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the end?

Shall we stop now?

yes let's stop


the world


you know what?

we can't


we are nothing anymore

just empty shells


stop worrying

your sorry ass


we are lonely

but not alone

on the road

to downfall


we see others

just like us

but nothing

like us



the ghosts

of an world

that no longer



we are tired

oh so tired


where's the end

of all this misery


a burden of the past


where's the end

what is the end


let's begin from the start

from the bottom of the hearts

let it all out

let it all shine


there was a time

before all...

before all the darkness

took over our souls

there was brightness

there was life


there were cities

there were pies

there were children playing

in the parks in summer in the afternoons

there were people smiling

there was love

there was brighness


before all went bad

and darkness clouded every little soul


we wander on this road

with no end in sight

we open our hearts

we open our minds

to remember


there's nothing

there's everyting

there's all that's in-between


I tell you

a big nothingness

of everything

that ever was

that ever will be


the truth is

we become

our own


of the circle

of time

of life itself


a curse to keep on walking

on a road of nothingness

to the end of everything



© 2013 Celticgirl


Fri vers (Fri form) av Celticgirl VIP
Läst 390 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-17 22:28

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