This is it, this is me
They say I get everything handed to me on a silver platter
Perhaps they’re right
Perhaps I’m just not grateful enough
Perhaps there is something wrong with me
My hair is now starting to grow back out again
I got so tiered of complaining about it so I just shaved it all of in early June
It was probably the best thing I did all summer
But summer is almost gone now
School has already begun
And everything is going back to normal
I never liked "normal"
It was always so wasted on me
The say life is like an amusement park
Yeah? Well, I for one was never 'amused'
I’m not that kind of girl who likes getting thrown around up in the air by a giant machine
It has just never been my cup of tea
I like to eat candy and hotdogs
drink way to much coke and get all giggly by the bubbles
But then I want to go home
light up a couple of candles and go to bed with a good book or a movie
When I do something I mostly go too far
I like the extreme (as long as I’m still standing steady on the ground)
I like to provoke
I like to have an opinion and to stir things up
The only problem is, sometimes I stir it up just a little too much
I don’t know exactly how many bridges I’ve already burned
Or how many people I’ve already lost due to this big mouth and strong mind of mine
I don’t know
and mostly I don’t even care
So yeah, maybe there really is something wrong with me
Maybe I am all screwed up
Maybe I need help
Or maybe
they just don’t get me
They say I get everything handed to me on a silver platter
Perhaps they’re right
Perhaps I’m just not grateful enough
Perhaps there is something wrong with me
Or perhaps they are just blinded by all that 'normalness' in there own lives
And perhaps it is them and not me
who needs help
Perhaps they are the "wrong" ones
and not me