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Hon som sitter själv, fast ingen ser hennes ensamhet..

A girl

She is sitting all alone,
starring at nothing.
Her eyes are looking
somewhere far away,
and her thoughts are
twisting and bending
inside her head.
Somebody asks what she\'s thinking about,
she opens her mouth but can\'t get any words out.
She doesn\'t really know, herself.
She doesn\'t know,
she just can\'t put the thoughts into words,
and make the words come out.
All she wanted was a hug,
and somebody who could listen
to the silence as well as the words.
Now it\'s too late,
and silence is all that\'s left.

Fri vers av VampyrÄngel
Läst 510 gånger
Publicerad 2008-05-18 19:42

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