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Detta är vår overkliga verklighet.. (tyvärr saknas originalkursiveringenmen hoppas texten läses ändå)

The antonyms of reality and everything else

Angels, We lived a fucked up life
it really was everything but reality
- but all that I had known, caffeine and school exams
was far away and we were left
walking around, strangers to our selves

Lovely nights, they all turned into weeks and months
We just knew it couldn\'t go on forever

So it was, baby
So it was

cappuchino afternoons
redwinedrinking, lovemaking nights

Delayed trains and late night calls,
We lived a fucked up life, my Angels
Lovely but so very unreal
Champange breakfast and small talk all night
Everything was beautiful then

I flew right into the sky to another kind
of unreality
Ciao Angels
Bye bye Baby
the only truth is that I will be back

Because everything has
its own place in history
Reality patronizing all of us
So it is
- we\'ll start it all over again

maybe redwine afternoons
and cappuchino midnight dates

We\'ll rock the town, angels
its not as it used to be
but I guess its the way
it really should be
Lets fuck it up
\'Cos we really do it so very well

So it was
So it is
Unreality, baby, unreality

Fri vers av Queen_of_Rain
Läst 476 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-19 10:08

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Tänkte bara, att det är lite lustigt med änglar..man tror ju att dom sjunger och sfärer..men dom kan va lite sådär avmätta..
Ser ett ansiktes vaga kontur där ett stilla regn bildar plötsliga mjuka streck över fönstret En av de sista sommardagarna, eller början på hösten
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