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Inte samma text som Piska...utan en helt egen engelsk version med amerikanskt innehåll, därav stavningen

I Wanna be Whipped with Licorice!

Censor all bad language on TV while someones relative is lying
bleeding LIVE on the news right after,
censor all guns in the rapvideos so your children will grow up
not knowing what they got shot with!
I wanna be whipped with licorice!!

Bush Masterplan's to put the lands earlier first lady against a
black man so his guy wins and their war can go on forever!
I wanna be whipped with licorice!!

Censor all shirts on TV so noone else but the big industries will get
any money so they can get more to sponsor the same TV-channel!
I wanna be whipped with licorice!!

For years now after the fake election One and Two, americans have said
they didn't vote for Bush and that he won buying himself into the
Oval Office, so if the majority of the american people surely didn't
vote for him, Who Did!
I wanna be whipped with licorice!!
...just slap me in the face with your strawberry flavored red stuff
...to wake me up!

LPWJ 25/04/08

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 721 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-09 23:00

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  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
St.Rémy Napoleon VSOP
bra mycket bättre och elegantare än grönstedts men inget fel i deras VSOP heller...
jag vet faktiskt inte varför men jag älskar att det blev lite annorlunda kommentarer.
Och jag förstår vart dina kommentarer syftar...den ena skulle vart på PMML texten, right?


Be well,

Pulled the wrong thread....Aware of my bilingual mistake I regret the sudden reaction....
However....Unfamiliar to this I would actually keep the american version in mind....
Since a part of my cosmopolitan heart for ever is left "over there"...

What happened...all of a sudden....in a microsecond language turned to language of another kind....
Prepared...gently and with certain elegance was my speach to this and then....surprise...plain and unexpected surprise is the reality....
Or is it the late evening Napoleon that shakes me and plays me a joke ?????

I´ll be back....Be sure my Lord....

  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
...I can feel a poem coming...

I prefer strawberry licorice
to dumbass Oil Billionaire Texas
Hillbilly hicks

censor the whole of the United States
until BLACK Barack Obama enters the
the relatives of the old slave industry



Be well,
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP