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Drown in darkness

The darkness thickens
Clings to me
Overwhelms me
My breath is caught in my throat

Every time I get a new slap I sink deeper
Every time it takes a while for me to notice
A while to wake up
When I wake up I panic

I don't want to drown
Want to reach the air again
But I can only find temporary ways to get up
Temporary ways to be able to breathe
I'll do anything for that air
But it's never something eternal
When the next slap comes
I sink again
The darkness drags me down again
Drag me
With big strong hands

And who knows
Once the slap might be to much
Then no one would be able to save me
Then I won't be able to float
Then I will drown

Fri vers av MayFlower
Läst 136 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-04 14:37

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