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Some things are not kosher at all...

If you told me you were sorry I would tell you to fuck me

my soul
my life

Theres only anger inside
filling up my lungs till they break with an oily black hate
as you took my love and stripped me naked
in the light of my stupidity

You left me to die in my wish to dream
to scream to cry YOU\'RE SO FUCKING WEAK

and you never told me it was over
left no word on my doorstep
just a \"love you\" and \"I miss you\"
to really fucked me over

But in my heart I have killed you
As I saw through you YOU FAKE
And what hurts me is the pain
of all the words that I gave you
that you never deserved

And our puzzle that you broke for
no reason but to choke hold
me for fun, or of fear, I really dont care
but if I see you again
I\'ll tell you,
that\'s all you\'ll ever be

so love me
stabb me

my soul
my life
my heart

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Läst 281 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-04 01:56

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