entire world.

crows are particular. ive tried to talk to them some, and all they say is kro and kra. one said, after i annoyed him, "you are krooooo". other animals and birds speak the same language (swedish) to me. its calle telekinses, i either just think words while looking at them, or talk. both work. they respond telekinetically. you can talk to anyone this way as well, they hear it, somehow. telepathically as well to any spirit or person in the entire world.

the masters arent the masters either. its aliens (overlords) controlling them, like the green, aka reptiloids, belatriciano. i saw a video of a rottschild talking about taking over the world, he stammered lots like someone else was putting words in his mouth.


sorry to burst your bubble, but isreal has "the samson option". if they ever get attacked, theyll launch nukes to kill the whole world. they control more places than earth, so it would be no loss to them, theyd just restart it like they are restarting mars.

"Agreed! Why will people understand that frequencies can heal (vitamin D for example) but then you mention that frequencies can do damage and they look at you like you from another planet. Guess because they are to integrated into technology and its convenience to ever want to believe it to be true."

i was hooked on a lot of neuroleptics before. got sick sick ideas in my mind, its from the polluted air with microwaves. normal people drink a lot and feel good from it, but get automagically brainwashed from it as well. same for weed, a little weed expands your mind, but if you take a lot, you just turn into a blubbering fool. alcohol is the greatest evil ever. it makes people "connect" since they drink together, but this is better if its an intellectual than sexual (disgusting) conversation. but people dont want IQ, and have never wanted it. even kids used to drink alcohol ("svagdricka" / "ale") when the water was dirty before (fermenting removes the toxins, it actually helps if the water is dirty to make the fermenting happen).

"Why didnt you include jews are most prone to psychopathy and mentall illness?" well said. my first girlfriend was jewish (german jew, so, kazarian) and she was real real crazy. said i should stab people in her psychotic delerium. i coulda stayed as i made her pregnant, but then i think i would eventually have stabbed someone. i also know a woman who blames her "eating disorder" on her being gone 6 months all the time. but its her jealous jewish man who beats her to a pulp often. also know another woman (swedish) who this happens to. she works a few days, then shes "sick" for half a year. also has an abusive husband.

thanks man. ive searched for the truth since i was 7 years, so for 34 years. im a taurus so i think with my throat not my "gut instict" (which can many times be wrong even if it helps you a lot, like people trust their gut when they choose a partner, then wonder why it went wrong). i can instinctively "feel" truth. and truths ive learned i can unlearn when presented with something new, which only has to be a few words. i have high brain plasticity.

well i got to doze them myself, and back then i believed in authority. so i just took more and more. i figured, if i felt bad, i take meds and feel better? its what were all taught. now i dont have many meds. i unfortunately cant quit neuroleptics. since ive never taken drugs, if i remove the neuroleptics i come to another world. not a schiphrenic like, just some things are different, different playing rules. if you began drinking in first grade (many in my class did) and started with weed and heavy drugs you dont get psychosies, since youre used to the "harsh" reality. i dont see reality as evil though, i see the beauty in everyone and everything. im an artist music and poet, hey, check my site (if it works on your side i dont know) svenskadikter.com/Emma

i know it sounds weird, but jews get taught from an early age to be disciplined. of course they get hit often as well, but they learn to make money and build enterprizes. i know you can call it evil, while other people are content with working at mcdonalds and walmart all their life and drink beer, jews are brought up in a different way.

i advised my mom against it, ive told her so many horror stories, but a month ago she took both the corona shot and the flu vaccine. shes just completely brainwashed. and guess what? a week later she got the flu anyway. im afraid the corona vaccine will kill her in some years. but her drinking is also part of the problem, it brainwashes her as well. she can barely speak coherently anymore, just talks in "power words". i told her about it, that they insult me, and now she said shes gonna move away from me. we used to make lots of art together, but she prefers her demons to creating beauty...

"deja vu means you are on the right track"

"On Sunday we posted this video about the charges of genocide that South Africa is bringing against Israel in the World Court, which could actually accomplish something since the United States doesn't have veto power in the World Court and thus can't protect Israel:"

the "war on drugs" is a war on addicts, not the dealers. the medicine industry sells their drugs to mafias and gangs across the world, but first political partys get their share. thats NOT jews, and is a big problem.

"jewry causes harm. Jewry is responsible for most of the problems in the world. It is people believing in the evil bible, christians and muslims that gives the evil cult that controls this world their power and protects them.

Jewry is the gay pedo trans agenda, porn, making wars to make migrants, training them to hate white people, jewry created islam which command torture, murder and rape. importing blacks, radicalizing them by blaming whitey for the jewish run slave trade. Making gangster rap. Pushing drugs on the goyim. Making up the holohoax. Causing all wars. Usury, enslaving everyone with their debt scams. Climate hoax. Covid hoax. Big pharma, vaccines, control of all governments and industry, food energy. Hollywood degeneracy. Materialism. Communism. Globalism.

Behind virtually every evil is another jew but i have to lie and pretend it is not happening.

You are evil."

"Luke 19:27 "But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’” <-Rabbi jesus the king of the jews said this"

"trying to present it to some people is simply futile" no, it is not. i am a spiritual warrior eventhough im not actually spiritual. i remember talking about corona or whatever it was on twitter, for each post i made, a keyword got 1k more posts, and it climbed from 7th position to 3rd. i make a huge impact on the world. before, when i had the vaccine fresh in me, chemtrails stopped. it was +8c all summer (like it is underground) and even afterwards. all weather is weather manipulation. before they used black magic ("rain dances"), now they use chemtrails and DEWs. i remember asking a psychiatric nurse about the weather that ive felt and she said it was "hot" in a bitter tone. so i make a huge impact on the world. we live on a dead planet, it only lives through us, and our magic. we do magic every day, like they say "every thought is a prayer". i remember going to sleep and having music on "shuffle", in my minds eye for a splitsecond, i could see some entity changing the order. aliens control us and experiment on us, just as we control and experiment on rats.

Deuteronomy 13:7-12 Some of the gods of the peoples who are around you, whether near you or far off from you, from the one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. And all Israel shall hear and fear and never again do any such wickedness as this among you. ...

actually, i learned from a history teacher way long ago, that countries take in immigrants, when their population doesnt birth enough children. it needs to be at least 1:2.1 woman:child, that is, each woman needs to bear 2.1 children on average. this is way lower in the western world. people are persuing protective sex and luxury items instead of caring about the family. so the white population are killing themselves, both by not bearing enough children, then by letting foreigners with a much more primitive culture take over their country. most women i know in sweden only have 1 child, since with all they work in and the alcohol they drink and all ways trying to be "perfect", they cant handle anymore.

actually, when women do abortions themselves, a lot of them eat the fetuses. i know it sounds crazy, but it happens, more than youd think. thanks for these quotes though, that theyre even in the bible, and so many people whine about muslims, when its all right there in bright sunlight presented how vile the bible is.

wow, theres more of us out there. i have neither a radio, tv or smartphone (not a dumbphone either). if i really need to make a call, i borrow a friends phone. the radiation in smart tvs and smartphones is out of this world, the times ive tried them, i got completely brainwashed and drooling, i couldnt even think. these things take over your soul, because of the strong electronics.

we will all go to concentration camps in agenda2025. we dont oppose the politicians well enough, or try politics as a profession to stop them. but if you are presented with millions or even billions of cash, how many would oppose it? during corona doctors got huge bonuses if they filled the quota of corona deaths. we are all done for, and most others too, just the most drooling sheep will survive. it never crossed your mind that bitchute is situated in the united kingdom, the head state of the illuminati? that they all use this site to pick up on dissidents? our judgement will come soon.

what i forgot to say, is if the point reaches 2:1 or lower, you get an increasingly aging population, which needs to be taken care of by the younger, which keep getting less. so it would just be retirement homes everywhere, and almost no nurses. the country would implode on itself.

"There is so much wisdom eminating from the words you speak, and i empathise with the feeling of being disconnected from society and to enter back into the madness of the world and feel normal you need to medicate. I have self medicated for years, quite heavily until 6-7 years ago.
I thought its about time i stopped living in fanatsy world and step back into reality only to find, reality is even more bizarre than the drug enduced one i had created for the majority of my "adult" life.
Like you i try to see the good in all and believe that is the basis of everything, including evil and always try to give benefit of the doubt even if i end up doubting myself as a result.
Checked your site and it does work but my swedish is non existant but from what i have read in your comments i will give it a go and add it to my never ending list of things i want to do."

ever wonder about "fossil" fuels? i know its a crazy idea, but maybe they want more gasoline in the air so reptiloids can breath better? during corona i fell for the mindcontrol, and was inside my apartment a lot. going for walks, it felt like dust in my lungs from all the petrol in them. and going to buy groceries (instead of take and order pizza / kebab / hamburgers) i noticed all veggies had a weird smell. i looked it up, and its formaldehyde. no one has noticed this except for me and 1 reddit post on the entire internet. at LIDL they advertise "vegan" orange juice, which means theres not bits of bugs in them. so while they want us to eat bugs, they are secretly killing all farmers for things to grow in huge warehouse like laboratories. the veggies have no nutrients in them even if they have strong colours, thats why formaldehyde (which used to be outlawed a few years ago) is needed to conservate them.

check immortal technique. he talks dirty a lot, but its only to fool ghetto kids into listening to him. he raps about many different political topics, sometimes just talks in his songs. try especially revolutionary 1 and 2 and the martyr (free on the waybackmachine). he talks about "the matrix of entrapment" in a middle passage song, its just a demo though. but search for "the middle passage" on youtube and youll get like 20 demo songs. hes too afraid to release it, thinking hed get killed then. he was actually gonna release it on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, but got deported to peru before just as he had printed the records.

"but again the hidden knowledge is highjacked by the mainstream to stop us from growing or realising our potential" i dont go to the cinema often, not even once a year. but when i do, its the greatest experience. like rome said: "give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt". truth is hidden in massmedia, but if you get addicted to it, you get more lies than truth, or just become a blubbering beerdrinking weedsmoking fool. they need to add in some truth for the gullible naysayers to stay obedient, and truth is exciting, lies are boring, its just repetition all the time. thus the concept of thanatomania and erotomania, people seem more interested in how a person died than in their persona, and also that the massmedia talks about death and destruction in the guise of "knowledge", while it would otherwise not be allowed. erotomania is the other side of the coin - porn and lighter outfits for women, or more revealing, like tight jeans. they go hand in hand, since no one can live with just experiencing suffering through massmedia, so the people desensitized need porn to feel alive again. ive stopped with porn, and keep getting "matchmaking" sites on social media since then, they just wont give up. and i thought bitcoin ads were annoying... i even registered on one of the sites, and it said "you agree to talking to fake profiles". sigh, lol. AI is taking over...

ok, replying in the wrong place. i dont think i make a difference to one or two, but to thousands or even millions. they even tried with a "swine flu" pandemic originating from sweden, but no one fell for it now. was just 1 news report then it was gone. for everything you do, you leave an imprint in the cosmic akashic library. i am just my universe, and you are part of it, but you are also part of your own ego illusion.

in the older days, each yew needed to write a tanakh by himself. and each time a tanakh was written, it was interpreted by the person. same for bibles. those that knew how to read and write had a big leverage over history and mindcontrol. it was actually a swede, a goth, which translated the bible in 300 AD which all bibles are derived from. so the KJV is a load of bollocks. you need to get down to the source. like reading the tanakh via google translate. opens up many portals. as for me, i interprate genesis, that it was eve first and adam afterwards. and it was adam who took the apple by himself (when he was a baby / child), since he saw the copper dragon (snake) as a father figure. could just as well been an alien lifeform, from a ufo. but yes, they want the power to themselves, and want people to live in the shadows. "they use emotion for the many, and use reason for the few" - what göbbels said about the khazars.

yes, i took it, and yes, im dumb. my favorite cafe was closed all the time because of "illness", so i bit the sour apple and took the vaccine, and then it was open as usual again. for 6 months it was horrible, i even got reported to the police. but for another 6 months, i lived in heaven, i didnt even need to drink coffee. but then i fucked up and asked the psychiatric system for help. i even got murder threats on facebook. my energy was real low. anyway, the corona vaccine is just as good as it is bad.

"apple juice" sorry to burst your and hers bubble, but "apple juice" is pee. i remember tasting my own pee, and it tasted just like apple juice. i remember talking to some nurses about it, and they said it was true, from retirement homes, they take pee and fill it with 40% "freshener" and then sell it as apple juice. i remember always getting a bad stomache when i drank too much of it, because its pee. its toxic. our whole world is toxic. oh, in the corona vaccine is 36 sorts of snake poison, but thanks to the (amateurish) doctor ardis, we know its in all drinking water in the entire world. something else people havent noticed, but during the beginning of the corona vaccination (i took 2, first was saline solution) i smelled like a metal snake.

yes, i put others in the centre as well. i have tibethan monk concentration. when i talk or when i write, every other sense disappears, and i am "one" with my throat chakra. can annoy some folks though, that i just go on and on, but most enjoy it. i see the unique in people, which others miss, some beauty or talent. rehabilitated a real fragile looking girl at fountain house (look them up! is there one near you?) but then i found out she was part of a gang before, and pro athlete, and computer game engineer! but i just inspired her with my ways, most just got stunned by my precense. but she wrote poems and draw the most amazing images. one poem was something like "big becomes little, and little becomes big", because she inspired me as well :)

"never become an expert" some musicians say they always stop playing an instrument / synth, when they learned it. because then it becomes habit, and they become predictable; sellouts. julia (my first gf, was a khazarian) called me a "baby" while twittering her laughter when i brushed my teeth again, because i always approach everything from a new angle, even if its only brushing my teeth...

yes, i consent to being poisoned. i used to eat heaps of junkfood, but thats over, i ate kebab for the first time in 6 months awhile ago. i consent (sorta, i can pick out them) to being poisoned with neuroleptics. i consent to people treating me like shit, and always see the good in them. i actually tried working out, but got too aggressive from it, every time someone treated me badly i cussed them out. i got tired of always being angry though. my dad was like that, either a sweetheart or yelling his lungs out, you could never predict his behaviour, what alcoholics are like...

we are not made from carbon actually. thats the farmer physique, which is deficient in many ways. especially when they take the nutrients out of wheat flour and put it into everything... the atkins diet has proved that its possible to live (in superman physique and very good mental health) by only eating protein and fat. it even cures diabetes, and cancer too, since cancer cells thrive off of junkfood.

bella wanted silicone breasts so she could think better. shes a reiki healer, and my greatest love. she used to get blue in the face since she thought too much, 100 dimensional thinking...

what the illuminati really wants is a desolate planet with only sand, and a core of ice. they can use all that sand as a supercomputer. another conspiracy theory, hey! :) and they want that in the entire universe. theres a story about that actually.


bitchute 2023-01-13

yes, i find yugoslavians an amazing people. lots of superpowers, much discipline, and good humour. i did think before that they might be the oldest people on earth. i have a tatu on ancient kroatian, its only 3 letters in the whole alphabet, and its written in an outward spiral pattern. sounds quite old..

"demons are actually parasites that control every part of perceived existence in the host"

demons work with their hands, they built all churches, look up seal of solomon. angels work with their minds. so theyre just as needed, both of them.

as for parasites, yes, the worst one you get from having adrenochrome. you "fly" when you take it, a guy said, but then when you get withdrawals, an alien entity (reptiloid) comes and shoots his soul into your eye. thus "the black eye club". parasites can be a lot of things. if you eat only junkfood, you get parasites. if you drink a lot of alcohol, the water in your brain gets replaced with it. if you watch a lot of news, you get conditioned, so could be called a parasite as well.

school is a parasite, indoctrinating you, so well, that you believe the world is like that.

its called vampire entities anyway. they feed off the host on birthmarks. i got a triangle and romb of birthmarks in my face. sometimes they bleed, then the vampire entity has been there.

i see a lot of people using powerwords, either when theyre excited or pissed off. one guy used it so much i just couldnt take it anymore. thats black magick. whatever you say manifests in some ways. even my mom is into it, she left me now since i told her to stop.

in higher dimensions, there is no time. you can only do what is right. if you do wrong you start from the beginning. like a computergame. from my few strays into alcohol, i know now it turns the world into a computergame. why so many people are into it. but i prefer computergames to ruining my body and mind.

it wont work. freedom truckers australia were 1 million in the capitol. they used microwaves on them, people started frying and going insane. its real hushed down, even on bitchute. but 1 million? and as weve seen with DEWs, there is absolutely nowhere to hide from agenda2025. live this year to the fullest, next year it will all be over.

not really. in the beginning i got great adrenaline rushes from putting in several. but found no use for that, my tears basically watered themselves like hell. but i got back emotions - sadness, anger, and real joy (i always used to be everybodys clown, i pretended to be happy in a way for self defence). now i take too much i guess, so i just get calm. but i still cry from it sometimes. pleasure hasnt been reduced. coffee is a painkiller though, also great against anxiety. i buy the cheapest possible coffee at ICA, it lasts like a month a package (40kr - 4$), even if i make a huge cup every morning.

"Is there nutrients left in any of our food these days?" if i didnt mention (to you) veggies and fruits are conserved with formaldehyde. it smells like petrol, so no one notices it, since we all have petrol fumes in our lungs from being outside. but the atkins diet is really the only good one. i know theres lots of shit in meat and eggs, and i remember being healthy for awhile and then finally buying the most expensive ham (prosciutti) and it tasted like faeces... the world is coming to an end, everything is poisoned to the n:th degrees. we have 1 year to live, then its agenda2025 with CBDC and that bullshit. theyre even starting with artificial wombs. just like out of the matrix. those kids will be starved from love, so theyll probably be put into a metaverse when they escape the womb, to only get into a larger pod. i have dreamt of the metaverse though, and it didnt seem that bad. one ended as a bad dream, but it also contained the word "etletlien", i even went to google translate in the dream, and it translated as "thank god the oxes came". tried it when i was awake, and it seems to be flemmish. i have valoonian roots, so its a real old word. seems to be to be the world of the "others", which ive always lived at. my home is etletlien :) the other dream, i lived underground, and got a magazine based on my dreams. sort of like pinterest. if you log in after youve slept, there will be pics related to your dreams. i dunno their algorithms, but theyre otherworldly. there are actually functioning quantum computers now, they have a processing power of 5000^2, while normal computers have a millionth of their processing power. theyre not even that expensive to build, everyone could have one. someone on slashdot said in 20 years a quantum computer will cost 1$ to produce, but will they give it to us? and the self buildings nanochip graphene is that machine... why they said it was a chip shortage som year ago... all chip manufacturers were making nanochips, except for bitcoin graphics cards too.

there was one guy, dunno if hes alive anymore. he couldnt speak too much truths, since he knew hed get killed then. hes been in the game for a long time. among other things, he said there are human made tunnels on earth, that date back 2.8 billion years. so there have been many different sort of humanoid species over the years. immortal technique chimed in on this on instagram: the aliens tried first to make titanium robots, but titanium has a halflife of 75 years, so they had to go back often to make new ones, to get gold and diamonds. so instead they made "humans", what genesis is about. it sounds real weird when translated from the tanakh, like pieces are missing in the description. every now and then, theyd take their genome and degrade it, and make another "species" on earth. yugoslavians have among the oldest genes in them, even if all genes can be activated through meditation or working out or eating healthy for example. YHVH even came to north america long ago and called themselves gods, but the native americans just laughed at them. shame they all got killed later on, whites are sneaky. but the worst people have beige skin, even if they are called "white" as well. you get beige skin if you take too many drugs. even if your skin is black it will have a beige tone to it. in higher dimensions these people look orange, because they have acute c-vitamin deficiency, only living on "coke and cigs" or whatever.

you must never have read poetry, or a scifi or fantasy book. of course we can interpret beyond 4d reality, beyond whats on tv in a 2d reality. i have been on the other side, without taking any drugs at all. it was this world, just different, with different playing rules. it was sort of like being high on lsd and beer at the same time. it was a wonderful world, but also scary. hard to learn the new rules for everything.

actually, there were almost no concentrations camps anywhere. 28000 jews in total were killed, most with a shot to their head.

my dad worked at tumba bruk, later crane AB. he "made" money. he talked to the higher ups. but they werent called rottschild, they were called crane in last name. he wined and dined and took drugs with them, every single one in the book. he never spoke much, was angry a lot or just took care of the family and the economy. but he saw some gruesome things. i can only guess all he went through, all he faught for. he was head chief of the union at work, knew every single workers sallary. unfortunately, he took his wisdom to his grave. would have loved to talk about conspiracy theories with him, we had many intellectual conversations around the dinner table, the times he didnt just freak out in anger.

as for extra-humans... you get that from adrenochrome. there are reptiloids in the universe, who only get their lifeforce from blood sacrifices. all societies used to do blood sacrifice though. judaism is just an old surviving religion. back then, we were barbarians. its not something i miss or long for. the world was full of magick back then though, and it wasnt as miserable as they make it out. when electricity came in the 1800s, and with the steam engine in 1500s, magick was sorted out of society. ive made a few rune staves myself, and the runes hold immense power. why i recommend people to study ancient sweden, and interpreting runes. not many do though.

Jews created the word racist it has no real meaning. It is just used to silence people who tell the truth about evil non european criminals. Is it racist that jews ran the slave trade then blamed all their crimes on white people to train blacks to hate them and want to harm them?

thanks, another person said that too. i just think a lot, dont drink or hang with "buddies". am by myself a lot. i am also INTP with NI dominance, so my brain thinks for me. i can talk and write for hours on end. always come up with new things. i "learn" from just myself, but also others, if only a few words. many people in this video have taught me one or the other thing. something i didnt mention, is that the vaccine ruined my back. i get "anxiety" in it sometimes, so it retracts. so my length varies depending on mood. that ill never forgive them for.

all major websites work together. it was so strange before, got banned on facebook from something i said on youtube. or banned on twitter from something i said on facebook. its not the bots, its the jews. they arent many, but they also control the entire internet. the backbone servers. when trying to register an account on some sites, it says "cloudflare needs to establish a safe connection". theyre allowing us to play on bitchute, but not too much. jews thrive on hatred, but dont want legitimate critique. yes, jews run bitchute as well, the servers are situated in the united kingdom, the head state of the illuminati.

heres the only translation i have left: https://svenskadikter.com/Tanakh hmm, they seem to have tampered with the text. well, its a wiki engine site. this is what comes up when i try to translate the hebrew in google translate:

21 As an enemy of Jehovah God | Tardomraha ??? ???????? ????????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ??????:
22 Like a son of Jehovah God | ??-??????? ?????-???? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???-????????:
23 As the Gentiles say, the man is the flesh of the flesh, and the flesh is of the flesh.
24 As such
25 And both of them are naked.

so im an enemy of jehova? oh my! tardomraha? gives 0 hits on google. some strange google image results though...

anyway, the tanakh doesnt say in genesis that women is subservient to man. that was added later. and my jewish girlfriend wasnt subservient to me, she was real strong and tough, but had her heart in the right place as well.

what you say makes sense, since there is no war in ukraine. a guy on bitchute went over there with a camera, and there was no bloodshed, no tanks, no burning buildings. just fake journalist interviewing fake soldiers at the central station. there is no war, its all made up. ukraine and russia have a lot in common, theyre the largest wheat exporters in the world. most wheat is made into vodka, what they thrive on, they drink vodka instead of water. no western man can conquer russia though, its too cold, and they dont drink enough alcohol to manage it.

deep state: look up davos (theyre having a new meeting in january this year). and young global leaders or what its called. its like 10000 of them, against a few whistle blowers. we have no chance. and yes, only 28000 jews were killed in WW2, and most with a shot to the head, there were no concentration camps.

you could try viewing videos when logged out. you are probably shadowbanned. i was shadowbanned in comments before, so much they didnt even show up.

yes, the vaccine poisons your body to the n:th degree. cant imagine many babies are being born at all since the vaccine came out, or just miscarriages. its a plague. a new zeeland doctor (who is now dead) said 20% died from the vaccines. thats absove 1 billion dead, and its real shushed down, even on bitchute.

" I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." Isaiah 45:7

From an outside observer. It looked to me like they set everything up to have people who oppose jewry worship hitler. Then take it away from them to destroy resistance networks and make them lose motivation.

you are wrong, maybe. people save money in the bank. the bank then lends 910% more of that. it's completely upside down. so if you save 10,000 kroner, the bank has a million to lend. it's air... don't understand how society can work this way. if people took out their savings all the banks would go bankrupt.

well said. pictures from airplanes show a non-spheric atmosphere. i actually asked why solar eclipses are bright if its cloudy on facebook. got banned from commenting on that discussion.

aliens are here, ive seen them. also seen other supernatural beings, including an archangel in cloud form, and talked to him. theres been man-made caves since 2.8 billion years back. everyone is either a reptiloid or a grey. i saw it. ive even met a woman with a snake (demon/cat) eyes, she treated me well.

and yes there is a timeline which ends/starts around Nissan 17 2025. So whatever they are going to do will have to be played out before that date. Take a look at the Paris Olympics which are the 33rd Olympics and the closing ceremony takes place on 8/11/2024 and that day has a pattern that matches exactly 9/11/2001.

The Miami mall event was a field testing of a crowd control device. Frequencies can be used to affect people's emotional state. A device was used to create very strong fear emotions in the people in the mall. Everyone ran as fast as the could to get away from the fear. Those who are more imaginative hallucinated alien creatures to give substance to their fears. Some people who had firearms started to fire at their hallucinations.
The massive police presence was to create a perimeter to stop everyone and make sure no mobile phone footage of people running away from nothing got out.
It was set up to coincide with the Epstein document release, so that people would say it was just a distraction.

It was really a field testing of new technology.
The graffiti artist, and some others are paid for disinfo agents. Set up to confuse people as to what actually happened.


free palestine

Bomberna som släpps över Gaza väger mellan 500 lb och 2000 lb. Om du tar i genomsnitt 1 000 lb. per bomb motsvarar det 150 000 ton höga explosiva ämnen. En typisk godstågsvagn väger 30 ton (60 000 lbs) tom och kan bära ytterligare 100 ton (200 000 lbs) lastade till totalt 130 ton (260 000 lbs) per vagn, vilket innebär ca. 1 153,84 godstågsvagnar som är fulla med höga sprängämnen har släppts på Gaza. Gazaremsan är 141 kvadratkilometer. Israel släpper amerikanska Mark 83-bomber över Gaza. Mark 83-bomben,- "Bombens nominella vikt är 1 000 pund (450 kg), även om dess faktiska vikt varierar mellan 985 pund (447 kg) och 1 030 pund (470 kg), beroende på tändningsalternativ,[1] och fenkonfiguration.[2] Mk 83 är ett strömlinjeformat stålhölje som innehåller 445 pund (202 kg) tritonalt högsprängämne. Källa- Wikipedia. Sprängradien för en 1 000 lb. Mark 83 bomb är 25 833, eller lite mer än en en halv hektar. Källa- https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA526142

Dessa bomber släpps i tätbefolkade stadsområden, så siffran 10 000 döda är en lögn. Det måste vara minst en kvarts miljon dödsfall hittills.


som jag nämnde ja. Men vi har aldrig sett något så brutalt och folkmordet i Gaza tidigare där vi har en av de mest kraftfulla och välutrustade militärmaskinerna på jorden som utför den metodiska och systematiska slakten av en obeväpnad och svältande civilbefolkning, varav 75 % är under 17-årsåldern, som har hållits under belägringsförhållanden under de senaste 18 åren, nu avsiktligt berövad matvatten, tak över huvudet, sanitet, som inte har någon försvarsmakt, ingen armé, inget flygvapen, inga riktiga vapen och hålls i plats med alla möjliga utrymningsvägar blockerade av en oframkomlig vägg med alla ingångar och existerar avstängda. Detta är den mest brutala, omänskliga, omoraliska och psykopatiska etniska rensningen av något folk som någonsin har inträffat i modern historia

isreal har bombat 1000 moskéer i gaza, nu finns det bara 200 kvar


historien om när jag träffade ärkeängel gabriel

historien är den att jag köpte
10 öl men drack bara 3
jag dricker inte öl...
i mörkret
i ensamheten
på vintern...

sen stänger jag av datorn
och lägger mig
den hade strulat...
när jag legat i sängen ett tag
ser jag en figur i mitt rum
den svävar
har guldrustning
och reser sitt guldsvärd
och frågar mig
"blev det bättre nu tomas?"
kollade upp det sen
det var ärkeängel gabriel



last year
i was in a
coma for
a week

but this
beats it

so i had
just showered

with a faith
in nature soap
all over my body

my breathing
was heavier

i felt so so calm
so at ease
in my un-ease

and it felt
like... death

i am ready
take me home

"the young man
sitting in the
old mans bar
waiting for his
time to die"
- goo goo dolls



i circa 2019

i only have a single laptop, no ipad. i used to have a landline, but i moved and it was to a more high tech place (ive got 100mbps for free :). i dont eat ecological, because its the same shit in everything. drink coffee once or twice a day, have dip in my mouth. and... i have forgiven everyone and everything. theres no hate in my heart anymore. oh, no cellphone and no smartphone. my mom visits me twice a week, thats it. i have no irl friends, none that would visit anyway. im fine as it is, since im a taurus, and they are easily entertained. have a smoke of a cigarillo now and then. eat "farmers" diet, lots of margarine, cheeze, sandwiches, yoghurt, mince based foods. and im content as it is. i dont need much. listen to music and surf all day, have a walk in the mornings. i am actually retired since i was 23 years old (im 40 now), because of mental illness. there was a social worker who called me and ask "...do you really want to talk to me?" i made her more than happy, so she gave me pre-retirement until retired for year (2035). i have never had a properly paid job, it was close, i was gonna be a boss at a place. but ive worked for free at 4 different places.


the emerald tablets by thoth the atlantean

mycket visdom

"One step thou has gained on the long pathway upward,
infinite now is the mountain of Light.
Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain;
all of thy progress but lengthens the goal."


droger tar man för att känna mindre eller känna mer

för mig är det ingetdera, kanske...
jag har hur mycket energi som helst
oavsett droger eller inte
men jag är också väldigt lugn inombords
jag tar snus för att få bort all min ocd
som jag själv skapat
jag förstörde öronen som tonåring
sen senare skulle jag göra musik?
så det är främst för att känna mindre
ibland blir jag ledsen när jag tagit snus
men det är glädjetårar
men nu mår jag så bra :)
så inga tårar =*)
ahapp, en glädjetår!
ocd'n är helt förfärlig i alla fall
förut tänkte jag "rape the world"
och då gick det sämre för trump...
psykiatrin säger "dina tankar är inte verkliga"
men det är just vad de är
de påverkar
men skulle vara sämre att säga det
eller göra en låt av det
eller kanske blir katharsis då...
om det fanns en drog
som tog bort ångest
skulle jag gärna hänga på =*)
men morfin piller oxascand
och massa grejer
funkar inte på mig...
kanske typ 1 gång i månaden
men sen blir jag resistant :(
glad att du finns till <3
att du kan skriva fina dikter
och göra fina photoshops! <3 =*)
en annan grej med ocd'n
var att jag tänkte illa om allt och alla
hela tiden
sen verkade det som om de visst allt om mig
kunde säga de mest träffande elaka saker
men de har ju tränat...
och som om människor "känner av" ocd'n
samma när jag runkade och tänkte på nån
ibland hörde jag deras röst...
hej, en ny dikt =*)
tog en stor prilla på morgonen
och som jag drömde inatt!
har tagit bort smärtpillrena
det var de som förstörde min mage
hade ångest halva dan
men bättre än förut
ska bara minska clozapine också
sen är jag frisk
hoppas jag =*)



so they put me
on a new
med again

this ones


my poo has had
a strange red
colour to it

cant argue
with that

except the
shatters my mind

...and, you get the
ulcers when you
take too
many painkillers

so why didnt they
reduce the

and why are they
changing meds behind
my back all the
fucking time?

so why are they doing this?
do they have no morals?
they do have morals
twisted ones
but still morals

but you see
i am in the global
resistance movement
against corona
and the new world order

as they know absolutely
everything about
me all the time
they know this too

but im gonna remove
the med tomorrow
i wont back down



everyone you meet is your mirror

i see the world as beauty, as fantastical, magical.

"a loving person lives in a loving world.

a hateful person lives in a hateful world.

everyone you meet is your mirror".

so then we add

"an intelligent person lives in a wise world.

a stupid person lives in a dumb world"? :)

fundamentalists are of all camps.

what about the italian mafia anyway?

they sure have fucked up the world a lot.

it is they who primarely do drug and body trafficking.

and the south american mafia - its a whole continent!

they also do blood sacrifice. it is said the mexican mafia,

if you get caught, will pressure your family for 150$ million

or they will sell your body on the black market.

same for christians who hate on jews,

which is mostly the clientelle here,

they are slaves to jews and dont realize it

(AND theyre circumsized,

AND theyre probably vaccinated or at least shedded,

AND they eat junkfood,

AND they take in MSM,

AND they have chinese slave labour smartphones).

i know in a lot of churches there are blood sacrifices.

if you look around, really get to know people,

youll find out most are satanists, not christians.

and they love their thriller movies,

they love death and murder.

its especially large in sweden

"the thriller wonder" of books,

usually books only sold in 3000 copies,

with thrillers its million of copies instead.

id say anyone who drinks alcohol is a satanist,

because you get your first spiritual awakening

when you drink, and think you talk to "god",

but its just the spirit of the alcohol

(they used to be called "spirits" after all),

so their religion is alcoholism, sadly enough.

me ive been drunk once or twice, but it wasnt for me.

turning to an idiot the more you drink,

i remember my dad in the old days,

he looked like a blubbering fool when he was drunk,

and it was often, so i retreated to

my room and my computer and CDs and notebooks.


was nothing wrong with hitler,

they invaded him when he wanted to

break free from the rottschildian monetary system.

marxism / socialism / feudalism / police state

on the other hand, thats the future we are headed in,

where a select few control everyone

and owns almost everything,

and give the people a few scraps

every now and then to make them obedient.

much worse than any country in the world.

china is already there...

Disease X will likely be activated by 5G.
Time to get out of cities and
other high-density regions, folks.
Those who have received the C-shots
containing nano-tech and
graphene compounds
will be most susceptible.


taiwan får en demokratiskt vald president

Taiwan’s president has been chosen in a free and fair democratic election. William Lai and his DPP have won over Beijing’s preferred candidate. With its ethnically Chinese population, Taiwan’s people have voted against Xi Jinping. Today is a victory for democracy.

With Xi experiencing a perfect economic storm at home (real estate crisis, banking crisis, local government debt crisis, and youth employment collapse),


What is under the Getty? (The root of their evil)

“The Museum has at least 6 basement levels that are larger than the area of the entire museum campus. $12 billion to build they say... The bunker is one mile deep, with 6 major levels, and several sub levels as large as a city each. This has connection to all of LA, Orange, and SB counties. It connects via high speed tube train to Catalina Island to the west, and Edwards AFB, China Lake, Tonapah, etc, etc etc.... Children go in but they don't come out, unless they are kids that are on TV, like mousekateers. EVERY child star goes under this place to have fluids taken. The lowest level is where the most horrible Satanic rituals take place, they make even a Satanist squeamish. UCLA, USC, FBI, city hall, music center, Disneyland, etc, etc, all connected by tunnels with trams and elevators. Club 33 in Disneyland, the Mark Taper Forum in LA. Almost every old building has tunnels that eventually connect. These tunnels can be very old, or made recently. Playboy mansion, Lookout mtn, (Jared Leto's house) Brad Pitt's house, and on, and on... the Skirbal center in LA.. how hard is this to prove, they can't hide all the entrances. Only the Government has the power to do that!! Get the picture yet? IT IS THE GOVERNMENT DOING THIS.”



anxiety 1-3

råkade hitta de 2 andra, de var visst borttagna på svenskadikter, men det går ju att få tillbaks de där...

i do get lots of anxiety
and then you "regret" things
(swedish "ångest" aka "ångra"
"regret" in swedish)
or think things in the
future wont happen
or that you should forget
all about your dreams

its like a 100 demons
attacking your whole soul
body being mind heart

its not easy...


ingen har ju
inte ångest


utan ångest


"i have anxiety now"
is either met with
a null response
or confusion
because they have
never felt my pain


sexual education


children find porn
from a very
early age now

i found my dads
pornomags when i was 7

thus ended my
sexual education

parents need to talk
to kids about sexuality

but most my parents did
was work a lot
and drink a lot

they barely
talked to me
about anything...


nearing the end of la belle epoque @->->-

an early goodbye tracey
even if you are far away =*(
i feel worse than ever before
the stomache med ruined me
i have so much anxiety
even when i woke up

on the plus side
i think bella was here?
on christmas
or the day after
they wouldnt
let her in

but i heard
no words
from her


maybe it was her
maybe it was bella <3 =*)
out of sync, as usual

will she be
at my funeral?
who will die first?
but my heart doesnt
beat her for anymore,
even if she asked to
never let go of her paw
my heart doesnt beat at all
my bloodpressure
was 70/50
some time ago
which is quite low

but im sure
its been lower
when my vision
because i couldnt
close my eyes
faded to grey


merry christmas tracey

i hope you have a good one <3
another end of the world
i hope its not true
but i dont think
it will ever
get better


watch your... [en/se]

originalet, något kortare, av lao tzu, han som filosoferade kring "tao", min favoritförfattare, har taoismens grundvalar tatuerade på ryggen :)

watch y0ur body
it becomes sensations

watch your sensations
they become feelings

watch your feelings
they become words

watch your words
they become action

watch your actions
they become habits

watch your habits
they become character

watch your character
it becomes destiny

watch your destiny
it becomes legend


akta dig för din kropp
den ger sinnesintryck

akta dig för dina sinnesintryck
det blir känslor

akta dig för dina känslor
de blir ord

akta dig för dina ord
de blir handling

akta dig för din handling
det blir dina vanor

akta dig för dina vanor
det blir din karaktär

akta dig för din karaktär
det blir ditt öde

akta dig för ditt öde
det blir din saga


its not about ego

its about laziness
we buy cheap cars
cheap junkfood
cheap jeans
and cheap netflix
movies and series

we want it
we crave it

and thats what
the planet
not the elite

were in this together
and unfortunately
most people are



jag har massa trauman

det är naturligt att ha trauman

jag har psykos

det är naturligt att ha psykos

jag är ledsen

det är naturligt att vara ledsen


same bird

the right wing
and the left wing
is part of the same bird

and its the centre, the green
which controls everything

make the red and blue
fight amongst themselves
over petty ordeals


har du

har du sett filmen?
nej men jag har läst boken

har du hört låten?
nej men jag har läst titeln

har du hört nyheten?
ja men bara rubriken

har du älskat mig bella?
ja men på avstånd


i wish i was like bella

i wish i was like bella
she does makesup
for 3 hours per day
and showers
3 hours per day
it would be useful
in closed psychiatric care
to make the days go by
and besides
people treat you better
if you look good
and smell good
i wish i was like bella



och de säger att livet är kort...

60 sekunder per minut
60 minuter per timma
86 400 sekunder per dag
31 miljoner sekunder per år
2 miljarder sekunder på 75 år



innan jag började
med legala droger
(snus, cig, kaffe)
så såg jag aliens ibland

så klart det finns andra
livsformer i universum

de vägleder oss
på en högre nivå
än till och med WHO

som vi alla borde veta...

jorden styr oss
månen styr oss
solen styr oss



jag kan inte skilja
på kåt och rädd
jag vet att det
låter hel mysko
men det är som ångest
alla känslorna på en gång
och man är förväntasfull
och spänd över
hur den andra
ska ta emot en

som när ida kom ut ur duschen
med bara underkläder
glömmer aldrig hennes
ansiktsuttrck då
men inget hände
jag bytte kläder och stack iväg
klockan 3 på natten
mitt i ingenstans
med 53 kronor på kortet
bussresan kostade 52

hon sa
"du går bort dig"
och jag ville säga
men gjorde det ej
"tack för allt
förlåt för allt"
det ordnade sig
på något vis
som när hon kramade om mig
när vi möttes utanför tågstationen
"jag visste inte ens
att du skulle komma!
vilket flyt du har!

sen är det så
när andra år kåta på mig
så blir jag rädd
kanske inte rädd
men blyg
rädd för framtiden
som emma
hon hade så vassa tänder
tänk på om tänkte
på en sig avsugning sen
vad skulle hända då?

jag har nästan aldrig
druckit alkohol
så jag har inte fått
den där befrielsen som behövs
i dagens politiskt korrekta samhälle...


ovanlig vaccin biverkning

om du kollar på pfizers biverkningslista
så listar den i princip vad som helst
1300 biverkningar

jag är hyperlaxativ
jag reagerar snabbt på stimulus

vid andra dosen
(första var sockerlösning
de kör med sånt för att förvirra folk)
skulle man
"vila i 20 minuter"
eller nåt efter injektionen

jag fick otroligt ont i ryggen
efter en minut och
steg upp och det försvann

men efter det fick jag
"ångest" i ryggen
ibland när jag var ute
den "drog" ihop sig liksom
blev flera centimeter kortare
sen drogs den ut igen
när jag mådde bra

jag hade hoppat
några år innan
så ryggen var skadad

om du inte visste det
är det ett grafen
självbyggande nanochip
i vaccinet
(din kropp sänder ut
en unik MAC address)
och också 36 sorters
sökande ormgift
som gör jobbet

tycker allt vatten
även det man
duschar i
luktar orm

själv luktar jag
som en metallorm
på grund av grafenet



låt oss gå direkt till källan. ja, inte smussla undan det.

som sagt skulle inte familjen förstå, och inte frugan heller.

jo. i alla fall. scenario: jag är 7 år. min granne ringer. och frågar: vill du bada? jag sa ja, som jag alltid sa till honom, har aldrig sagt nej en enda gång i hela mitt liv till honom. men har inte träffat honom sen jag började 7:an i skolan.

i alla fall. vi klär av oss nakna, i badrummet som är på nedre våningen. med stängd dörr (låst? vem vet..). går i badkaret på varsin sida.

efter ett tag händer något konstigt. min granne tittar nedåt (det här har jag insett först nu) och mot mig, och ja, det är konstigt. sen skiter jag på mig. så vi går upp ur badkaret.

sen vad det avklarat. aldrig mer händer igen. förutom att det gjorde det.

ibland, när min granne och jag var ensamma, så sket jag på mig. som när vi var på en hel ö, med hans familj. då mitt i ingenstans där, skiter jag på mig.

jag har alltid trott att det var för att jag var nervös inför att börja ettan i skolan. men. nä.

min granne våldtog mig. flera gånger. telekinesiskt. alltså. som telepatiskt. fast man måste va nära. men det var ändå som succubus, som incubus.

världen är väldigt fucked up. på väldigt många sätt.

min mor har senare sagt att jag var hans sistahandsval. hans hora, helt enkelt. han hade flera dussin vänner. som han ringde till. för att leka. han ringde alltid mig sist. fast jag bodde alldeles mittemot. det var väl bara att hälsa på mig? inte så enkelt. näpp.

min granne var en skitstövel. som var cool. det har tagit mig väldigt lång tid att inse detta. runka framför en 7-åring? fy in i helvetes jävlars demoners skithåla! och istället, som jag gjort för min andra bloggvän, att försökte skydda henne, göra hennes liv bättre.

så ville min granne, dra mig ner i skiten också. han sa också en gång, vet inte hur gammal jag var då "om du börjar gråta igen får du gå hem". och hemma ville jag ju inte va och uttråkad, så jag slutade gråta. i TRETTIO ÅR!!!!! jag har fortfarande väldigt svårt för det. om jag missbrukar massa saker blir det enklare. men aldrig utan.

en till sak är, det tog mig 10 år innan jag blev som min pappa. jo, tafsade en tjej på rumpan. hennes brorsa råkade gå i min klass. han slog mig rakt i ansiktet. min pappa tyckte om att tafsa mig på rumpan. han gjorde det till slutet. för att lära mig en läxa. föräldrar: var inte smart mot era barn. men han kom från söder. knivsöder. där är det antingen knulla eller mörda som gäller. fitta på kuken, eller kniv i magen, inget annat.

så jag förstår. jag menar. han tafsade på mig när jag kom hem från kristianstad, fast jag var 30 då. inte vid matbordet. men han har gjort så min mor såg, hon gjorde ingenting, fast jag skällde ut honom. aldrig pratade om det. aldrig någonting. så till denna dag. jag är 38 nu.

jag har haft svårt för att sova sen första gången han tafsade på mig. det blev svårare och svårare. jag har alltid sovit med tänt lyse, ibland hur ljust som helst. det värsta var att när jag la mig för att somna, så kom han in och tafsade. för att förstöra mina drömmar. för jag "förstörde" hans drömmar, om att få knulla min mor problemfritt under alla år. men hon har sagt att han var dålig i sängen, så det var snarare hans problem än mitt. men men, han förstörde mitt liv, och det är fortfarande förstört.

en enda gång. någonsin. jag hade katatonisk dödsförtvivlan med aggro och suicid. mina föräldrar hade grillat. så jag går ut. äter på nån sekund. jag säger, hur mycket jag än orkar, jag som inte orkar någonsin då, för det här har hänt hundratals gånger vid det här laget: "förlåt att jag äter så snabbt". min far svarar, "du äter som ett djur!". jag svarar lugnt och sansat: "du kan dricka mycket alkohol". han hade druckit igår. och han drack den dagen. ännu mer.

jag vet också att han tafsade på mig efter att jag somnat, när han läst godnattsagor. säkert dussin gånger. om inte hundratals. har nästintill inget minne av den tiden. men jag hade många tidningar.

när den där friidrottaren kom ut att han blev våldtagen av sin tränare, sa pappa "han hittar på". ja, om han hade läst den boken, skulle han kanske blivit en bättre människa. men det är inte vad alkoholister vill. dom vill ha roligt 24/7. ingen alkoholist har problem. de är problemet. de lever i sin totala lalavärld. alla deras landerövringar är ett FUCKING skämt. de är alkoholister. ingen annat. någonsin. och de kommer brinna 4 miljarder år i helvetet. smaka på det ni!

oj, det här landade gamla gossiga minnen till liv. har bara varit vaken en halvtimma, men har katatoni. går och lägger mig igen.

Music mind VIP

Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Ja Evelyn Ja, det är ofattbart vad som hände med den här poeten, men jag tror att det inte är ett unikt fall i Sverige, Trevligt av honom att väcka opinionen.

Evelyn Falk Möller
Jag tror de kommer att brinna i eoner. Det är inga människor som gör så mot barn - de är monster.
Det går inte att applodera den här texten, det förstår du säkert, men jag ska bokmärka den för din enorma inre styrkas skull.

familjen (bok) [se/en] {14 dikter}

det svåraste med att göra böcker är vilken dikt som ska komma vart. jag orkade efter ett tag inte engagera mig med det, det krävs för mycket tankekraft :( boken ska läsas som en helhet ändå. kommer printas i 4 exemplar tror jag <3

1 pappa
2 sara
3 stjärnfall
4 hej jag är emma
5 jag är katt ja det är jag
6 bästa vännen igen
7 du har mitt hjärta sa karin
8 förälder
9 heyoka
10 kära föräldrar
11 lura
12 mina barns första ord
13 rhiannonkirineuf
14 tessan du är den enda



han levde som ett mysterium
och dog som ett mysterium





allt handlar om dig

allt har alltid

handlat om dig


du skrattar

inte åt

mina skämt

och jag


inte åt dina




2 minuter
klev jag ut
tog en cigg
bad till månen
sen föll en stjärna
då föddes idas
tredje barn
23/24 oktober
en libra / scorpio cusp




de lugna stegen
från ett löv
som korsar gatan

ljudet av en
gammal telefon

känslan av att
min vinterkropp
tinar i vårsolen

längtan från
mitt hjärta
att känna
någonting igen

för någon
jag behöver det

jag gråter nu
så mitt hjärta är igång
för första gången

men jag känner inte kärlek
bara sorg
varma glada tårar

kanske är det så
att bli gammal
man saknar saker

en glad återkommelse
det finns inget hat
det finns ingen likgiltighet
det finns bara kärlek
för allting

jag är emma
jag är för det
mesta ledsen
men kan lätt göra
människor glada
omså bara för att
försvara mig själv

jag föredrar att va för mig själv
emma betyder hemma
men också universum
och universum är mitt hem
mitt hem är mitt universum

jag tycker om det här
hoppas du kikar
förbi nån gång
och förkovrar
dig i min värld
jag tycker om det
här i alla fall
hoppas du också
gör det




jag skulle vara enklare att förstå
om jag sa att jag var en katt
det är nu 17:00 och jag åt precis middag
innan, sen lunchtid
hade jag slumrat till rymdmusik
jag vet inte om det
var del av spellistan
men helt plötsligt
kom en 5 minuters reklamfilm
för ett turistställe
som hade sin egna syntetiska sjö
och korallrev och biosfär...




grattis tidig
du föddes 1 månad innan mig
och var före mig i tankarna
läste fantasy böcker
när jag läste FOTO och
illustrerad vetenskap
du var min bästa vän från ungefär
6 års ålder till sexan i skolan
vi skiftade ifrån varandra
och jag insåg nyligen
att jag blev som dina bröder
men du blev inte det
hörde på slashdot
att du va datorsäkerhetsexpert
så du kan rädda mig från hackingen
men man får inte alltid det man vill
och jag tror att du hatar mig
vet inte riktigt
tänker du på mig ibland?
jag var rädd för
att träffa dig
i paranoian förut
på din facebook sida
ser du pumpad ut
du simmade ju
medans jag åt
mer och mer
du tyckte om min familj
och din familj va som den va
2 boxar storebrorsor
och en blond lillasyster
det här är till dig iaf
bästa vänner för evigt
på något sätt
där ute
kristian jan sörensen
du var allt för mig
när det inte va
så mycket med mig
jag utvecklades senare
men jag har gjort
konst musik poesi
jag har gjort mitt
avtryck på världen
och jag är säker
att du gör storkonster varje dag
i den digitala sfären
och på natten drömmer du
om fantasy världar
som du lärt dig
om i alla
dessa böcker
din vän
din bästa vän
tomas emma johansson




så jag försökte
ta självmord igen
8 år sen
försöket innan

men jag har tänkt på
att avsluta mitt liv
sen jag var 11 år gammal
när jag började bli mobbad
när pappa försökte lära
mig en läxa i matematik

vad betyder det?
både min blodssyster
som jag känner mest
och min pappa
drack och dricker mycket
min mamma är en dum blondin
utan de tillräknade
stora tuttarna
och jag är stolt
över henne för det
hon är över 70 och
full av glad energi
hon skiter helt i politik
varför hon kom
in på konstfack
och det är jag också
stolt över henne för

så jag kommer leva länge till
min pappa blev 66 eller 67 år
och jag förmodar att sara
kommer leva länge också

både charles bukowski
och timothy leary
blev uppemot 70 år

jag förmodar att
min mor menade
att jag är en
vatten varelse
som henne
hon är en hippie
älskar sina blommor
sara tycker om att
promenera mycket
och cykla
precis som sin kille
vilket hon verkar ha
gjort slut med nu?

de hade vart tillsammans
så nära varandra
sen 1997
och konstigt nog
där jag bor nu
finns en granne
som är precis som de

jag kom på det
genom att analysera
hans personlighet
en del ser honom
väl som korkad
eftersom han är latino
med en ganska stark dialekt
och han tänker alltid igenom
saker innan han öppnar munnen

jag kommer ihåg
när jag sa till
sara några gånger
NÄR... etc etc
med ett stort flin

hon blir tyst
tänkande tillbaka
hennes ögon blir bara
mörkare och mörkare

och hon säger sen
några sekunder senare
i en tvär ton

oavsett allt
jag älskar dig sara
jag älskar hela världen
den andra sidan
av att ha en
borderline diagnos




jag har 2 barn
rhiannon och kirin
med bella och tessan

sibel har 2 barn
som har rött hår
(saffron och
kallar jag de)
pojken ser ut som mig
bara mer melankolisk
och flickan ser
precis ut som sara
båda föräldrarna
har svart hår

idas 2 första barn
har rött hår
båda föräldrarna
har svart

har inte tänkt
på de på länge
så tänkte jag skulle
styra upp etern lite

jag har mer
barn än det här
10, som spåkarlen sa




Jag är Heyoka
Jag kan kontrollera vinden
Vilket jag inte direkt förstår
Det var den första
superkraften jag hittade

Så min anti-form är Skorpion
Men mina vänner är Libra och
Häst och Aries och Tvilling

Alla är allting till någon grad

Jag är neutral/good men det
ändras ibland fort fort
fort till chaotic/good sen
blir det bara värre och värre
Som en naturkatastrof
Jag kan kontrollera det själv

Jag har inte tusen
tankar i huvudet
För det mesta ingenting
Så jag är första elementet
Shuddha Prajnyana

Mina barn är titandrakar
Jag vet inte hur
de kommer bli
Det finns konst
om titandrakar
förmodar jag
Låt se

De heter visst
Kintsugi betyder att
man läker med guld

Bella & Tessan
# Born 2020-02~01-03 (2020-02-02 Vattuman) Gabriella ''Babybel'' Kirin Irazsche (Bellas dotter) [party animal, reiki healer] (conceived 2019-11-02~04) {stark, pratglad ibland, god lyssnare} Libra Titandrake (Brunt lockigt hår) a kirin is a mythological animal mix between dragon dog and horse (Concieved 27 february 2019)
# Born 2019-09~13-15 (Jungfru) Rhiannon ''Habibi'' Angelino Johansson (Tessans son) [drug dealer, spelar på hästar] (concieved 2019-06-14~16) {vis vacker klok lugn} Kräfta Titandrake (rött hår)[[When was rhiannon and kirin born?]] (häst, fågel) (Libra) (Concieved 27 february 2019)

# Kommer inte ihåg namnet. Det var germanskt och unisex. Vet inte mer.

# Vet inte.




jag önskar att ni
inte hade druckit
och jobbat så mycket

men det gör inget
jag förlåter er
eran son, tomas




du kan
lura alla
lilla svaga
roliga karin

förutom rami
förutom sara
förutom bella

förutom tessan
förutom tomas
förutom sofia

du kan
lura alla
förutom oss




Tomas: Förlåt att jag

tänker illa om er ibland.

Rhiannon & Kirin: Det gör inget,

vi har varit med om det mesta.

Och om nån behandlar oss illa

behöver det inte va ditt fel.

Det behöver inte va ditt fel.




vad är skillnaden mellan
sanningar och lögner?
jag vet inte
jag vet inte
för jag är ingen lögnare

bortom dualismen
finns vetenskapsfrekvens
när 1 sak kan motsäga en annan
men båda är 110% rätt ändå

hinduiska gudar är antingen
venusblå för kreativiteten
eller hawkingstrålningavgrunds
svart för destruktiviteten

men de är inte
demoner eller änglar

de är kvantfysik
de är plasma 3 i en
vätska gas materia

som rhiannon och
kirin och neuf

för alltid
för evigt
för all tid
bara vi 3

med bästa kattvännen
det är stort att älska
det är större att
bli älskad
av en




det finns
där ute

vissa av de

men de förstör
sig själva mest

för de blev pajade
för länge sen

och de använder
vilken drog
som helst
för att glömma

men traumat

dessa är
de så kallade
värsta människorna
i hela världen

jag vet
för jag är
1 av de

tessan är
1 av de

är det

men jag vet att
tessan är den enda
så det spelar ingen roll




1 dad
2 sara
3 starfall
4 hi i am emma
5 i am cat yes i am
6 bff again
7 dear parents
8 heyoka
9 my childrens first words
10 parent
11 rhiannonkirineuf
12 tessan you are the only one
13 trick
14 you have my heart said karin



he lived like a mystery
and died like a mystery




everything is about you

everything has always

been about you


you dont laugh at my jokes

and i dont laugh at yours




2 minutes
before midnight
i stepped outside
and lit a cigarette
prayed to the moon
and then
a star fell
then idas third
baby was born
23/24 october
a perfect libra
scorpio cusp




the gentle steps
of a leaf
crossing the street

the sounds
of an oldskool
mobile phone

the feeling of my
winter body thawing
in the spring sun

the urge for my heart
to feel something again

for someone
i need it

i cry now
so my heart is alive
for the very first time

but i dont feel love
only sadness
happy sadness

maybe thats
what its like
to grow old
to miss things

a joyful remembrance
there is no hate
there is no indifference
there is only
for everything

my name is emma
emma johansson
im mostly sad
i can make people happy
but its only a
defence mechanism

i prefer being by myself
emma means home
but also universe
the universe is my home
my home is my universe

i like it here
hope you sneak
by sometime
feel my world
i like it anyway
hope you do too




things would explain themselves better
if i said i was a cat =^_^=
its now 5 o clock and i just ate dinner
before, since noon, id been
dozing off to space ambient
i dont know if it was
apart of the playlist
but all a sudden there
was like a 5 min ad
for this tourist
place which had
its own synthetic
ocean and coral reef




you were born 1 month before me
and was before me in mental growth

you read fantasy books
when i read photo
and science magazines

you were my best friend
from about six years old
until sixth grade

we shifted away fron eachother
and i realized recently
i turned into your brothers
but you didnt

heard on slashdot
that you were a
data security expect

so you could save me
from all the hacking
i get online and
on my computer

but you cant always
get what you want
and i think that
you hate me

do you think
of me sometimes?

i was afraid to meet you
in the paranoia before

on your facebook page
you look pumped up

you practiced
swimming before
while i ate just
more and more

you liked my family
and your family
was what it was
2 brothers that were
professional boxers
and a blonde
little sister

this is to you anyway
best friends forever
out there
kristian jan sörensen

you were everything to me
when there wasnt much about me
i developed later
but i have made a lot of
art music poetry
i have made my
dent on the world

and i am sure
you do wonders every day
in the digital sphere

and dream about those
fantasy books you
probably still read

your friend
your best friend
tomas emma johansson




i wish you hadnt
drunk and
so much

but it
doesnt matter
i forgive you
your son, tomas




i am heyoka
i can control the wind
which is something
i do not directly understand

it was the first
i found out about
so my anti form is scorpio
but my friends are libra and
sagitarius and aries and gemini

everyone is
to some degree

i am neutral/good
but it sometimes changes quickly
to chaotic/good then it gets worse
and worse like a natural disaster
i can control it myself

i dont have a thousand
thoughts in my head
most of the time nothing
so i am the first element
shuddha prajnyana

my children are titandragons
i do not what they will grow up
on average i do
they are called kintukoroi
kintsugi means healing with gold

Bella & Tessan
# Born 2020-02~01-03 (2020-02-02 Aquarius) Gabriella ''Babybel'' Kirin Irazsche (Bellas daughter) [party animal, reiki healer] (conceived 2019-11-02~04) {strong, talkative sometimes, good listener} Libra Titandragon (brown curly hair) a kirin is a mythological animal mix between dragon dog and horse (Concieved 27 february 2019)
# Born 2019-09~13-15 (Virgo) Rhiannon ''Habibi'' Angelino Johansson (Tessans son) [drug dealer, bets on horses] (concieved 2019-06-14~16) {Wise beautiful calm} Cancer Titandragon (red hår) (horse, bird) (Libra) (Concieved 27 february 2019)

* Julia. Donät remember the name. It was German and unisex. Don't know more.

* Don't know




Tomas Sofia: I'm sorry i think

badly about you,

even if it's only seldomly,

I don't want to do it.

But it happens,

like when I have despair.

Rhiannon and Kirin:

It's OK, we've been through a lot.

And just because something bad happens to us,

it doesn't have to be your fault.

It doesn't have to be your fault.




i have 2 kids
rhiannon and kirin
with bella and tessan

sibel has 2 kids
who have red hair
(saffron and
saffrina i call them)
the boy looks like me
just sadder
and the girl looks
just like sara
both parents
have black hair

idas first 2 kids
have red hair
both parents
have black

i havent thought
much of them lately
so figured i should stir
up the ether some

i have more
kids than this
10, as the soothsayer said




whats the difference between
truth and lies?
i dont know
i dont know
because i am not a liar

beyond dualism
is scientific frequency
when 1 thing can negate another
but they are still 110% true

hindu gods are either
venus blue for creativity
or hawking radiation black
for destructivity

but they are not
demons or angels

they are quantum physics
they are plasma 3 in 1
liquid gas materia

like rhiannon
and kirin and neuf
the trinity

for always
for all time
just us 3

with the best cat friend
it is great to love
it is greater
to have
by a cat




there are
broken people
out there

some of them
break other

but they break
the most

because they
got broken
long ago

and they use
any drug
to forget

but it still
doesnt pass

these are the
worst so called
people in the world

i know
im one of them
tessan is one of them
a lot of people are one of them

but i know
is the one
so it doesnt




you can fool everyone
little weak happy karin

except rami
except sara
except bella

except tessan
except tomas
except sofia

you can fool
except us



so i tried to kill myself again
has been 8 years
since the last time

but ive thought about suicide
since i was 11 years old
when i started to get bullied
when dad wanted to teach
me a lesson in mathematics

what does that mean?
both my bloodsister
that i know the most
and my dad
drank and drink a lot
my mom is a dumb blonde
without the big tits
and im proud of her for that
shes completely unphased by politics
and im proud of her for that

so i will live a long time
my dad lived until he
was 66/67 years
and i guess sara
will live long

both charles bukowski
and timothy leary
died in their 70s

i guess my mom meant
i am a water being
like her
shes a flower hippie
sara likes walking a lot
and biking a lot
just like her guy
which shes just
broke up with
i think?

they had been togethter
so tight-knit
since 1997
and strangely enough
at the housing
and also several years earlier
theres been a guy whos the same sign
as sara and fredrik

i just figured it out
from his personality
some probably see
him as stupid
since hes latino
with an accent
and he always
thinks things

i remember telling sara a few times
REMEMBER WHEN... so and so
with a big smile on my face

she goes quiet
her vision turning
darker and darker

and then a few
secs later
she says in a
concentrated tone

no matter what
i love you sara
i love the
entire world
the bright side
of being



jag borstar tänderna

när jag känner för det

jag duschar

när jag känner för det

jag lagar vilken mat jag vill

när jag känner för det

jag äter vad jag vill

när jag känner för det

julia ringer upp mig och

frågar om jag vill knulla

när hon känner för det

tessan tar med sina vänner

när hon känner för det

bella healer mig

när jag inte känner för det

när de känner för det

så fantiserar drömmen

och grevinnan om mig

när de känner för det

vilket de inte gör längre

men jag är en nunna nu

så det gör inget

gör va du känner för

de e enkelt

"i never think of

doing something

i just do it"

- ani difranco


det här är inte en bra dikt om fräknar

watching my arms
watching my freckles
my wounds
except that freckles are reversed
they are proof of damage
you have inflicted in others
and thus you get the green curse
like a troll
like a leper
they shine up in electrum
a green mixed metal
bedazzles everyone
until they


la familia

min pappa söp
med hela

en av min syrror har knarkat
med största rockstjärnorna

min morsa
jobbade i precis hela
botkyrka med mera

en maffia boss sa att jag
"vänstrade med fel folk"
i och med att jag var
ihop med bella


goodnight sweet tracey <3 :)

an early
goodnight wish
to you sweet tracey
i know i can
say that im calm
only to get a nervous
breakdown a second later
or be happy when im sad
or feel nothing when im happy
but i have my hopes
for this new place
just like at the last place
theres someone
yelling like a madman
to and fro
but im mad too
same same
just different
and i feel
quite at ease


mercury and fungal poisoning

for mercury
people on bitchute have
been recommending
vitamin b-12 and zinc

it cleans the system

if you have it in
your teeth though
theres not much to do

they replace it with plastic or enamel
mostly nowadays but it costs a lot

look up c-60 as well
its a coal atom with 60 free electrons
so it can catch up any metal
with that many free radicals
poisoning your system

you have to be careful
to store it in darkness
and only take it in darkness
as it turns to free radicals
the 60 electrons easily
so it can turn rancid

but b12 and zinc should work

for fungal
you can stop with
bread and any grains really

its hard to do as junkfood tastes good
but youll turn much stronger
wiser and more alive

its what those who built
the pyramids and
stonehenge used

only fat and proteins
need a strong heart though to not take affect

but ive noticed "coconut milk"
(doesnt exist, its only coconut cream)
if i eat it directly hurts my heart
but literally "drinking" 40% cream does not

also eating sallads
but they put really powerful
poisons in all
fresh veggies nowadays,
so theres almost no choice left

(if it says "vegan" now on your
orange juice and you dont know why
its because it doesnt
contain bugs ironically
ie its grown in "lab"-like
warehouses with no sunlight
so the veggies degrade easily
ive noticed both bitter
substances in some veggies
while formaldehyde in others)

and meat is really purple
they put red colour gases
in the packages to make it red
which also makes it degrade easily

so you need to grow it yourself
but then they chemtrail the sky
and poison the water

the endtimes are near

i cant believe no one
has noticed that the water
we drink and shower in
tastes like snake poison.


3 deadly sins - thanatomania, erotomania, draconianism

flera finns här: https://svenskadikter.com/Neoncast sajten kanske inte visar korrekt innehåll, men du har den här texten iaf...

3 deadly sins - thanatomania, erotomania, draconianism - on the philosophy of fear, sex & gold

so. well go over 3 subjects today: the fiction genre meant to scare us, what we all know of and love to love when we cant make love, and a particular error in the stock market - which recieves half of the attention.

lets start with the fear portion.

the most successfull in this type of mind control, is without a doubt, "the midsomer murders". i remember people who watched this series with their kids back in the days. i mean, its a cute mood throughout, and ugly "natural" actors, with an officer who somehow automagically figures out everything near the end, although the flawed manuscript makes it near impossible for the viewer to do so. then he has a housewife, who sucks at doing what shes supposed to do. so we have both violence and misogyni in a neat little package, which speaks to the majority. this is fucked up.

then we have the opposite. which is also thrilling, and the majority might be cute as well. i havent seen many pornos with ugly people, or showing signs of having sexually transmitted diseases on their genders or bodies. or ones who are disfigured, or just look vastly different from the average pornstar. masturbation material, neatly packaged. no matter how clean it looks, and no matter how good camera equipment they use, its still fucked up.

the problem with this, is if you have real life experience with death and prostitution, you wouldnt think its cute, you wouldnt be "thrilled", and you wouldnt be intrigued to know "more" about it. although, i do know some folks, who get beyond thrilled - that is - sexually excited, from blood and misery. id favour them into the minority of the watchers though.

aside from the normal porn pages, or readily accessable to everyone with an internet connection - aka google images. we also have new sites popping up, featuring zoophilia, shit and piss fetishes, and even autoerotic suicides. yes, these are quite easy to find in todays connected world, though i wont help you with the site names. goatse and tubgirl is nothing in comparison, to the degeneracy you can easily find nowadays. the only missing thing really, is the qanon stuff, aka blood sacrifice, but i bet theyll get to that, eventually - information, wants, after all - to be free!

i mean, i have fallen for the trap too. why look at vanilla intercourse, when you can watch double penetration? why a threesome when you can see 20 people having an orgy? why enjoy two ordinary people fucking, when you can watch a small asian lady getting destroyed by big black dude? or why not quadruple penetration on a midget, with black guys filling up her every orifice - and spooging, shitting and pissing all over her simultaneously - until she dies? watch 1000 different livestreams or as a metaverse game on the topic, in 360 degree 64k at 128bit HDR colour with 20.8 binaural ASMR sound and 3 other more real than reality senses on fuckedupexclusive.xyz for only 1 cent a decade! thats where were heading.

the problem with fear and sex mongering (and materialism too), is that, over time, it always has to go to a higher level. this is separate from well-written prose / poetry and sitcoms for example. all that talented writers have to do, is to have the capability of using a clever collection of a varied wordage, and a flowing language. and as for the comedy genre, there are shows that have run for decades, and in each episode, they make some jokes, and thats it?

not so in the lower realms of entertainment. while most jokes, at least when you hear them the first time, makes most people laugh - you cant do the same thing twice. so you have to use your ingenuity as a writer or improvisationist.

with hedonism, it doesnt work like this. i mean, people die, and people fuck - theres really not much to it. so you have to make it more extreme, more fucked up, more disgusting, more debatable - all the time.

then, the third part, also seemingly thrilling and cute. i mean, a significant portion of the worlds population frequent betting sites, and who doesnt enjoy all the fairytales about rich people on TV?

so, the thrill, news media knows all about this. they have so called gatekeepers, who decide what is news and what isnt. first they talked about millions of dollars, now its gone to billions, even trillions. and recently, when ive delved deeper into bitchute, ive heard talk about quadrillions, quintillions and perhaps sextillions.

now, a million is feasable, at least in swedish currency. i mean, if one of your relatives die, as they have done often, since the vaccine death shots, then you might inherit quite a lot of money. also, a car is a major investment, for one, costing some 100k of crona. of note is that one in my big family died, and some other woman inherited the majority - then she died as well. so ive gotten on the lines of 300 000 bucks, though in our currency, so its more like 40 000 USD. still, the aim for a million doesnt seem impossible.

as we iterate though - what about a billion? a thousand million dollars? are you joking? who, in their right mind, can wrap their head around a sum like this?

then, news broke that apple is now worth 1 trillion dollars. ok, they make shiny things, theres quite a lot of women, women like shiny things, so they buy em, and make guys buy them too. makes sense, no?

then, the underground family of the pasteurs evidently have a worth of 1½ quadrillion dollars.

it doesnt stop here though. america, being the poorest country in the world, have a national debt of half a quintillion dollars.

as the US only has 1/30:th of the worlds population, and theres some 300 other countries - that might mean the whole globes worth is near sextillions - when you count in things like owning land, trees, oil wells, and mines of various sorts.

now, that mentioned debt - how did this come to be? well, its called real estate - the main reason for the nullties stock crash. its a buzzword in sweden as well. everyone wants to live in central stockholm, because thats where the majority of jobs are. the thing is, the building business speed doesnt match the ever increasing demand. this is done intentionally though, to drive up house prices. youll hear news sources these days, who even tell of the average price, per square meter, of apartments in our capital, and how it goes up and down.

so what did people, especially in the USA, do? well, they give you a place to live, with a mortage - a loan, attached to it. you pay a fraction of the houses total worth per month. now, everything is fine and dandy so far. what happened then, in the lala-world which is called the stock exchange - is that people sold these loans for a higher price - and somehow, that worked. i mean, to the average person, this makes no sense whatsoever. but, as more people want to live in the major cities, statistics show, that theyre willing to pay a higher and higher price, over time, for this privilege.

take for example the house my parents bought in the seventies. they had to put in a deposit of 30 000 SEK, 1/10:th of its total worth. they never payed the house off though, and, at least before corona hit, the house was worth several millions. so, over time, they got more than a 100-fold increase in worth.

i mean, its money out of nothing. from thin air. the modern days alchemy. like mining diamonds on venus.

so, evidently, brokers sold a house loan, that for example was worth 100 000 $, so many times, over and over - around a thousand, actually - in the computer AI based automatic exchange, that after a decade, that loan had garnered a select few, a hundred million dollars.

so, they have a housing business worth 400 trillion dollars in america - an amazingly huge number. but they did some wicked black magic with it, and now theyve somehow made 400 quadrillion of it instead. the ordinary citizens though, have to pay for this feast.

even more interesting, is the strange news from china, about ghost towns. this happens in sweden too, to some degree - you can actually speculate on apartments before theyve even started building them. so you buy a couple, wait a year or two, and make millions of SEK in profit.

evidently, to prop up the economy, the chinese government have ordered the building of an enormous amount of skyscrapers, which no one wants or can live in - because of the high costs, for example. as is the nature of the housing economy though, these items just increase in value each year.

so, theres a family out there who might own sextillions of dollars. with this, they can control everything - as we have now seen with corona. it seems both the chance of surviving the "virus" - above 99.9%, is the same chance someone with power, fame, influence, or a normie maintaining the universes average stupidity - will sell out to the illuminati.

so, whatever you do:


dont think too much about your money or things. give to second hand stores of what you dont care for anymore. youll eventually realize, that you can survive on, and be just as happy, with less petty bullshit.


dudes and misses, stop with the fucked up nudie binging. i mean, try staying in bed longer in the morning and let your imagination run wild, jack off in the shower, go out in the real world, and meet actual people - fall in love. anything, anything, beyond fueling this fucked up business - as its only real purpose is to keep you alone and in misery.


dont listen to audiobooks, nor read books, nor watch shows, movies, news casts, magazines nor animes portraying violence. if you still do, id go so far as to recommending you to damage yourself or others. then youll see just how much youll "enjoy" this disgustingly perverted candycoated socially accepted cheap thrill.


and if it hasnt been said enough already: refuse the vaxx, and voluntarily avoid people as much as possible (no, 6 feet wont do) to save yourself from shedding.


max peezay - rent mjöl i påsen (english translation)

översatte för något år sen. den släpptes redan 2012, han var före sin tid... corona har nu gjort hans predikament verklighet, det är en riktig mardröm i kina nu, det har kommit under radarn om du inte hört. det ska komma i hela världen, om vi inte kämpar

nothing to hide
jah jah
i have a little pitch

are you sick and tired like the rest of us folks
of running away from violence, terrorists and other scum of the earth
are you even afraid
of leaving your own apartment

are you sick and tired like the rest of us folks
of running away from violence, terrorists and other scum of the earth
are you even afraid
of leaving your own apartment

let me introduce a business model
a gizmo that can solve all material questions
crime: national and international
any time where active violence is used
my product removes outpocketing
protects your savings better than banking
prohibits cheating with social security
grocery stores, queues, or cash in the registry
illegal immigration, border control
we'll no longer have to hide between two walls
it's got so many uses
the list just goes on and on
forget criminal law once and for all
my product calls all the needed parties
every single rapist gets caught
their incapability of cheating the system means they won't even try

are you sick and tired like the rest of us folks
of running away from violence, terrorists and other scum of the earth
are you even afraid
of leaving your own apartment

are you sick and tired like the rest of us folks
of running away from violence, terrorists and other scum of the earth
are you even afraid
of leaving your own apartment

we can solve all problem areas
a new paradigm where everyone's included
all you need is a tiny chip
such a nanoscopic incision you won't notice a thing

we can solve all problem areas
a new paradigm where everyone's included
all you need is a tiny chip
such a nanoscopic incision you won't notice a thing

if you have nothing to hide
then you can chill with your 9-5
nothing to hide
chill with your 9-5
loss of integrity is a
conspiracy theory
if you have nothing to hide
then you can chill with your 9-5

let me tell you what's trendy about this chip
medical journal, ID, criminal record
GPS, keys, travel document
savings account, VISA, loose change, credit card
speed-o-meter, driver's license, alcohol lock
sounds incredible, but it's already possible
are you convinced, this is just the beginning
anything else is fake news
ask yourself how safe our world is
your health, because the chip checks it
looks up iron, pressure, bloodsugar
can even warn you before an embolism
this product saves lives
can't come up with anything detrimental
this will pack the christmas store shelves
already by year 2012

we can solve all problem areas
a new paradigm where everyone's included
all you need is a tiny chip
such a nanoscopic incision you won't notice a thing

we can solve all problem areas
a new paradigm where everyone's included
all you need is a tiny chip
with such a nanoscopic incision you won't notice a thing

if you have nothing to hide
then you can chill with your 9-5
nothing to hide
chill with your 9-5
loss of integrity is a
conspiracy theory

nothing to hide
chill with your 9-5
your 9-5

remember this is the first time it gets mentioned

remember this is the first time it gets mentioned
just vote, you don't need any comprehension
remember this is the first time it gets mentioned
just vote, you don't need any comprehension

max peezay 2012
dubby dub what's up



"I’ve noticed people
who got vaccinated ‘are’
literally going brain dead"
- bitchute comment

i am unfortunately like this

i moved to a new place
and the power connections
were in the centre of the apartment

i got anxiety from just being near it...

so much electricity

my vmat2 gene is completely off

i can lie in bed for hours and
not have a single thought
or only get OCD thoughts
going round and around..

i still dont watch tv
or read the newspapers
so im not completely gone yet

it seems "wellness"
is paired with
this braindeadness

its "clinically proven"
"take a deep breath
and think of
here and now"
heals people

well, then...

a single newscast or
magazine story
wrecks them

i think people
have been brainwashed
for a long time
before the death vaccine
were equally lethal vaccines

going overseas?
lots of vaccines
and you still get sick

all this drinking booze
and smoking pot
zeroes your head
until you only think
dirty thoughts

ive tried a few beers at the pub
and got disgusted
with the thoughts i got

the worlds population
has been mentally dead
for a long time
this just was the
epicentre of it

it was inevitable
the natural "evolution"

without alcohol
we would be much
better off as a species

i follow a norwegian
guy on facebook, he
into only being able
to take in 1 sentence at a time
and that he can drink "15" beers

theres a lot of people
like that out there

more than you think

without alcohol old people dont get wrinkles
and their sunk in eyes
are from alcohol taking over the brain
passing the blood/brain barrier
and "melting" the
omega 3 fatty acids

i remember one woman
in particular, shes a party girl..

last i saw her in a pub
(hey, had a kebab)
her eyes were like pin needles
so much alcohol in the brain
even if shes a good woman

"it wobbles"
as you say in swedish
"det skvalpar"...


karin jo - vävde grävde och sprang

min morsas artistnamn. jag "skuggskrev" den här tillsammans med henne.

vävde grävde
och sprang
700 i min armé
trädgården blev fin utav mitt slit
men jag tycker inte om det
för det slet sönder mina ben
tomas har blivit friskare
efter självmordsförsöket
men jag tycker inte om det
för han kan inte röra sina ben

blommor betyder allt för mig
jag har fått massa
blomvaser av
min dotter sara
jag plockar alltid
blommor på sommaren

jag hittade 2
långstjälkade blommor
de var lite gula upptill
men det rensade jag bort

vi får se vid nästan sommar
om de har lyckats
annars skulle de ha fryst sönder

vi får se om tomas finns
tills nästa sommar
om han har lyckats gå igen
annars fryser fötterna sönder

men min armé av
frivävar skyddar honom

jag köpte en amaryllis
för 50kr på ica
de kostar mycket mer
nu när de är utslagna
det är 3 stänglar
vilket är ovanligt

jag hade så dålig kondition
efter att ha fött min son
men sen gick jag
sen sprang jag i nerförsbackar
sen vann jag ett lopp

med en stor pokal
den är nu borta
och min styrka i benet är också det
efter en knäledsoperation

mina vävar är mina endorfiner
de jag får kraft utav
innan gnällde jag mest
för att få ut min energi
men tomas pushade på mig
i kreativitens vägnar

jag hälsade på min son efter
andra självmordsförsöket
och blev arg av
hur livslös
han var
och sa
du fick inte
din pappas hjärta
du fick mitt

jag är övertygad om att
han kommer leva länge

min bästa väninna
sa till mig en gång
du ger inte upp

jag är där nere
många gånger
men då kommer
jag upp på en gång
och det är mörkret
som ger mig energi
och inspiration
till mina vävar

min son är inte som
jag på det sättet
han hade 8 timmars
ångest förut ofta

jag drack en del
när jag gnällde
för att få slut
på skiten
men det funkade
inte så bra

men tomas
efter att jag
blev anföllen

vi gör böcker
det blev ett dussin
av de mest varierade

jag är väldigt
stolt över tomas
han kan så mycket
och gör konst av det
så man kan relatera

annars var och är
han mest introvert
tycker om att spendera
stor tid på sin dator
med att skapa konst
musik och poesi
men ändå pratglad
när stunden är rätt
och får en att skratta
utan att man anade det
mycket likt min man
men under tonåren
så gjorde han
som jag och min man
blev tvungna att lyssna på

sen tog jag med
honom till second handar
så han inte skulle va
så mycket ensam på sitt rum
men som nörden han faktiskt är
köpte han bara cd skivor
och stereo utrustning

min man var både
snäll och arg i ett
han var kräfta och tog
väl hand om ekonomin
när jag inte hade ett jobb
eller gick på nya
spännande utbildningar
han hjälpte mig också
med hushållssysslor
när han inte drack
så mycket längre

efter att han dog
trodde jag att grannarna
skulle vara snälla mot mig
men jag fick den kalla handen
också från min son
i flera års tid
som hade börjat röka
och när jag flyttade
ner till min dotter
i malmö ville hon
inte veta av mig
även fast hon tjatat
i 6 år på att jag
skulle komma dit





the garden turned pretty from my hard work
but i dont like it
since it teared apart my legs
tomas has gotten healthier than ever
since his latest suicide attempt
but i dont like it
since he cant move his legs

flowers mean everything to me
i have gotten lots of flower
vase gifts frmo my daughter sara
i always pick flowers in summertime

i found 2 longstemmed flowers
they were a little brown on top
but i removed that

well see at next summer
if they have survived
otherwise theyd frozen to death

lets so if tomas
is still with
me next summer
if he succeeds
in walking again
otherwise his feet
will freeze to death

but my army of
protects him

i bought an amaryllis
for 50 kronor at ICA
they cost more now
when theyve burst out
mine had 3 stems
which is unusual

i was so unfit
after id birthed tomas
so first i walked
then i ran downhill
then i won a race

i had a big trophy
but its gone now
so is also the strength in my leg
after a kneecap surgery

my weaves are my endorphines
i get power frmo them
before i whined a lot
because i hated my job
but tomas pushed me
to the way of
creativity instead

i visited my son
some days after his
second suicide attempt
and i got angry that
he just didnt
do anything anymore
so i said
"you didnt get
your father heart
you got mine"

i am convinced that
he will live
a long time

my best ladyfriend
told me
"you just dont give up"

im down there a lot
but then i get
up in a jiffy
and its the darkness
which gives me energy
and inspiration
for my weaves

my son isnt like that
he often had 8 hour long
anxiety marathons before

i drank some when
i whined before
to make the shit stop
but it didnt work too well

but tomas
after i got
attacked and robbed
by my stalker

"lets make books together"
it turned to a dozen
of the most varied art

i am really proud of tomas
he knows so much
and makes art about it
so one can relate

otherwise he mostly
was and is introvert
likes spending time alone
at his computer making
art music and poetry

but hes still real talkative
when the moment is given
and makes you laugh from nowhere
very similar to my late husband
but during the teenage
years it was bothersome
since he wasnt so creative then
so he had long improvised
essays to me and my husband

then i took him to
second hands in his 20s
so he wouldnt
be so lonely
in his room so much
but like the nerd he is
he was only interested
in CDs and stereo equipment

my husband was both
kindhearted and easy
to anger in one
he was a cancer
and took care of the economy
when i didnt have an occupation
and i was allowed to study
a lot later on in
many different subjects

he also helped
with housework
later on when
he didnt drink
so much anymore

after he passed away
i thought that the
neighbors would
treat me well
but i got the
cold shoulder
also from my son
for many years
when he smoked
and when i moved
down to my daughter
in southern sweden
she didnt want me there
eventhough shed nagged
about me moving to her
for 6 long years

goodbye miss D

in all honesty
you were one of the few
which kept me on this site
for others
i make long comments
and they reply
with only a few words
feels so empty
but it burns in your throat
from a feeling of
having to express things
you are a great person
great poet
great political writer
and you have inspired
me in all 3 disciplines


fiber optic cables vs bronze wiring

"the PUSH for ALL HOMES to be connected to FIBER-OPTICS is an AID to their Internet Control. Ky. governor said EVERY HOME WILL BE PROVIDED NET SERVICE. The selling point to convincing people "HIGH SPEED INTERNET" faster & better Broad-band service. My current service ALREADY says it provides the up to date High Speed Internet thru my landline-huh! What they are NOT TELLING FOLKS their LANDLINE SERVICE IS INTERRUPTED--when the POWER GOES OUT LANDLINES WOULD STILL WORK USING NON-PORTABLE PHONES-Now that the fiber optics is laid LANDLINES CANNOT CALL OUT DURING BLACKOUTS/SHUT-DOWN OF POWER. My opinion they don't want folks calling each other to give their family friends a heads up during "crisis issues" (invasions). In my area White Americans are laying the Wire (in DITCHES no less) and people wearing cloth around their HEADS are setting the Post and Connecting the wires. Totally out of the ordinary especially for my neck of the woods (within spitting distance of Daniel Boone Forest) rarely see black folk here let alone mus lim folk. Somethin funny somewhere. Sincerely a granny.

i used a landline
until a few
years ago

i was into smartphones for awhile
to be "up to date" on the latest
but i got so sick from them
so i switched to bronze wire instead

sometimes things get lost in translation

like the power outage at
facebook 3-4 october 2021

i heard many
about that

like they couldnt get into their
offices and power centres
since they needed a
facebook connection
on their phones to open the doors

same for new houses
the "key" is your
and smartphones
run out of battery fast

in their aim to be "new"
they forget a lot about the
old technology
which often
worked better
in many ways

as for muslim or black people
installing fiber optic cable...

you need special knowledge
and i dont think its well paid
and you risk your livelyhood
with the great
electrical circumference
coming from them
like 5g towers

i stopped with landline
when i had to move
they said it was because of the
sewage needing fixing
but its still as stinky there

now i only borrow a phone
from a friend if i really need to

id rather
meet people
face to face
but so many are brainwashed
its hard to keep a friend
when its impossible
to talk to them
about anything
thats outside
tv and newspapers


"The vaccinated seem to have been reduced to animal behaviour"

indeed, they seem robotic even
i have been in the psychiatric
system since 2006
so i have seen a lot

anyone who took the vaccine
or has been shedded
is part of the psychiatric
system now

its a strange strange world...
alcoholics are the same way
or potsmokers obviously
they cant even communicate
without using "power words"
all the time

and they are really oversensitive
to any critique, like they have a
demon inside controlling their mind

very few have their souls intact
mine is gone now
i shower it with coffee

ive thought ive had it bad
but maybe its the opposite

i still have a free mind
but its dwindling


förstår inte grejen med det här tjatet om här och nu

jag är oxe så jag är for real
min värld är skittråkig och
jag tar knappt
några legala droger
förutom kaffe och snus
men innan jag var 36
drack jag inte ens kaffe eller te
och snus började jag med senare
jag förlitade mig på en bondediet
mycket smör och ost och mjölk
och blodapelsinjuice, och köttfärsrätter
det verkar som om "här och nu"
är en billig sorts 12-stegs programmet
ala tjatar om det
och det är som ett
"ta ett djupt andetag och
tänk på här och nu"
så löser sig allt...
det är totalt bullshit
placebo funkar ju
så om människor
är så hjärntvättade
att några ord
kan få de att må bra
kan några ord på tv
eller dagstidningen
få de att må som skit
här och nu är bara skit
det tilltalar
alkoholister om något
som lever i sin lala värld
och alla är ju
alkisar mm droger
i dagens samhälle


the zone

and so
i forgot
time and space
i do that when
im in the zone
which i used to
be a lot before
miss blues
that in me
she didnt say
it directly though
since shes got a guy
whos good for something...


blogg 2023-11-15 13:13

what was i gonna say?

im in closed psychiatric care
i dont sleep anymore
so thats bad
ive fucked myself up bad

i took too much dip
until i didnt have any except calm
but the calm means no thoughts at all

now i just stare into the ceiling
since i cant close my eyes
they just flicker

im listening to
immortal technique
revolutionary vol 1

i want to tell them
they have been really professional
at st:göran
and at m67 huddinge


rytm i dikt

från en kommentar på poeten salvadors korta tanke

jag skriver ju
poetry slam / kåserier

i poetry slam
är det styrkan i flowet

i kåserier är det
det oväntade
roliga kloka

det sägs att shakespeare
skrev som hästar löper
jag har gjort många låtar
där det låter som ett tåg
men också hästrytt

vi läser ju alla dikter
på olika sätt
ibland märker jag inte
förrän jag läser om
att det är rim

men det är bättre än nödrim
du vet när man
hör på en dålig sång
som man aldrig hört förut
och på nåt sätt "hör"
att det ska rimma
och gissar rätt
på rimmet
då är det dåligt...


grattis på fars dag

min pappa var
han var kräfta
så han skyddade
familjen från allt ont

men ett tag bodde jag i
kristianstad (istället för tumba)
och han kallade hem mig
efter att jag hade
dåliga hyresvärdar

men han gnällde och
skällde på så mycket efteråt
slog aldrig nån av oss dock

han var väldigt bra på ekonomi
de köpte ett radhus för 30000 kr
(10% av värdet) år 1979
som sen blev värt flera miljoner

jag är inte bitter på honom
men han vann alltid alla argument

men han sa det omvända mot slutet
"du vinner alltid alla argument"
för jag gjorde honom så arg
att han bara gick därifrån

det var för smågrejer också
ett som jag starkt kommer ihåg
han höll på att renovera taket
vilket tog en evighet
för han var inte så macho faktiskt
även om det verkar så

så han kommer in i köket
jag hade gjort klart maten
och fruktsalladen och
vispat grädden
och höll på att skära sallad

då skriker han

det slutade med att
han gick därifrån
innan han sa

det slutade med att jag
bara var på mitt rum
och lyssnade på
musik hela dagarna

jag slutade helt
att laga mat då

han sa till en psykiatriker
de få gånger han följde med
"jag förstår inte
varför tomas
är så lat"

det sitter djupt...
men som sagt

jag är inte bitter
min pappa var en
otrolig människa


äpplen och päron

äpplen och päron
päron och äpplen
äpplen och päron
päron och äpplen
äpplen och päron
päron och äpplen
äpplen och päron
päron och äpplen

5 applåder


kärleken är allt

kärlek är att
se sig själv
i sin nästa
kärleken är allt
kärleken är det bästa

kärleken är det enda
som riktigt finns
som både att tårar
och blod rinns

kärlek är hat
kärlek är att
öka sin sfär
till fler

kärlek är till
och med
när man inte
orkar med

kärlek är faktiskt mord
att hämnas sin
andras förlorade kärlek
kanske sin egen mor

öga för öga
är ett bra sätt att leva
istället för att matas
med silverskedar

som nu får så
mycket hat
är de bästa
och de lagar
god mat
tro inte på
detta är inte från
mig tomt prat

6 applåder


that isreal palestine thingie

im completely unphased

by the palestine isreal thingie

i remember downloading a movie

the pianist

instead of

the piano

and it was just a

poor jew doing nothing

the whole movie

thats when i took a stance

but no

im mostly unphased

people are people

most people are normal people

these people dont kill people

they take care of people

their family

their coworkers

theyre good people

the mass media people

theyre the true murderers

remember how we had



"muslims are bad people"

(before corona took over)

and people swallowed the bait

or just got racist at anyone

now its either ukraine or russia

i know some russians

they are good people

and i fell in love

with an ukrainian woman

for a split second

and wrote about that before

so hey

people are people

people are good people

the massmedia system

isnt populated

by good people though

so dont trust them

with your emotions

with how you live your life

with how you write poetry

dont you get it?

the MSM feeds

off of your misery

theyre parasites


blogg 15:00 2023-11-04 (la belle epoque)


if miss mom is gonna break my network card

she can come like once a month with dip

ill try to make books with her though

and good happenstance

elgiganten had price lowered computers

only 1900 sek

so shell buy 2, one for herself

as google says "im feeling lucky"

this dip though

i cant really relate to people anymore

since ive been alone so much

(half a year now)


do i really need them?

what do i get off of them?

so it didnt work with a new person

but i shoulda seen the warning signs

we talked a lot though so im happy for that

saved some days out of my life

from not being boring

internet works again

but its flaky

youtube doesnt stream


with people

i just want a relationship with them

not that i give and they give less back

seems i can handle mobile phones


not feeling so terrible after talking

but really

should i do something (talk on the phone)

to not get something out of it?

and feel like shit afterwards?

thats just masochism

and im not one

bella ruined me that way

bella ruined me that way

i wish

that people called me

out of the blue

or messaged me

on whatever site

now its only 1 way

i give and give

and get some in return

but never just


out of the blue

like bella

like bella...


guiding light

nu har jag
inte tänkt på döden
på en hel vecka
och inte speciellt
mycket på en månad
börjar dagen med
en stark svart kaffe
och sen en till
till lunchen
kaffe är otroligt
det som händer nu
är att jag märker andra
som är suicidala
och jag försöker
ta hand om de
"and all the pain
will be worthwhile"
som buck 65 säger
det är slut med
att va random
nu vill jag hjälpa
att va
guiding light

Music mind
Det är en vacker tanke att vilja hjälpa andra och det måste vara skönt att inte ha tänkt på döden på ett tag.

Kul att du är tebax!

Ja vi behöver ljusa vägen för varann ännu mera...


and so

and so
it turned dark
from lively
to not a
single spark

and so
the sun
went down
and bowed
its crimson

and so
the ambience
turned mute
and the world
is at its most beaute

and so
here by myself
i extract a book
from a shelf

and so
i get lost in mine
and others worlds
a time of dragons
and swords

and so
a neighborhood cat
asks for food
and presence
to which i am glad
to give my sixpence

and so
i shoot some noobs
for hours on end
with fingers tense
in that video game
which to outsiders
makes no sense

and so
i go to bed
at noon
to live by
i swear
and swoon


en korrespondens från min sida (självporträtt)

vi pratade i 2-3 dar, sen tog det slut verkar det som :( men många ord :)

klokt :) <3

jag blev mobbad i 8 år
från 4:an till början av tredje på gymnasiet

men annars var det inte jobbigt...
men kommer ihåg i slutet på 9:an
satt bredvid dörren ut till korridoren
så jag kunde undvika alla...
jag går till nästa lektion
och en rödhårig (som mig) kille har följt mig
och säger som läraren sa "KLART MINUS!"
han var weird...
annars hade jag en bästa
vän i ungefär ett decennium
vi pratade inte mycket
lekte bara

sen har jag mest skapat min misery av mig själv
inte utanpå grejer
men min morsa har skrikit till mig 2 gånger
(dagen efter att jag haft ångest i 8 timmar)
så då blev jag mer perfektionistisk
och min pappa skällde mycket...
och min syrra var dum några enstaka gånger
men såg aldrig vid henne...
men hade trauma av henne ändå
hennes förolämpningar satte djupa spår...
min morsa var som min psykiska sjukdom
jag BLIR en skorpion av henne

men ja
jag var väldigt känslig förut
var förstörd första dagen
av mobbningen
och de bara fortsatte
klockan är snart fyra
och det börjar bli mörkt
vet inte hur man överlever vintern
kaffet funkar fortfarande
fick ångest
vilade 5 minuter
nu är jag tillbaka :)


kommer ihåg en gång speciellt.

lyssnade på sia's demo till "diamonds"

(det riktiga demot på youtube,

inte det som är på skiva).

höll på timmar och timmar att tolka.

sen blir jag stolt och lägger upp det på videon

men sen fick jag ångest av det typ 1 timma senare

och tog bort texten...

mina depressioner "följs" inte direkt

det är bara att jag överanstränger mig

sen får jag inte mycket input från

"atmosfären" till mig, inte längre i alla fall

är supertråkig när jag vilar nu,

bara samma saker som går runt och runt...

men, men! att lägga upp något i ett stort forum

gör något med mig

klarar inte av specifikt


på grund av det

jag blev kallad "tomas, du är så melodramatisk"

när jag var på ett litet forum och sa adjö därifrån

de skrattade åt mig och la upp memes...

ja, har varit nedtrampad mycket genom livet

på fountain house stockholm också

de hade amfetamin i ena kaffetermosen

dynamo är annorlunda

det är ett matriarkat

så alla får komma till tals

när det är en konversation om något

människopyramiden finns inte där :)


"bipolär (typ 1)"

ja, om du säger det så... belöningssystemet förstörs av neuroleptika. det blockar dopamin så man vill ha ÄNNU mer roligt... bara för att känna nåt. provade lithium en gång, kunde spela upp 7 låtar samtidigt och ta in allt, men jag kände ju inget (mer inget än någonsin förr) så det funkade inte på mig. jag är mest bara uttråkad... det är också en skada från dataspelstiden. inget är så adrenalinfyllt som first person shooters... man måste hitta den där high:en på andra sätt sen, vilket inte alltid funkar så bra.


faktiskt, nu när jag tänker på det. var jag väl ganska psykotisk ofta förut. men jag "skapade" det själv. kommer ihåg innan psykakuten, jag brukade få så stark ångest att jag fick varma adrenalinchocker, bara av saker jag sagt på nätet, att jag var tvungen att lägga mig i sängen för att slappna av. samma med en oväntad söt kommentar från någon, sängliggning i gladhet.

(men det var aldrig nån som sa att det inte är bra att ta bort, att jag förstör allt det vackra jag skapat. om jag hade haft nån sån kunde säga mig i mitt liv, skulle jag kanske varit framgångsrik...)

men sen, jag skapade mycket, sen tog jag bort det. hela konton med hundratals bilder och hundratals dikter... sen förolämpade jag många, och fick ångest av deras svar, eller icke svar.

men det var så att säga av främst ljus- och näringsbrist. brukade gå upp 12 på natten och gå och lägga mig vid lunchtid. jag blev mer och mer kort stubin ju mer jag inte åt föräldrarnas mat, förutom pappas köttbullar på en ostmacka med massa ketchup och lättålagom, fick inte i mig alla animosyror...


min farsa kommer från underklassen
de var i "barnrikehus" typ socialen eller nåt
han är född 47

min mor... hennes mor ägde skog
men var infernaliskt elak
men hon tyckte om
att odla blommor allahanda frukter och rotfrukter...
så hon va bra på det sättet...
morfar var född träl
han träffade alva på nån fest
de legade
sen blev hon gravid och de fick gifta sig
hon var dum mot honom också
fast han smygrökte!
cigarrer tom...
och säkert starkare saker
tillsammans med min mor
jo de legade med varandra också

han dog när jag var 7 år...
mor grät i ett helt år
jag fick vad som kan beskrivas en psykos
blev klärvojant
men sen började skolan
där man fick höra
att man inte va nåt
så la klärvojansen på hyllan...


ah, spännande. som jag vet nu knarkar de mest som har mest pengar... men de håller igång volvo villa vovve ändå, fast de tar hur mycket som helst.

grevinnan är så, många jag träffat har vart stormrika och supertuffa tjejer. och överklass har ett sånt sätt.. svårt att förklara. de kan mycket om konst och kultur, och pratar på riktigt, inte powerwords. de står över allt :) <3 som dig. du klarar dig! :) <3


"att jag utbildat mig"

ja, jag har studerat gastronomi på högskolan :) min pappa brukade säga "du lärde dig så mycket där". sen gnällde han så mycket på min matlagning, så jag bara låg i sängen och lyssnade på musik till slut. men, men! 8 år senare gjorde jag en rätt, som bella sagt jag kunnit vinna kock-vm med :) drycken till är muskovadosocker med limejuice, så gott, sockret smakar laktris :)

"har föräldrar som bryr sig om mig"

ja det gör de. min pappa har varit död sen länge nu, men är glad att jag inte får hans vredesutbrott längre. men de lagade alltid 2 mål mat om dagen, vi åkte mycket på utflykter. jag flyttade hemifrån i 30-års åldern...

"och att jag egentligen
är en sån
som fullföljer planer"

ja, jag har gjort mina böcker. ska publicera en ny, "trollskog", i några exemplar bara.


jag har försökt hävda min autism
några gånger för psykiatrin
de säger nej till det däremot
du verkar ganska normal också
normal som på mitt sätt :) <3
du vet när man har så där svart / mörkt
runt ögonen?
jag finner det så jävla attraktivt! lol
trodde kurt cobain använde smink
det var drogmissbruk
jag är konstig :( haha
jag har som mest haft rött runt ögonen
hade inte ätit på nån månad
men väldigt lite
rörde mycket på mig också
flera timmar per dag
jag var vampyr då
men drack inte blod
cybervampyr med superkrafter
livet var som ett dataspel
och jag hade tröttnat på spel då
föredrar en tråkig verklighet <3


måste visst skriva mer. har varit överviktig största delen av mitt liv, så är inte som taniga missbrukare. har legat med 2 kvinnor, så är inte en casanova även om alla tror att jag legat med alla bara för att jag kramar om alla tjejer på jobbet varje dag (överdrift). ficklampor förmodar jag att de om tycker att titta in i. jag tittade rakt in i solen ett tag, när jag var utan datorer, och sa nåt powerword.

sprutnarkoman blir det inte av mig, efter självmordsförsöket fick de till och med sätta in en pick-line, för jag var så svårstucken. traceys (bloggkompis sen 2005) kille injecerade i knät tills det gick sönder, nu injecerar han i armbågen, den har väl gått sönder också vid det här laget, med metaamfetamin. du, jag citerar allting till mitt självporträtt. det är hårda ord men jag tar inte åt mig. älskar ord :) <3

adhd medicin tog jag 1 piller 1 gång. jag låg som död i 5 timmar i sängen. nej tack, funkar inte på mig, lergigan funkar dock.

benso. jo, hade antiparanoia medicin som var benso. hade det bara 2 gånger om dagen sen (morgon, kväll) så när klockan blev 4-5 på eftermiddagen fick jag sjuhelvetes abstinensångest. nu är jag utan de, truxal. nej, de är nåt annat, har dock en benzo sömnmedicin. vilar när jag vaknat från 9 till 14 på dagen, på grund av alla piller jag tvingas i.

du har missbedömt mig, men intressant ändå. citerade dig på


censurerade vissa tokfeliga saker. kan väl va kvar men jag gjorde så. hej hopp.

kan inte snorta saffran eller kakao (ALLTSÅ HUR KAN KAKAO VA SÅ BILLIGT NÄR MAN BLIR SÅ HÖG AV DET???????), får nosblod efter några första försökena. och neuroleptika stänger av receptorerna ändå så blir inte hög, mest biverkningar. är det för alla droger, utom snus, det går ju direkt från tänderna/tandköttet upp i hjärnan. är ur kroppen på 1-2 dagar också faktiskt, när jag provat att sluta.

ja, jag överdriver väl en del. har fått det från min mor, hon är skorpion, mitt skuggtecken som oxe. hon påverkar mig väldigt mycket, varför jag har försökt vara ifrån henne, men skriver ingen poesi då. så funkar inte. konstig relation. hon är nu och hälsar på mig en gång i veckan.


vet inte direkt vad en tjackis är. jag skriver utan några droger alls. har blivit ilurad fultjack 2 gånger, var inte roligt. jag brukade äta mycket choklad, innan jag fattade att det inspirerade mig. men jag har skrivit i 60000 timmar, så har tränat upp det :) oj, jag namnde visst kokain. jo. snortade saffran en gång också. väldigt hög. väldigt :) nu tog jag min andra kaffe för dagen, nu är jag äntligen vaken :) började dricka kaffe när jag var 36, hade tandvärk... (och hatar tandläkare) jag mår bra hela tiden också. kaffe är ångestdämpande. brukade ta 1 gång per dag och mådde dåligt, 2 gånger nu och ångesten är bortblåst. har haft så jävla mycket ångest, det brukade komma vid lunch och hålla på tills solen gick ner. aj aj aj, sån psykisk smärta. började spela dataspel när jag var typ 2 år (1985, men människor tror jag är i 20 års åldern) så fick adhd från det, men tar inte såna piller.


ja, jag kände mig riktigt ensam när jag tog kokain en enda gång. det flödar så med droger nuförtiden, alla tar allting. att hitta nån som inte kan dricka "20 öl" blir svårare och svårare. därför tycker jag om djur. jag pratar med de :) skulle vilja ha en guldhamster som husdjur...

och ja, eftersom gemene man tar alla helsikes droger, så mår de riktigt dåligt. jag har känt som de nån gång, men för det mesta mår bra, lycklig, sann, lugn, fri, trygg.

sen människor som bara säger "bra" hela tiden. har du träffat nån sån? de gör mig galen... tourettes kallas det, sök hjälp knäppa människor!


jag drar dessa besserwissar till mig
som säger
jag vet
det har jag hört
man liksom vill inte
prata med de då
vilket väl är deras mål...

jag är nöjd som det är nu
poeter.se är fantastiskt
har varit i den här skicket förut
kunde röra mig då
men jag lyssnar på musik och skriver hela dagen
kunde inte ask for more
om medicin behöver jag bara lägre haldol dos
annars är den perfekt
när jag var utan haldol i en vecka
så spelade jag bara dataspel...
hade för mycket energi...
vågar knappt prata med läkarna
de kanske hittar på en ny medicin
så jag "gillar läget"

jo en gång tog jag vallmofrön från ica
och la de på en plåt
och la in i ugnen
såg ut som min knarkande faster dagen efter
provade en gång med bella (utan opiumet första gången
hade jag inte träffat henne, jag kom på hennes frekvens :)
såg ut som min döende pappa
och vi gjorde konstiga saker i sängen lol
så gör inte om det mer...
det känns varken hopplöst eller omöjligt nu
jag är fri, lugn, trygg, glad, med musik i öronen
och så så så mycket poesi :)
och jag har förlåtit allt och alla
som kanske sagt
mor hälsar på en gång i veckan
har några fler kompisar
som har hälsat på också...
men är som sagt utan ångest nu
så livet leker
skrev till dig i flera timmar tror jag haha
inte så starkt kaffe på morgonen nu
mera mjölk den här gången
så är inte lika inspirerad.
och en prilla i munnen
life is good
life goes on
life is easy
youtube blockade min adblocker
så lyssnar på soundcloud istället
alltid ny musik <3 :)
blev bättre så...
god morgon!


jag måste visst svara mer ändå. jag har dansat typ 10 gånger någonsin, varav varje kvinna säger "du dansar så bra, du läser mina tankar", vilket jag inte gör. får mig att tänka på det som sagts att jag är auktoritiv. aldrig tänkt på det. ser mig inte som "bättre" än andra

(bara att jag accelererar snabbt när jag pratar IRL, så jag kör över människor, till vilket jag föredrar kvinnor, eftersom de spelar svaga / okunniga, och tycker om att lyssna. har hört 2 gånger "om du avbryter mig igen så slår jag dig", till vilket jag tystnade då. ja, jag avbryter mycket, gjorde det till lärarna i övre skolålder också. letar efter tankepausar och något klokt att säga tillbaka, eller roligt som det för det mesta blir).

när jag var utan neuroleptika (och kaffe) kunde jag vid en tidpunkt bara lyssna på speedcore/extratone (annars är det drum n bass som gäller, eller ambient). var en låt, sunhiausa's "nothingness" (för speedcore är mer hjärndött än techno, så finns inte många bra låtar) som jag lyssnade på en hel månad, och sen startade ukraina kriget, så jag la ner den låten. ja, såna galna saker kan väl amfetaminister säga. haha.

annars har jag mest suttit vid datorn hela livet, eller legat i sängen och lyssnat på cd skivor från second hand, och nu gör jag båda samtidigt sen självmordsförsöket. jag var musikredaktör förut faktiskt, de sa "du väljer så bra blandning", så var inte mycket dnb/ambient då. så jag har åstadkommit saker, vilket amfetaminister kanske inte gör.


jag känner nästan ingenting
om jag tar nån drog (typ kaffe)
får jag stånd och
min syn blir lite bättre
det är allt som händer
dock förutom med
saffranen den där gången...
jag är mer suicidal
mer deprimerad
än manisk
och jag har inte mina "episoder"
styrs inte av månen
jag skapar bara mycket
och fick min OCD
(varför jag tar snus nu)
när jag skulle bli rockstjärna
men inte många som lyssnat
på mina skivor...
jobbade stenhårt med de dock
jag lyssnar ibland
och de låter riktigt bra
varje låt är olika...

var han musiker?
är du musiker?
bara undrar...
åh jag blir kär i din bild haha

ska försöka vila nu till 14:00 tiden
när vi får kaffe igen
vi hörs :) <3

Music mind
En ärlig monolog.

folk tror visst att jag är amfetaminist

* de dansar mycket
= jag har dansat 10 gånger
men sägs va bra på det
"du läser mina tankar"

* de lyssnar på techno
= jag föredrog ett
tag värre än det
annars blev det en
progressiv artist
inom drum and bass / ambient
som jag mest lyssnade på som
tonåring / tidig 20 åring

* de tycker om att titta in i ficklampor
= jag tittade in i solen
ett tag när jag var utan dator
blev inte hög direkt
förstörde mer synen

* de har dåliga tänder

* de kan inte ta kritik
= jo det kan jag
får inte mycket av det
för det är mest jag som ger
men jag har förlåtit
allt och alla
sen 2 år tillbaka

* de tycker allt ska va fest hela tiden
tråkigt mitt liv är

* de tycker det är så roligt att säga slumpvisa saker
= det här var mest förut
jag blir hög av mig själv
är väl bästa sättet att leva
behöver inga droger
det är mer att en sak leder till en annan
att tänka i såna former kan va roligt
man utvecklar hjärnan på det sättet
(hög plasticitet)
när man väl ska vara smart
om det kan behövas
i dagens samhälle...


the origins of satan, lucifer, and hell

jesus wanted to
give the wisdom
of the archangels
to the people
but god wanted
the power to himself
the dwarves made
a godsword
to fight god
but god used the sword of fire
(entire universes circumference)
so jesus lost
and the dwarves
got cast out of
middle earth
and god
now satan
invented hell
and called jesus
now lucifer
prince of it


let the sociopaths win (extended remix)

let the sociopaths win
they can destroy the
entire world in seconds
we just dont stand a chance
all this revolutionary action
is just treading water
there are no
to save us
only intensively
lonesome people
who get less of
a kick every day
and have to turn
more and more corrupt
to have a reason to live
let the sociopaths win


dov doft

jag kände doften av
syrén för 2 dagar sen
bara en enda gång
kollade upp
och de blommar innan
kommer ihåg de sen sommaren
vet inte var doften kom ifrån

om det är många dofter
tycker jag det
alltid luktar saffran
som på ett fullt pendeltåg
eller en handduk
eller en mikrovågsugn


i want my summer back

i want my summer back
with all that sweat
i want my summer back
with all that heat
i want my summer back
with all that light
i want my summer back
with all that time
i want my summer back
now its only half past 1
and its already getting dark
and i feel lonely
as i always seem to wonder
how does one survive winter?
but it will be a struggle
which is what its
always supposed to be
i will survive
i hope at least
im only 40
its not
my time
to die yet
i want my summer back
with all that sweat
i want my summer back
with all that heat
i want my summer back
with all that light
i want my summer back
with all that time
i want my summer back


DEW i acapulco

från https://www.bitchute.com/video/2WSHHav9Fwz2/ DEW står för "directed energy weapons", otroligt starka ledlampor som kan smälta aluminium. förlåt för dåliga översättningen, vet inte vad det är för fel på google translate...

DEW i acapulco (mexico)
full media blackout! acapulco har förstörts av ännu en dew attack precis som maui! detta var inte en naturlig händelse!

"det finns döda kroppar på gatorna, i hemmen och på sjukhusen - de finns överallt...!" så då, varför är inte detta den största humanitära nyheten i landet just nu?! varför är detta det första vi har hört talas om denna monstrositet, landsplattande storm?! jag ska berätta varför: det finns en fullständig medieblackout i full kraft & effekt på den här berättelsen, eftersom eliten lärde dig sin läkta efter att media circus började när de körde exakt samma onda plan på maui-invånare! plus…..militären är endast där för att blockera människor från att ta in aid!

militär närvaro är bara att "upprätthålla räddningsinsatser" från att nå de som behöver det - människor dör överallt! eliter avfolkar öppet "fattiga" människor från "paradisliknande" områden för att göra anspråk på det "återuppbyggda" landet åt sig själva i en nwo-efterdyning!

det ser ut som om det var en annan maui-attack, den här gången i acapulco, mexiko. vi ger dig den oförsökda, fullstända rapporten som beskriver den extrema skammaheten av vad som händer i acapulco, mexiko. det var noll varning från vädertjänsten om en orkan – för siktig en orrkan i kategori 5!

han säger att folk gick och la sig på tisdagskvällen och trodde att allt var normalt och plötsligt förstörde 200 km/h vindar och en massiv stormflod i princip acapulco, som är en trevlig stad med cirka 700 000 människor. 27 personer har rapporterats döda. han har folk på marken, som äntligen kunde ta sig dit, genom alla lerskred och här är vad han hade att säga....

"as far as Acapulco, i think the notion of white hats is a fallacy, thats not to say that a lot of people in and around Acapulco are not anti globalist, probably the opposite, indeed Acapulco has been a hub of those against the cabel who live there or travel to mingle, share and contribute to opposing the attack on humanity.

the only white hats there, are are the ordinary people, i think the weather attack wasn't about child trafficking' as they just dont care about that because they simply get the children either way, i think the notion of 'sting operations,
' is fanciful as you can say that year after year and nothing changes, its a distraction, its like saying 'grab ya popcorn and wait for the white hats'[

i think its about the concentration of individual thinking people in Acapulco rather than human trafficker's being there that caused the cabel to weather attack"


njäe (la belle epoque)

favorit i repris


hjärtat sa håll om mig
jag lyssnade inte

hjärtat sa
jag vill endast
ha ömhet
jag vet inte
slutresultatet än

hjärtat viskade nej
jag lyssnade inte

du bad ömt om att
hela mig från alla
smärtor och plågor
mitt hjärta sa nej

bella sa yippie
den varade 3 dagar
sen sa ditt hjärta nej

bella hörde mitt hjärta skrika nej
men hon kunde inte hela mig

drömmen sa ta inte för mycket
ta inte för mycket
jag lyssnade

drömmen sa ska vi ta xtc
bella sa nej
jag lyssnade

drömmen sa ska vi ta xtc
jag sa nej
du lyssnade

bella sa stryp mig
jag gjorde inte det
däremot annat

julia sa
ska vi knulla
jag sa jag vet inte

julia sa
ska vi knulla
jag sa ok då

drömmen sa ska vi knulla
jag sa nej

drömmen sa ska vi knulla
jag sa nej
han sa nej
du sa nej

lyssna på
ditt hjärta
vem den än är

längtan är ett hjärta som brister
och gjuter tillbaka det med guld
tills endast guld återstår

stenhjärtan är
de mest sårade

men till och
med mobiler
har tankar

och om du någonsin
på något sätt
har skadat ersatt bytt
de så sviker de dig
när du behöver
de som mest

en dag
i framtiden
när du aldrig
skulle ha


my heart
whimpered no
i didn't listen

you asked tenderly
to heal me from
all pain and agony
my heart said no

you said yippie honeymoon
it lasted half a week
then your heart couldn't
go on beating for me anymore

you said
do you want
to take xtc

bella said no
i listened

you said
do you want
to take xtc

i said no
you listened

you said i want to
i said no

we all
wanted to
but every
one of us

i said i have never been
unfaithful to you bella
you didn't listen

listen to
your heart
whoever whatever
wherever it is

longing is forlornitude
and mending the pieces
of your selves with gold
until only gold remains

stone hearts are
the most broken ones

but even the lithium batteries
in our old phone
cry if you leave them
in the dark too long

so the next time
you're mad
at someone
take your
out on them
not your phone

if the eyes are the window to your soul
then it's jampacked with scars
which take an eternity of
eternities to heal

so listen to your heart
wherever whoever whatever it is

one day it might be too late

everyone laughed at cybergoths before
but what PC losers are running around
horrified with masks these days

six feet under
six feet apart
ring any bells

quit it before you're indonesia
quit it before you're venezuela

your heart says something
but you know
in an instance
if it's right or wrong

your amygdala gives you choices

let your wisdom decide

in the end

it's all that matters

head heart muscle memory

heal all your chakras

or use your hate for something useful

revolutionize your existance

nothing else

work hard

achieve your spiritual goals

appease hecate

in 3 billion years
she'll say thankyou



man vet aldrig
var livet bär
vilket underbar
man så kan träffa
en otrolig själ
kanske inte gör
en till deras träl
utan en
behövas väl
om du klarar
dig själv
ska du va gla
andra föredrar
att va me andra
och va elaka
så stappla ut
från garderoben
ha på dig nåt fint
och se
du kanske får
från någon
som sen
blir mer
en än


jag brukade älska honom (lauryn hill)

jag fick den här på huvudet, när tracey sa "vad är det för liv att leva?". nu har den vart i huvudet i en vecka. jag har kommit på fler rader, men jag är så trött på den nu, så tänkte om jag översätter den kanske den försvinner. men jag använde mest AI, aka google translate, så det var inte mycket inlevelse direkt. jag tänker långsamt, talar långsammare, och skriver ännu mer långsamt. ändå har det blivit en del. jag kalkulerade det, sen 2002, att jag skrivit i 60000 timmar. vet inte om jag räknade rätt. men det är mycket <3 här från konceptalbumet "the miseducation of lauryn hill", släppt 1998, den första skivan jag någonsin köpte, på internet till och med!

nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det

när jag blickar tillbaks
på vad jag har gjort
den sorts liv jag har levt
hur många saker jag ber
om att fadern ska förlåta
en sån sak var med en ung man
han var havet och jag var sanden
han stal mitt hjärta
som en tjuv i natten
dämpade mina sinnen
och grumlade min syn

(och jag brukade älska honom)
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det

jag valde en väg av
passion och smärta
offrade för mycket
och väntade förgäves
gav upp min makt
upphörde att
vara drottning
beroende av kärlek
som en djävuls drog
sliten och förvirrad
bortkastad och missbrukad
nådde vägskälet
vart skulle jag gå
fast och frustrerad
väntade jag
och debatterade
för att något skulle hända
som bara inte var ödesbestämt
tänkte att det jag ville ha
var något jag behövde
när mamma sa nej
borde jag bara ha aktat mig
vilseledd blödde jag
tills giftet var borta
och ur mörkret kom
den ljuva gryningen
(åh den ljuva gryningen)

nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det

far du räddade mig och
visade mig att livet
var mycket mer än att
vara någon dum mans fru
visade mig att kärlek
var respekt och hängivenhet
större än planeter
djupare än haven
min själ var trött
men nu har den återställts
eftersom den delen
av mitt liv är över
jag ser honom ibland
och jag ser honom i ögonen
är en av en man som har
förlorat osagda skatter
men mitt hjärta är guld
jag tog tillbaka min själ
och helt lät
min skapare styra
det liv som var hans
(det liv som var hans
det liv som var hans)
till att börja med

nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det
nu gör jag inte det
jag brukade älska honom
men nu gör jag inte det


MPD i musikvärlden

MPD - multiple personality disorder
det är det nya
i musikens värld är det helt uppochned
först typ på 00-talet
gjorde man 1 låt per dag
sen på 10-talet gjorde man 10 låtar per dag
1 per konto
nu är det också 10000 följare som man styr
har ett helt imperium med "musik" som kanske ingen bryr sig om...
ai music också...
man tränar ett ai att göra musik
sen skriver man bara nåt
och får en låt
sen lär man upp ai:n att tänka själv
och gör musik åt en
trodde will sparks var ett alias till någon kände
verkar ju vara hans stil på musikvideorna

Uppfinn något nytt?


en romantisk snöig dag

vi gick ut från jobbet först
och stod och snicksnackade
utanför dörren
det hade börjat snöa
vad jag inte visste då
var att den ömtåliga tjejen
som jag tagit hand om
när hon trevande började jobba
hade vart med i ett gäng
och också gymnast
med mycket mera...
fantastisk människa
det börjar snöa mer
och hon fryser
men jag skiter i det
för jag vill prata!
och vi skulle åt olika håll
då hejar hon till
en säkerhetsvakt
som börjar gå åt oss
och jag tar henne i handen
och går i motsatt håll
det snöar mer och mer
enorma snöflingor till slut
och vid medborgarplatsen
så kysser jag henne
i det vackra skimret från himlen
jag var några
ifrån hennes mun
men ångrade mig
en vecka senare
på lunchen på jobbet
säger hon att hon börjat
vakna på olika tider
har aldrig gjort det förr
hon var den första enda
som inte tröttnade på mig
när jag inte tog kommandot
år senare
skriver jag en
historia om hennes liv
i colombia
hon berätta den för mig
i etern
älskar hon mig fortfarande?
ser hon mig i andra...
jag förmodar det
jag älskar dig



om man har det lätt
ska man flyga
det är det viktiga

om man har vingar
ska man bära
nån med sig
det är det viktiga

om man har rötter
ska man dela med sig
det är det viktiga

om man tvingar
ska man få tillbaka
det är det viktiga

om man har fötter
ska man dansa
det är det viktiga

om man går till reträtt
ska man skyddas
det är det viktiga

om man skyddas
ska man inte utnyttjas
det är det viktiga

om man är överviktig
kommer man hungra
det är det viktiga

om man är bitter
kommer man en dag dö olycklig
det är det viktiga

om man är viktig
som vi alla är
finns man
det är det viktiga

om man finns
ska man skapa
det är det viktiga

om man förstör
kanske kärleken räddar en
för kärleken är det viktigaste

om man älskar
blir livet mycket lättare
för kärleken är det viktigaste

om man är man
står man upp för andra
det är det viktigaste

om man är kvinna
kan man ta hand om endast en vandrande pinne
det är det viktigaste

om man är barn
ska man leka
det är det viktigaste

om man är någonannanstans
ska man vara där
det är det viktigaste

vi är de vi är
och gör vad vi gör
det är det viktigaste

Recycled Redhead 3.0
Do no harm!
It IS the only thesis
You're not alloved
to forget.

Marita Ohlquist
En text väl värd att begrunda.



favorit i repris, en (1) enda person, alltså inte troll, kommenterade på svenskadikter.com med "fri vers är konsten att byta rad", sen tröttnade han och blev sur när jag inte visste vad jag skulle svara :( hette "sofia sotz" på den tiden


vi tyckte

inte om ord




men ovillkorlig kärlek är den högsta frekvensen
stalkers är dom snällaste människorna

Du verkar inte vara stalker. Kan inte påstå jag begriper mig på det här med att köra med flera konton. Varför gör man så?

Ni är två som gör det rutinmässigt. Du och en annan orolig själ som kallade sig Förnan förr.

Den galne Larz trodde du och jag var samma person.


hågkomst dikt remix

det är bara slutet som är som förut, det var en av mina finaste dikter, sa bella.

du kom till mig som en ängel
men jag var ju en demon då
ulv i fårakläder
men du blev stark
chef över en skivbutik
om vi inte mötts
och det som hände
inte hade hänt
vad hade det
blivit av dig då?
du är inte glad av dig längre
som när vi möttes
med din fina neongröna topp
nu klär du helt i svart
och tar stora beslut
om någons framtid
som jag förstörde din framtid
eller var det bara ditt fel
att du litade på mig
eller var det bara mitt fel
att jag sög ut din godhet
och slängde den i soporna
eller var det vårat fel
att vi trodde att
det skulle hålla
mer än en
one night stand
eller var det något annat
som vi inte kunnat påverka
något i stjärnorna
eller var det bara du
eller var det bara jag
eller var det bara vi
eller var det bara något


högkomst dikt

inte alls som originalet...

what is there
to live for?
i sip some of my
scolding hot coffee

time passes
things happen
peoples happen
together with
and i drink some
of my hot coffee

some arent meant for
eachother, suddenly
things, peoples, times
and i put some milk
in my coffee

i see you coming and
going from a distance
i remember of what
we once were
and i finish
my coffee


karma / taoism

jag håller inte med den
vanliga synen på "karma"
jag har klantat mig många gånger
och det har blivit bra händelser av det
karma betyder just det "händelse"
en sak leder till en annan
men inte på ett logiskt sätt
det är logik i det
men kosmisk logik

som taoismen säger
i det bra finns något dåligt
i det dåliga finns något bra
över tid blir det dåliga bra
och det bra dåligt

så ingenting att oroa sig över
titta inte på tv så mycket
läs inte dagstidningarna så mycket.

jag föredrar att läsa poesi :) <3



signerad på svenska dikter 16 december år 2021 kl 7 på morgonen (we shall not forget)


bella of the light
loves me for who i am

bella of the shadows
tries to make me into
a better human being

bella of the ether
teaches me things
without uttering
a single word


bella of the light
is my best friend

bella of
the shadows
is my everything

bella of the ether
is constantly
by my side


dikt i fragmentarisk hågkomst

leyla var min första riktiga kärlek. men det var hon som var attraherad till mig, jag blev kär i henne långt senare. finns en konstig låt om oss, publicerad efter mitt första självmordsförsök http://y2u.be/ml3PO22jPVg keya - leyla

du distraherar
från det så
kallade livet
och undrar när
vi ska ta klivet
och bli
ett två tre

Själv har jag sällan lagt 'två strån i kors' för att verka vara produktiv. Om och när jag ändå varit det, har det inte ofta känts som något liknande plikt eller ansträngning, man har ju ändå ett val, eller? Som att läsa den här texten. Ingen har mig veterligen vridit om armen om min egen rygg för att som tvinga mig att läsa texten. Det känns som en fullt frivillig gärning att läsa denna text och som möjliigt njuta att det fanns ett 'före' läsandet, ett 'under' läsandet och så förstås allt det där som så möjligt kommer ta sig ut 'efter' läsandet. För så är det ju. Skulle jag ha gått till köket istället för garaget, om jag avstått möjligheten att läsa just den här texten. Få den här så möjligt underbara läsningen? Alls.


hur skulle du definiera en kvinna?

skrivet från min tid på bitchute, mer finns på https://svenskadikter.com/Neoncast vissa är inlästa också med bakgrundsmusik och reverb så det inte blir så tråkigt.

iaf, frågan kom upp under HBTQ skandalerna, vad en kvinna är? så här tänker jag:

How would you define a woman


no, im not, as as mention in the essay, an adherent of misogyni. if you check my diverse poetry, youll find hundreds of poems, describing all womens various positive features, in many many ways. since ive written so much about this topic previously, this might come out as an anti-thesis though. and, really, im born a guy, and i cant see myself from the outside, in the same light. so this might, at first glance, seem overly negative. id recommend you though, to read it, several times - so your emotions settle, and you might see the true form of the matter. the majority might not go farther than defining a woman as a "bitch", sex-object, or even - "fuck"-object, or for that matter, now, as a "birth-person". but, as with everything in life, the genders intrinsic differences go deeper than this. which i try to explore here - if, still, mostly in the form of a negative analyzation.

Selfish, materialistic, shallow

now, you might have noticed these words before, mainly used for rich white men, or just, men across the board. but were living in a matriarchy, an emasculated society, not the other way around.

im not saying these are intrinsically "bad" gender traits either:


quite simple, they need to think of themselves first and foremost - when theyre carrying their baby, but also later, to be able to give birth to several. there is this universal law, which says that for a society to proliferate, or rather, for it to survive more than a couple of generations, the average woman has to give birth to 2-3 babies. as weve seen in the western world, this is far from whats happening. the average is instead 1 single kid. if you know whats going on in places like italy and japan, youll know that the average age is shockingly high. so without these so-called "stupid, evil, perverse, violent" immigrants, countries in the western world, would have disappeared by now, thanks to modernization.


this goes all the way back to us being hunters and gatherers. while men mostly brought furs, bones and meat into the household, women collected smaller objects - like nuts and herbs. i know many men who only have one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes. while for the average woman, this is completely different. men are utilitarian, while women always want that extra plus of everything.


in the bird kingdom, its the males who are supposed to impress on the females. not so here. women do anything to attract a man. when was the last time you heard a guy say: "this women was harassing me by using revealing cleavage / bending over to show even more of her tits / had tight jeans / too much makeup"? just doesnt happen. but, women are just as guilty as men on all areas of the human spectrum. to blame it all on men, that women can do no wrong, that theyre defenceless - isnt "feminism", its just furthering the patriarchal modus operandi.

The gender chromosomes - xx / xy

this would say that women are 200% female, and males are 50%. so the whole world is composed of 125% women.

by logic, this should really mean that its men who think with their both brainhalves, but science say its not so. men use their amygdala, and their proficiences in logical deduction, math and science to know how to act and understand the world. while women instead use their intuition, heart, emotions, memory and imagination.

the problem with instinctually collecting more and more things, thinking of their looks to sick levels, hallucinating that its all about "me, i, and myself" - and thinking with their too passionate and chaotic "heart", relying on bitter memories of the past, or just going by intuition all the time - goes to show how women treat men, or other women, for that matter. instead of visible, active violence - women indulge in passive violence, so called "passive aggressiveness". and when it comes down to it, its your word against hers, and shell always win, as shes practiced her entire life on it.

being materialistic im sure i dont have to explain a lot, its one of the first "no-nos" you learn in life. having laziness as a modus operandi, they easily want men to give them items, gold and slave-labour, with which they can live out their queen-dream of an extravagant lifestyle.

shallowness is strange. thanks to the invention of make-up, liposuction and plastic surgery - you no longer have to put in an effort to look good. you can live an extremely hedonistic lifestyle, and still be able to look like a virgin, teen and pornstar - all your life.

while its "masculine" to basically look and sound ugly - a collection of wrinkles and a dark destroyed voice, from decades of stimulant abuse - are a big plus after all, in a womans little black book.

on the other hand - a lazy, junkfood gobbling woman, thats never exercised a moment in her life, has more shapes than the average female - which is highly appretiated by men.

i mean, think of the same in male form - a geeky fattass who indulges in tasty food above all else - with bitchtits, babyskin and a light voice, thats in his 50s - who could ever want him? the highest suicide-count is for middle-aged men, not young women. but as the patriarchy wants to proliferate that "women are weak", and not wanting to realize their own short-comings, this isnt mentioned.

Menstruation & beyond

hmm, that didnt really turn out how i expected it. so, lets list more negative properties!

when a girl gets into her teens, she starts being ruled by the moon, in 28 day cycles. now, for half of these, in a large portion of her life, she will feel beyond terrible - and menopause isnt to be taken lightly either. first, its PMS, then menstruation as well, both lasting a week each. so, a large portion of her existance is defined by pain.

its mentioned in psychiatry-questioning literature, that a lot of women get the bipolar diagnosis when they start bleeding. though, they might just be hurting more than the average, or are worse at hiding their ill feelings.

now, me, being a guy, i wont hide it - although most of the populace would say the opposite. if anything, when you hear my voice - it might implore you, to make up your mind on the matter. the thing is, i know what this feeling is like. you see, i tried it. to explain, if first adding a warning: i did this experiment - while accidentally, luckely enough, popping blood-thinners. also, if you have been jabbed, or have graphene in you from shedding, this is a real bad idea. youd probably die from a blood-clot, if anything. so, heed my warning, dont try this at home!

anywho, i tied a string round my balls, simple as that. you know those matte rubber strings women use to tie up their hair in a horse-tail? one of those, yep. 2-3 courses around. i managed this a total of 5 hours, then i figured id had enough. before that passed, i managed a massive headache, a nausea which made me both want to vomit constantly, and also to a degree so badly, that i could barely stand on my own two feet. put these together, and i couldnt really focus on anything, neither make any original thought, or think at all, beyond "the pain, the pain!".

now imagine having this for 2 weeks of every month, 24/7, for 3 decades. yeah. not something to be taken lightly. but women barely talk about it, and men are seemingly oblivious to the fact.

just this, could make you bitter for life. but something else to take into consideration, that while men think with their dick, their active sexuality - women think with their uterus.

while a man will fuck anything that moves, any time, any place, around the clock - the womans internal clock is different. she wants a provider and a care-taker - so its usually the guy with the most muscle-mass and the biggest economic leverage - who catches her interest, in the long run.

this doesnt work so well a lot of times. before a woman reaches emotional maturity, maybe in her 30s, or even later, she will - also, just like guys, be governed by her hormones. and might only go by looks alone, and ignore every other warning sign. being more emphatic than angry at her choice, even if and when the man gets abusive - from her own psychological faults, she will stay with him. and even if the relationship ends, she might still pick the same type of guy again.

then also goes to the fact, that men have emotions who arent really deemed "emotions", they are of the "hard" type - while women have the "soft" ones. like the aformentioned empathy, the ability to let out her feelings, both in verbiage, facial expression, and through the greatest release of all - the ability to shed tears.

strangely enough, women turn to acting weak. i mean, they ARE weak, a major portion of their life. they dont have the same proficiency in sports, and thus, not in normal life as well. while women have an easier time building fat, thus distributed on select portions of her body, men have an easier time building muscles.

while a woman might freak out in a difficult situation, a man will keep his shit together. thats one of the main problems with males. if we could cry easily, and it was socially accepted to do so, we would be more human, more in touch with our emotions, and thus, more feminine as well. neither society as whole, nor women, want this though.

being unable to write down or express his emotions in other ways, the man turns to just collecting more and more of them. id favour the philosophy, that the majority of men rather implode than explode, when their mood is terrible enough. and even if they feel like complete shit, they still get the work done.

take war veterans for example. do you think they go crying to their boss, sobbingly expressing "i killed 10 people today, in cold blood"? no. and especially, when they come home from fighting in a war, they get what is cutely called "anxiety", but the real word - is despair. taste it, doesnt sound like fun, huh? on the one hand, while horror is a passing emotion, despair is near-permanent.

i know a lot about this. though i was deemed unfit, psychologically, to train in the military. but i have talked with a couple of vets, who all say the same, after my reflections: "i know man, i know". basically, the despair i was to get later in life, mostly caused by faulty neuroleptic treatment, made me get war veteran pain. or as ive deemed it by now: catatonic epileptic despair with aggressive and suicidal tendencies - in marathon lenghts of 8 hours, once a week, for over a decade. so, women, would you prefer being "weak" and crying for a minute, or trade it for turning into a human black hole? i know what youd answer.

another part is, again, about active male violence, compared to passive female violence. a woman can nag, over and over, it can be about anything, everything, a lot of things. they do this constantly, several times, for several hours in total, per day. the guy though, does his best to please her, to provide for her, to entertain her, to care for her - and the family, the house, the car, you name it. but in the end, this can end very badly - when all those feelings shes forced down his throat, gets to the surface.

for me, personally, when i got into a long-term relationship - she did give me despair. but sometimes, i lost it. no, i didnt hit her - but just like she had yelled me out when she felt "weak" - basically, her whole pregnancy - she, eventually, got just as much flak. and quite frankly, i cant stand her anymore. as a guy, i build up energy, and when it reaches a certain point, my personality permanently changes, and it doesnt seem like it ever fades.

i could, for example, yell out in anger, or any other possible negative emotion for that matter, on a mountain top, and i dont think i would ever stop. so, either she pisses me off - anything can force me to that stage nowadays, with her around. or with her ingenious passive aggressiveness, she makes me suicidal. so it just doesnt work. and i dont think im the only one.

the final note should be, before delving into the wrap-up - that i met a woman, who happened to be a pure-blood feminist. she did love the creative part of my personality. the problem was that - she, being a heavy alcoholic, that when it came to my intellectual desires - it wasnt her strong side - and basically, she would have nothing of it. so we got into a similar discussion, to what ive written here. eventually, she just fell apart, and i didnt see her for weeks. seemingly, her self denial - most surely helped by plenty of beers, had erased any reflection on my thought-pattern when i met her again. but i started the topic again, eventually - pushing her into a raging fury, and she ended our last conversation with "you just dont understand, and will never understand - if anything, first and foremost, because youre a guy".


so, with that being said - id implore all of you - both men, women, queer - whatever. to explore, in thought, and preferably, with written down words - what it is to be a man, what it is to be a woman, and what its like to be in-between. without it, using only pure ignorance, unexplainable instinct, and invisible passive-aggressive clues to everyone else - we can only continue making mistakes, some of which are fatal, and even life-changing.

if you get into terrible relationships constantly, the problem isnt your temporary spouse - there are plenty of fish in the sea - it relies solely on yourself. and if you happen to hate men, women or queers - no matter your gender - take a good, hard look - in the mirror. the answer to your pent up emotions might be easier than you think. if you ever manage to try to understand, deeply, what its about, a lot of negativity over your life, and its meaning - will disappear, and youll notice peoples percieved ill-intent towards you, will fade as well. and one beautiful day, some time in the near future - you might realize, where you are now, how you got here, where youll be when you get old, and the reason why you cant stand - or are constantly attracted to, even subconciously - so called assholes, bitches, or faggots.

alltid trott det var från romarriket...

"Live long and prosper," was a Vulcan blessing, typically used when characters greet or depart. First used in the Star Trek episode "Amok Time" in 1967, it has been liberally used throughout the franchise ever since.

It is typically accompanied by the Vulcan Salute and returned with the blessing, "Peace and long life."

In the Vulcan language, "Live long and prosper," was pronounced "Dif tor heh smusma" (Star Trek: The Motion Picture).

Outside of the Star Trek universe, the phrase and Salute are often used among fans.

- Frakipedia



my life has been pathetic
i know of some who get full
concious awareness when theyre 2-5 years old
not me
it was until the 20s
almost 30s
then i was bullied 8 years
so not much to look forward to
then i wrote for 4 whole years
more and more crazy
then i had 40 notepad windows open
then i had anxiety for 8 hours
often that im so tired of talking about
eventhough i dont know if theres
a single poem about the phenomenon
then the patheticness continued
then 3 years, between 2013 and 2015
i was alive
worked 4 part time jobs
then i jumped
spent half a year in the hospital
not doing much more than listening to
classical music since it was
the only channel with unique songlist
now i jumped yet again
and lying in bed you cant do a lot
now im praying and looking at the sky
and got inspired to write this <3 :)


tsofmia neptlith

i prayed until my hands shattered
i worked until my knees were no more
i looked for insight until i turned blind
i loved until i couldnt
remember all my grandchildren
i drank until my stomache were no more
i ate until i vomited up all my fears
i feared until i became the darkness
i was dark until i exhibited light
i was light until i flew
i flew until i reached beyond the sun
i was a son until i met bella
when i met bella all my dreams
i didnt know of became true
i became true until i couldnt lie no more
i lied no more and i lived
in light in andromeda
i told my mom to never visit me again
and i wrote no poems
i wrote this poem because
i let mom unto my life again
i live again and i die again
i am no more normal
i am a freak
and i like it that way
i like it that way because
i am a poet not a human
i do not believe in wellness
but i believe in wicca islam
hinduism shintoism and taoism
i know that is too hard to understand
for feeble minds
but i am not one
even if i suffer oh i suffer
i tried my second suicide attempt
and am almost paralyzed everywhere
but i am cyberpunk now nothing else
i write to live i wrote when i die
i write and write and write
until there is only the word
and it shall not pass unforgotten
the clock says ive written for 5 minutes
i used to write for 5 hours
but that times is passed
i dont know much what
my reason for living is
if it is not writing
and my mom inspires
me with her presence
so i guess i love her the most
thats how its always been
and always will be
bella is #2 and tessan is #3
and rhiannon and
kirin is their ½'s
if i dont write i dont know what to do
that, and coffee, real strong
so it tastes like petrol
maybe i should change my addiction
as bella once said
no, but i made myself
a great ole tatu yet again
thanks for reading
if you cared
and said none
like'd none
still liked
in the ether
and beyond pluto and lilith
tsofmia neptlith
tomas sofia
i go by
bye bye



all is forgiven
all is forgotten
its night time
its ok
its cool
its twinkling
in the stars
shining on
all of us
to make
our dreams
come true
sweet and bright
select a favorite
and pray to it
i know i do
how idas and mine
3rd baby was born
soon is a new day
full of promises
dont forget
to wish upon
a shooting star
and awake after dawn
with new hopes
of a better


3 senaste aforismerna

mer finns på https://svenskadikter.com/Yours_truly_tillägnad

nedgången (SRV)

2023-10-26 13:00
jag tror på 80/10/10
det är inte som det är på tv
80% i världen är goda människor
som bara vill jobba
och ta hand om sin familj
och inte gör någon förnär
10% är eldsjälar
sista 10% är onda
så då skulle jag säga att
världen består av
90% goda människor

2023-10-25 15:00
själen och egot är samma sak
det enda som överlever
döden är intellektet
känslor hör till kroppen

2023-08 23:24
no ez
every day is
a struggle
for everyone
no matter
who you


vad sa
om honungen?
"den hade en
konstig bismak"

we must
lose our fear
of not doing

är den främsta

förlåt betyder

du är alltid motsatsen
till vad du säger att du är
och du är alltid precis
vad du säger att andra är

you are always the opposite
of what you say you are
and you are always what
you say that others are


de fixar det

ja, kanske la upp den förut. provade nikotinplåster, trodde de inte skulle ha nån stor effekt, pyttsan, fick massa bieffekter dock. har inte skrivit mycket. den här tog en hel vecka. skriven i ångest. kom ihåg den sen. en dikt som jag alltid kan återberät


morsan fixar det


farsan fixar det


syrran fixar det


brorsan fixar det

Fri vers av Tomas Sofia Johansson-Jonsson VIP
Läst 84 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-10-20 13:17

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Tomas Sofia Johansson-Jonsson
Tomas Sofia Johansson-Jonsson VIP