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title has nothing to do with a fairly good B-movie Mr Goldie Hawn did 1997 (Kurt Russell) where everything that could go wrong in the desert...did...at least we have water and vitamins ;) Bilden: Mary-Kate Olsen, the little twingirl once in Full House<

Breakdown (Calin)


on a Sunday
yeah I know it's Sunday because I got my Sundaystockings on,
you know the ones children use, with the days of the week in print

but I'm a rebel
and do as I say
I take one Tuesdaystocking on and one from Friday
you gotta have some fucking order in this place

and I paint a picture of you in my mind's eye's
memory, a picture
that speaks louder than a thousand words they say
but I know better
with my one thousand words I would conquer you easily
if I could find 'em

The juice packet tells me that
it's durability's a couple of days longer if it's contained unopened.
Bullshit I whisper to myself.
Why should I let it stay unopened a couple of days extra to make it last longer?
I want it now.. thus unnecessary information.

And Sam came for a visit.
Yeah you know by now, that male doctor I been telling you about.
And I am a good girl
and I do as I am told.
At least for a while, but quit smoking I won't

I got a little rebel in me after all

Transformed into a deworming maggot and have no respect for
We hug all the time.
In my dreams it always wins
in reality it's a war in full scale.

And everything's so obvious
when you're blind
the rainbow has as many colours as you want it to have.
I can teach you how to count
with letters
or how to spell in numbers

and the greek tragedies I threw myself into
learned the wisdom therein

they all burned damned good in the backlight.

Not one sensible cursed word today again
will have to turn the tombola
play the wheel of fortune
or yank the rope of a winner everytime when the brains made up it's mind to play pinball til tilt
or Sonic, the damned blue squirrel.

and I cherish the memory
of an existence
where I'm allowed to strech out
and touch the bare skin
of a human wall of muscles

until then I wrap myself in blankets of goldenyellow saffron
and play hide and seek with death.

(Calin 24/05/09)

L Patrik WJ english version 24/05/09
(one hour after)

Calin: Haveri http://www.poeter.se/viewText.php?textId=912709

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 733 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-24 08:24

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  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Du skulle vara en hit inom amerikanska sites med eller utan mig, men nu är det ju med ;)

Be well,

Hädan efter skickar jag alla texter till dig för översättning jävlar så snyggt det blev.. jag är en rockbitch(nananananana)*nynnar*Tack lord..;)
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP