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Who would ever fuck a fish?!

I lost you the hard way
and they say, like this:

”You see
there's always more fish in the sea”
There's always more fish in the sea?

Well, acctually,
no, I don't see what's so great about fish..

All _I_ want
is You..!

I lost you forever
and they say, day after day
Like this

”There will always be
more fish in the sea”
There will always be
more fish in the sea!

I thougt you knew me!
I'm a vegetarian so let me be!

All _I_ want
is He!

You're gone and they say
Like this

”You see, sweetie
There's plenty more fish in the sea”

But obviosely
I seem to be
The only one who doesn't see
Why I would settle with a fish!

When all I ever wanted
is You!

I really don't get it!
Who would ever fuck a fish?!

Fri vers av the-Essence-of-Me
Läst 514 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-25 19:48

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yay! love it love it

  Carl Thomas
Sjukt bra!! FAstnade för titeln direkt och du gav en förklaring varför! Kände humorn flöda, lite som Kurt Cobain. Mycket bra!!!
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