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I'm staying away from the knife, oh yes I try.
But what should I do when I'm not allowed to cry?
I promise that I won't lie.
But my biggest wish is to die.
My heart and my mind are so dark.
It's like to walk around in a filthy park.
With bad thoughts and bad memories everywhere.
If I was you, I wouldn't go there.
What if I already tried twice and this is my third?
One more step and I'm free as a bird.
But you would stop me, wouldn't you?
I don't think people likes me, some hates me too.
What would you say if I disappeared?
I don't think you would notice something weird.
No, nobody would see that I'm gone.
Nobody notice that I'm all alone.
Thanks for all suffer and pain.
I will not be the same person again.
I don't know what you expect.
I'm not just a bloody subject.
I'm not like my cousin or like you.
C'mon, what do you want me to do?
Do you want me to sell shoes, become a nerd?
That song I've never heard.
I'm not like you guys.
Everytime I come, the sun disappears from the skies.
I'm standing on a mountain, hear you shout.
Goodbye it's over and out.

Fri vers av Cotume
Läst 159 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-19 21:54

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