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ohh... yes this is just a story about little me :)


who is that guy?
that one who was born in trelleborg
1990 - 26 of september
who is he?

who is that guy?
that boy who grow up, and played
with powder and fuse instead of
fotballs and something like that
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who begin
the first grade and instead of
playing fotball with te other
sit on his as and draw boats
and sea pictures because
he loves the sea
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who starts to get bully
because he not was as the other guys
in the class
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who hates the gymnastic lessons
more than all the others and
cried so much that
his mother called him homesick
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who get fooled
by one of his best friends in second class
on the first of april
that if you set a onion
on fire the smoke will
turn green.
who is he?

who is that guy ?
that one who cried the day
when he ends the 6 grade
when all the other screamed of happyness
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who starts on a new shool
with his dad as janitor there and get
his diagnose dyslexi
and the only one who succeed to
change locker over 3 times
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who crashed his moped
5 minutes after his friend 15 years birthday
and got injurys for the rest of his life by that
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who made a bomb by a
cocacola can and a deciliter of pure powder
and light it and try to throw it away
and it explode near by the ear and
cause Tinitus for rest of his life
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who falled in love with
a fucking whore from värmland
who just abused him and then broked
his heart totaly
who is he?

who is that guy?
that one who hated him self
because his so fucking ugly and
all that the whore had fooled him into
who is he?

who is that guy ?
that one who finaly felt
inlove with a girl from his hometown
who makes him feel loved and sexy
and who he love more than every thing else
who is he?

who is that guy?....
that one who writes this right now?
who is that guy?
huh? who is he?
let me think!....
ohh!.. I got it!!!

yeah I do!!

It\'s just simply ME!....

me....me....me..mememe... *Smile*

Övriga genrer av Kill-something
Läst 267 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-26 23:23

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Säger bara...Älska dig själv, det är den enda människa du ska stå ut med resten av ditt liv...Hihihi...Jag vet, lättare sagt än gjort...men det går! ;)
Snygg poesi iallafall!!

    Karl Poe
You? Really...? I thought it was me...

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