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Everyone Forgets part I

Even though you made promises of
unimportant things like
forever or tomorrow
A future based on a past we never got to have

Even though you never really saw that the people around you were all wearing masks
that there were so many things they all
never dared to tell you
And though you promised you would never dissolve
from what we used to be
...there's not much I wanna say

Maybe there's alot of things you can't remember
And I may not love you anymore
but I still lie awake at night to think of you
like I always did
You knew that, of course
but it didn't stop you from repressing

And though you lifted me up to shoot me down
used your knife to pick me off the ground
Tonight of all nights was made to remember
the time when tomorrow was all we'd live for

I have nothing to say
(out loud)
How can I blame you?
Cause everything goes away
And everyone forgets

But I never will

Fri vers av Trickster
Läst 167 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-12 22:57

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