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Sleep, less.

Maybe when all the friends are sober and the fridge runs on eco-friendly liquid and turkey admits to it's genocide and the drones says "wait a minute" then rapidly turns on its own master,
and when the bottom of a cinema theathre seat doesnt have gum under it or i'm to proud to admit we've failed ourselves.
Even when cats arent being smug anymore or casinos actually runs on good/bad luck, i turn red when the summer hits and blue when winter falls, you know?
Even when i know all languages in the world but cant be honest about rehab or change or evolution or stop just being a number on a board, slave to thirst , to lack of sleep, to borderline insanity, to repetitive and long conversations about equal rights and oppossing mystery forces ; even then i'd like to see myself as a positive person with good intentions.
I change socks like i change change.
I choose comfort in spite of decades fighting against I-T.
What i lack in motivation i regain in laughs and shoulder rubbing.
Wait a minute.
Nicotine is a bitch but I'm its bitch.
Alcohol is a culture addiction.

Fri vers av Francisco Javier
Läst 167 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2020-02-16 20:24

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    ivona VIP
så bra bra bra. jag har läst många moderna poesiböcker på engelska, men dom kommer då fan inte ens i närheten av det du skriver. du är intressant. du skriver helt rätt, helt perfekt. jag hoppas VERKLIGEN du fortsätter dela med dig.
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Francisco Javier