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Matvarupriserna ökar till följd av de rikas girighet. Många miljoner människor kommer att dö en grym död.


\"The world food crisis is skyrocketing – steadily rising prices
are squeezing billions and triggering food riots
from Bangladesh to South Africa.

Aid agencies say 100 million people are facing starvation.

In response, the United Nations is convening an
emergency summit of world leaders in Rome this week.

There is a real danger that rich country leaders
will push half measures and band-aid solutions
– we need a huge global outcry to demand
rapid, massive, coordinated action.\"

Gå in och bidra på www.avaaz.org/en/world_food_crisis/

Fri vers av boen
Läst 289 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-06-02 20:35

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