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Ride out my true love

The beach holds the sand of the future, that he had always been told. Now he rode beside it along with his true love, she of the long brown hair, now setup on a bun to make rideing easier, and thoose fantastic green eyes that told of emerald skies.

They rode now, they should speed up. Soon they would be hunted. Her family would come after them soon. That he of the family on the north side of the island and that she, Johanna of the south side of the island had become lovers what not a good thing.

The familys hatred for each other was so old, as long as they lived on the island it had been first open war and then diplomatic war.

Now they know that they could not live without each other, but as they looked back they now they could not outflee the hunt. The only option was death, so they rode out in the ocean side by side. To the death of the longing Ocean that always preys on thoose that lives on the beach.

Prosa av virre
Läst 394 gånger
Publicerad 2010-08-18 10:07

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