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Captivated by a voice
so sweet and smooth
Driven by the drums
that challenge your heartbeat
to move even faster

Your body starts to sway
as it's listening to the melody
played by a guitars characteristic sound
And you raise the volume
letting the base echo inside your body

It gets louder and louder in your head
and your feet can barely stand still
You are trapped in the music
noway to get out, no will to get out
the lyrics floats through your mind

It makes you recall lost memories,
make recall feelings you thought where lost
You are free in the music to be whoever you want
get lost in the notes and chords
and embrace the wonders of sound

Fri vers av Sikska
Läst 146 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-30 22:32

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