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Human in my heart

Human in my mind, child in my soul
Come alive and finish my goal
Move in to my heart and make my eyes
Cut through the lies like a knife

Human in my soul and child in my mind
Show the world that I could be kind
Melt the ice that have concurred my heart
Give me a chance to a new start

Child in my laugh and human in my dream
Give me the power to walk with the stream
Trust in me, myself, please believe in me
I’m the only one that I’ll ever be

I’ll pray to him every night
Promise not to start another fight
I’ll pick myself together now
If someone could tell me how

I’ll be good I swear
I keep my word, if I dare
A change cant happened over a day
But if anyone asks, that’s what I’ll say

Fri vers av Sikska
Läst 284 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-10-09 14:18

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