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En text från förra seklet. Skrevs efter att jag testade två skumma ackord jag hittat.


Along the undertow highway – we fly.
Coral reefs and darkblue deeps – we pass by.

The ocean roar is far up above,
the highway lights has a warm
yellow sight.

While we follow along on this journey,
we're singin' a song that is burnin'
inside our hearts.

Along the undertow highway – we flout soothly.
Dream landscapes with anguine green dissolves while
- we sail smoothly.

We need to strive forward,
the enemies might come.
Our goal is a timeless lagoon somewhere,
it's a far distance, and the way is long.
But we'll reach it – soon.

Soon, the oysters are set free,
and the shell is removed.
The pearl glistens towards thee.

But we sail on...

Fri vers av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 269 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-06-19 22:50

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar