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Efter ett inslag på CNN om att monarkierna mår bäst i världen: Luxemburg, Danmark, Norge etc (upp till 25%) kom idén till denna text; något jag f ö tänkt på länge, tillika om Frankrike.

The Future King of the United States [rhyme]


It was a long time ago
that the Republic idea took place
Now the only thing that is missing
is a King of the United States

The sitting Presidents
always wanna take that place
But you would have to be very careful
for the future's sake of the United States

Now Harry has married his Meghan
although UK can be a wonderful place
It's not as great and wide as America
and she is born in the United States

Hail the newest King on Earth
Go take your Throne in Trump's place
Harry! Meghan! chant the crowds
Hail the new King and Queen of the United States


21 May 2018

L Patrik W Johansson


swedish version:



Bunden vers (Rim) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 745 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2018-05-21 12:04

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Man får önska dem lycka till...det är inte alltid så lätt att vara en officiell person...fint skrivet...
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP